Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Don't trust this real estate brokerage!

From PIX11:

Jaclin Osan admits she’s been too trusting.

She responded to an ad on apartments.com and liked a place in Queens. A guy she knew as Jason showed it to her. His real name is actually Joe Chyla. He was associated with a real estate brokerage called Incmobilia. Being so trusting, Jaclin gave Jason a $1,900 deposit. Cash.

But soon afterwards, Jaclin says Jason told her the landlord wanted a year’s rent up front. She decided she wanted her deposit back. Jason/Joe told her Incmobilia had the money. And Incmobilia gave her a run around. She says a woman named Michelle Wiser told her Jason didn’t work for Incmobilia.

So, she got in touch with the head of the company. But it was more run around.


Anonymous said...

This nonsense will only stop when 10 year prison sentences are handed out to these predators

Anonymous said...

Caveat Emptor!

Honestly. Giving someone you just met cash is just silly. Guys (and groups) like this stay in business because, as PT Barnum is alleged to have said: "There's a sucker born every minute".

Anonymous said...

A good rule of thumb that I live by is don't trust ANY real estate brokerage...

Anonymous said...


Roger said...

Also, beware of news sources that write "gave her a run around" when they mean "gave her the runaround."

Anonymous said...

"This nonsense will only stop when 10 year prison sentences are handed out to these predators "

Or when someone unmercifully beats the shit out of the so called agent.

Joe Moretti said...

Again, in this fucked up city, why does it take a media show to get this woman's money back from some slime bucket real estate place. AND of course this will happen over and over and over again. AND where is the Public Advocate office, isn't this the type of shit that useless office is to handle.

Granted the woman should have never give cash, but this is the type of crap that goes on and no one in power does anything about.

Anonymous said...

Manhattan realtors are the worst. For the longest time, they even fought MLS. They are loud, obnoxious, and waste so much money on their egos.

Zoë said...

Bunch of criminals all of them. One of the rare instances where a criminal can get a license to deal with large sums of money and lie to people.

Ask any real estate agent, “Is this a good neighborhood?” But don't expect to ever a straight answer. Certain important details about a neighborhood or community can violate the Fair Housing Act and all the PC bullshit Obama added. Its even worse for prospective homebuyers who get tight-lipped answers from agents.

I dont trust any of them and its why I had no choice but go with AirBnB.

Anonymous said...

Legally, real estate agents are not allowed to answer the question "is this a good neighborhood?"
It's considered steering.

Anonymous said...

This story was very inaugurate. I worked at incmobilia When this happened. What was failed to be mentioned was the following. The women asking for her deposit back had very bad credit. She left a deposit based on the fact she had good credit. The unit was taken off the market while all her background was ran. She signed a deposit form (common practice) Stating that if she was approved by the landlord and she back out for any reason she would lose said deposit. This is done so that the landlords do not lose money taking units off the market and then someone backs out. The landlord approved her but because of her very bad credit history and no job the landlord requested the full year upfront.The client then requested her money back.The brokerage explained to her she did sign this form.The person named Joe Chyla I know for a fact tried to help this lady receive her money back. I along with 3 others left this firm with Joe prior to this happening.The person who owns this company David Cevallos and his agent Michele Wiser are inexperienced in the NYC market. They are both from Florida. What I would say is not all brokers are bad. Do the homework and not everything you see reported on tv is accurate. If you google help me Howard there is a a youtube video showing how he tried this "gotcha tactic" on a car dealer who reversed on him. The police escorted him out.

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