Sunday, April 15, 2018

Fight is on to stop "Bayonne Boxes"

From CBS 2:

A fight between New Jersey housing developers and supporters of historic preservation is heating up as Victorian homes from the 1800s are being replaced by the spread of so-called “Bayonne Box” homes.

Now, Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop has put a moratorium on demolitions until the city council can vote on a new ordinance governing tearing down old homes.

“The goal is really kind of recognizing the city’s history and some of the nicer buildings there. Not every building needs to be protected, but there are some that should,” he said.

“The new ordinance basically is designed so that each (developer) that applies for a demolition permit will go before the Historic Preservation office,” said Amatuzzo. “Then each house would get a fair assessment on its historic value, architectural style, it’s contributing aesthetics to the neighborhood, and if it ties to any historic event or family or person.”

A group of developers is fighting back with a lawsuit.


Anonymous said...

Growing up I visited relatives in these glorious two family wood frame homes. This is a great idea. We need it in Queens!

Anonymous said...

Development needs trump (small "t") historic preservation! Barclay Center razed historic buildings in Brooklyn.
Preservation appears to be a lose lose battle.

georgetheatheist said...

Would the reviewing board approve a geodesic dome? A log cabin?

Anonymous said...

The new homes look good to me.
They actually look like older homes found in East New York .

Anonymous said...

Just because a house is old, it does not make it historical. not every aged building needs preservation.

TommyR said...

^Anon, the excerpt from the original post quotes Fulop as saying just that.

This is good article on the matter of why the Boxes were built the way they were in the first place.

Something like that^ isn't as terrible as a faceless, yardless, featureless brick-box. It's certainly a better alternative. Glorious two-story wood frames are nice (I live in one after all), but they're not due for a renaissance any time soon. Better to mimic their outside appearance while incorporating the various efficiencies that modernity and technological advancement in construction have provided.

Anonymous said...

Those boxes aren't bad at all, they're brick, and the trapezoidal bit that juts out for the windows make it pleasant on the eyes.

Anonymous said...

These "Box" homes Looks better than any of the new "Queens Crap" being built in Flushing.

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