Friday, May 11, 2018

Municipal vehicles causing havoc


JQ LLC said...

You have to be quite the selfish shithead to park in front of a hydrant, even a bigger one if you work for the government. What if the post office went on fire?

This brazen bullshit is also committed by the NYPD, Sanitation, MTA police and even FDNY EMT vehicles and also government workers with their personal cars.

This will continue because Arnold Diaz can't be everywhere.

There was even a Verizon van parked on the sidewalk for fuck's sake during the segment!

Anonymous said...

This is a strange phenomena that is at least 10 years old-- for 10 years now, mail trucks have taken up parking on 36th and Third Ave in Manhattan, across from a Postal Distribution Center, on the busy street that runs into the Midtown Tunnel. The trucks used to be kept inside the building or somewhere else. One day the USPS started parking them on the streets and they have parked there ever since. City can't do a damn thing about it. US Mail. Next to God.

Anonymous said...

Nice how he fixes something illegal with something illegal- painting the curb. People do that to their driveways by me and add a couple of feet past the curb cut on each side. I park right up to the edge just to piss them off.

Anonymous said...

But But But Jimmy Van Bramer is on the case

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a crank. "There's too many postal trucks parked on the block! And one blocks a hydrant!" If the truck isn't in front of the hydrant, it'll be taking up one of the other parking spots - one less for the rest of us to park in.
Not only that, but the hydrant he's waving at is shut off; its' cap is removed.
"There's no excuse for parking in front of a hydrant." There certainly is - not enough parking in Queens!
The 15 feet in either direction rule needs to be trimmed down to 5-6 feet. We don't have the parking space to spare.

Anonymous said...

They are not municipal vehicles. This is nyc, 6 ft from the hydrant is safe to park. And when did the city stop painting yellow lines in front of hydrants. When I was a bus driver 79-82 we had times we were sent out to paint the curbs yellow. When did that end?

Joe Moretti said...

18 fucking years. That is no winning the war, that is the constant wearing down of individuals and tearing up their soul. BUT kudos to them, but why should a totally ILLEGAL ISSUE go unchecked for 18 years and why did two people have to devote so much time and soul to it.

AND she was spot on why this took place in that neighborhood. AGAIN, NYC and deBlasio are NOT liberal, NOT progressive and NOT environmental friendly. In other words they DON'T GIVE A SHIT about regular people.

Anonymous said...

Ended well but it took too Fucking long.
Can you imagine that happening in Park Slope ?

Joe Moretti said...

The famous phrase to take from the one video:


Ain't that the truth because there is NO ENFORCEMENT of any quality of life issues in this shitty city.

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