Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Parking meters hiked and BDB is fine with it

From CBS 2:

Mayor Bill de Blasio is looking to raise parking meter rates — a move that could burden outer borough businesses and working people.

His plan includes raising the rates at the nearly 70 percent of the spots in the outer boroughs that now charge $1 an hour.

CBS2’s Political Reporter Marcia Kramer asked the mayor on Friday whether he feels “that working people who may use those spots… could be unfairly disadvantaged and it could be a regressive tax?”

“You know I care a lot about making sure there’s fairness for working people,” he replied.

De Blasio said that while he cares about the working man, he’s more concerned about congestion. To ease congestion, he wants to see more turnover of parking spots in outer borough business districts, like Astoria, Queens.

Does this make any sense whatsoever?


Dan Barton said...

It sounds like it's actually designed so the City can hand out more expired meter parking tickets and make a bundle off the businesses, who will pay in sales. Another reason to change Mayors, New York. Feed the Kitty!

Anonymous said...

More turnover, that's the bullshit excuse they all use for reaching into our pockets and stealing our money...

Anonymous said...

It's not a pretty truth....
BUT....NYC will soon become only the home with a median income family earning a quarter of a million dollars per annum. That is....if you wish to live like a human being.
BDB has drawn his line in the sand:
He is merely echoing his REBNY backers.

Anonymous said...

all the small store owners take up the spots and park over the time limit daily and then complain how it's going to lead to a loss of customers. It won't because there is no where to park because they took all the spots.

Anonymous said...

Simply put, the boy mayor and his buddies want to ban cars from the city or make it so expensive that only his campaign donors can afford them.

Ned said...

"Does this make any sense whatsoever"

Yes it does, deBlasio doing what they did in Amsterdam.
The problem is most New Yorkers never been to that liberal shit hole (Amsterdam) nor give a shit about it so they are not capable of making the connection.
The mayor wants to make car owners so miserable they give up owning them, many car owners commuting are also the very same group private home & garage owners he wants eradicated. The mayor know most people will move before giving up cars and opting for bicycles & overcrowded MTA filth.
Take a ride in the 7 Train, its shocking you think your in Beirut city, people wearing masks, slurping noodles, jam packed all stink of underarm & BO so bad you have to get off into the outside air before up pass out or vomit on somebody. Then end up being stabbed for doing so.
The New York mayor is running a Scandinavian Socialism scheme, the war on small private, business, homes & automobiles is part of it.

When will New Yorkers get this through their thick heads and stop rewarding these Useless suits, Marxists and socialists with re-election.



Anonymous said...

The ONLY thing DeScummio is interested in is lining his own greedy pockets. He also wants to eliminate any consequences for bad actions for ghetto thugs and illegals AND finally, pay back the real estate campaign donors who hold his leash. Anyone who believes that he has a single thought about what is actually good for NYC and its legitimate taxpaying residents probably just walked out of one of his "safe drug injection" sites opened with OUR money.

Anonymous said...

Of course mayor dumbdumb is fine with it. He hates the working class people.

Anonymous said...

>De Blasio said that while he cares about the working man, he’s more concerned about congestion.

The working class! DeBlasio's job #1000000000.

Anonymous said...

❝No man will ever be free until the last king (of Albany, namely 'Mafia-thug-gargoyle,' Andy Cuomo) is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.❞ ——Denis Diderot, French philosopher

Besides being hyper-corrupt, entrenched and establishment-rigged by the DemonRat, sewer rat scourges of whom he so completely defines and personifies, Bill de BLASS-hole is wrong again (and STILL)!

Hiking meters that are already obscenely fixed to punish, will not change the traffic flow whatsoever, from people who urgently need to do business in certain areas that require private cars and transportation. It will only lead to more graft and corruption for the 'squeezed-in-the-middle class,' as a 'Cause & Effect' that will surely manifest itself over some other area that can be easily manipulated and exploited——exactly (and ironically) how City Hall and Albany have been duping, bilkling, scamming and damning We, the People, with impunity for decades——the only difference in evidence being that all politically worthless fungi are protected by the 'Deep Police State, versus everyone else who is exploited, harassed and bullied into submission by way of the FOISTED scare tactics of chronic 'fear and paralysis' that is employed with a vengeance by these government obedient henchmen, which only breeds more lawlessness, vigilantism, violence, corruption and graft over which the petty thieves are hanged, and the great one's in exalted power are reelected (replete with defined pensions, no less, for whom their controlled felons wind up paying the ultimate, soul-crushing price, ironically without receiving a defined pension system of their own).

It's not so much a case of 'controlled opposition,' as it is an opposition that legitimizes the control. And, the public be damned (again and STILL)!

Anonymous said...

Everyone thought he was going to be the progressive answer to many of the city's problems but look at how he is making our lives much more expensive. This city is doomed !

Anonymous said...

If he's concerned about congestion he would be working to build new highways and widen the roads, not taking away parking and travel lanes with bicycle lanes.

Anonymous said...

Yes this make sense. There is a finite number of spots. If metered parking is hard to find, the best way to make it available is to raise the price.

Alternatively, we could simply add more metered parking by making free side street spots metered spots.

All of a sudden an extra dollar an hour doesn't sound so bad.

Anonymous said...

Dumblasio is full of shit, for example one of his biggest donors is this piece of shit:

Anonymous said...

When they start raising prices, it won't stop at an extra dollar per hour. Also smart meters will charge more for an hour. 50 cents for 15 mins and $3 per hour.

Anonymous said...

❝No man will ever be free until the last king (of Albany, namely 'Mafia-thug-gargoyle,' Andy Cuomo) is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.❞ ——Denis Diderot, French philosopher

Besides being hyper-corrupt, entrenched and establishment-rigged by the DemonRat, sewer rat scourges of whom he so completely defines and personifies, Bill de BLASS-hole is wrong again (and STILL)!

Hiking meters that are already obscenely fixed to punish, will not change the traffic flow whatsoever, from people who urgently need to do business in certain areas that require private cars and transportation. It will only lead to more graft and corruption for the 'squeezed-in-the-middle class,' as a 'Cause & Effect' that will surely manifest itself over some other area that can be easily manipulated and exploited——exactly (and ironically) how City Hall and Albany have been duping, bilkling, scamming and damning We, the People, with impunity for decades——the only difference in evidence being that all politically worthless fungi are protected by the 'Deep Police State, versus everyone else who is exploited, harassed and bullied into submission by way of the FOISTED scare tactics of chronic 'fear and paralysis' that is employed with a vengeance by these government obedient henchmen, which only breeds more lawlessness, vigilantism, violence, corruption and graft over which the petty thieves are hanged, and the great one's in exalted power are reelected (replete with defined pensions, no less, for whom their controlled felons wind up paying the ultimate, soul-crushing price, ironically without receiving a defined pension system of their own).

It's not so much a case of 'controlled opposition,' as it is an opposition that legitimizes the control. And, the public be damned (again and STILL)!

Rob in Manhattan said...

Anonymous Ned said...
"Take a ride in the 7 Train, its shocking you think your in Beirut city, people wearing masks, slurping noodles, jam packed all stink of underarm & BO so bad you have to get off into the outside air before up pass out or vomit on somebody. Then end up being stabbed for doing so."

Who is this lying jackass.

I've used the 7 and N-Q and R since the early 1990's. I take the 7 two or three times a week. It IS crowded during peak hours. It is NOT smelly or full of people "slurping noodles" you bigoted, scared shithead.

Save this crap for use among your fellow talk radio shut-ins.

Rob in Manhattan

Anonymous said...

Mayor Prozac has to find a way to cover NYC illegal’s freebies & hotels for his welfare-forever constituents.

Joe said...

"I've used the 7 and N-Q and R since the early 1990's"
LOL I used to take the 7 Train since a kid in 1960s, even with the NY World Fair going it was paradise train when compared to today. Spanking new R36WF bluebird cars with big three-piece curved bay windows. You transplants and millennial brainwashed don't know jack shit.
Id say a tossup between Beirut city, Bangladesh or some Chengzhongcun ghetto is about right. --the hot rails from hell line. The only time I use it is to hit Main Street flushing to pickup cheap work Ts, sox and my annual $35 replacement Rolex

Anonymous said...

that's right Rob in Manhattan, because you've never seen it that means it's bigoted. sadly, you are wrong. i have been riding the 7 train out of flushing for the last 25 years and it has slowly become exactly what Ned describes. although he left out the collective toe nail clipping sessions that take place as well.

Rob in Manhattan said...

".... collective toe nail clipping sessions that take place as well."'

You people have really gone off the deep end.

The most outrageous things I've seen on the 7 were guys throwing beer cans out the doors in a station and pissing between cars.

I had gotten on at Main and hordes of trash got on at what was then Shea. I've avoided home game days since...

Rob in Manhattan (Astoria Sunday night)

Rob in Manhattan said...

Anonymous Joe said...
LOL I used to take the 7 Train since a kid in 1960s, even with the NY World Fair going it was paradise train when compared to today. Spanking new R36WF bluebird cars with big three-piece curved bay windows. You transplants and millennial brainwashed don't know jack shit."

"Joe" I was born right here in Manhattan in September 1956." I rode those same two-tone blue WF trains to the fair and remember the Daily News article describing them before they were delivered.

BTW: I thought you bought those fake Rolex's down on Canal....:-)


John Rocker said...

RE: 7 train
Don't forget the spitting and the snot rocket blowing, and that's just the women.

Joe said...

"BTW: I thought you bought those fake Rolex's down on Canal"

She's no longer on Canal, had to much harassment & tickets over stuff on the sidewalk.
Now has a shop in this huge HUGE bargain basement off Main Street.

JQ LLC said...

I'm glad I waited...

Certain folks, arrogant folks like those dweebs at trans/alt and at Gothamist are mocking those who claim that de Faustio has declared war on automobiles and their owners and it is easy and plain to see with this decision that he is.

There are other factors why this double selective taxation is being meted and it's because of the massive tax breaks giving to developers and the more massive tax dollar funding to the hoteliers and the profitable non-profits purportedly caring for the homeless-working families displaced, the destitute, and the recidivist criminals and weak willed junkies.

And there is also no doubt, as those arrogant curs will mock as well, that these raised fares as well as those stupid partitioned bike lanes is an effort to induce the citizenry to abandon their cars and discourage them from buying them. The city would rather have you ride an illegal motorized elecric bike (a motorcycle) or a goddamn skateboard to commute and those fucking things have motors now too. I have seen these dorks, all in their 20's and 30's and even 40's zipping around in the middle of the street going 25 mph. I seen an asshole swerve around a vehicle turning right and had to stop short and almost cause an accident when the car behind it nearly rearended it.

Sorry to digress, but this is happening all the time now. What I find hilarious and ironic is that there is nowhere even to park your personal bike also, for all the racks are hogged by app delivery jerks who also store wheels and loose frames on them.

And most ironic of all is the goddamn corrupt mayor instituting this hike, who is still doing his polluting police escort to his fucking gym everyday pretending to do his daily workout and then to city hall at 12 p.m. With not a damn worry or concern for his constituents at all.

Of all the lousy mayors I have witnessed in my adult years, from the last years of Koch selling the city, 4 years of Dinkins bland and hapless governing (although he doesn't get credit for the start of the crime drop in the early 90's with Ray Kelly), the triumphant then self-aggrandizing self-destructive path of Giuliani (yeah 9/11, but a mayor's suppose to lead like that), even 12 goddamn years of Bloomberg's disruption and destruction of the city and it's inhabitants and it's exorcism of it's soul and culture, none is worse than the teflon dope from park slope Big Slow de Faustio.

Anonymous said...

Rob stop lying the 7 train is disgusting. You must be so used to filth at home you don't even notice it in public transportation. Every time I ride the 7 train there is the strong smell of weed and ass. Heck last time I found a crack pipe right on the floor, it was rolling around as the train moved. Last month somebody got stabbed or got in a fight in the train that a section of the train seats were smudged in blood, I saw a small poodle of blood in a seat. As I entered I quickly exited the hellhole and waited for the next train. I guess I've been riding the 7 train since the 80s and I can testify that the presence of gangs and creeps is growing left and right. The 7 train is slowly but surely turning into a trap house...

Ned said...

"so used to filth at home you don't even notice it"

I noticed this is a big problem in New York, it seems the older people get they lose their capability to see "change". These same folk also lose the awareness that evil does in fact exist.
The result is they don't vote, they say "naaa never happen" "your paranoid" "your imagining things" Most of these were white middle class people educated before all this politically correct bullshit, multi-cultural and brainwashing taught in public schools today. What the hell happened to all these peoples brains, is this a new 20th century form of Alzheimer's ?

I'm not a shrink nor expert on brain damage so perhaps somebody here can elaborate more on this phenomena or even why it has suddenly become such an epidemic in New York ?


Anonymous said...

@Ned: You got it totally backwards. The older people get, the more hypersensitive they are to the slightest change. And the older they get, the more likely they are to vote, not the less likely.

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