Saturday, December 9, 2017

Simply having a wonderful Queens Crap time!

Where has the time gone?

Where have the tweeders gone? (A lot went to prison.)


georgetheatheist said...

You are THE man! How do you do it? Day in and day out. Folks, can you believe this? Since 2006?

JQ LLC said...

Here's to another year, because the crap won't stop piling. Hopefully, some of these hacks will go down.

Joe Moretti said...

Needed more than ever!!

Because CRAP never goes away, it just transforms into Queens local elected officials.

Anonymous said...

Because CRAP never goes away

Yep, there's more of it everyday - and you know how you feel if you don't get rid of it.

Keep holding their feet to the fire. And if somebody gets burned, so be it.

(sarc) said...

Running the site is the easier part of the of the process.

The trolling here is simple and effective.

As HiLlEry and BJ Clinton's henchmen James Carville is quoted as saying - Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find. Speaking of one of the former President's accusers. This was of course before the metoo movement.

Throw some crap up and watch the flies congregate upon a steaming fresh cowpie or road apple.

Just think of the stress and mental fatigue we the commenters endure to compile an utterly useless absurd comment.

Therein lies the difficulties and endless contemplating to compose a dirty pearl of wisdom.

Well wishes on a job well done, and keep doing what you are doing...

Queens Crapper said...

Some of the comments left here have actually been pursued as news stories by the press.

Anonymous said...

All queens reporters go to this site for ideas and have dug up stories from you. I’m one of them and I have always been a big fan.
Some may have issue with the comments but we have to roll with the punches.

Anonymous said...

Dear Friend,

During the campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump talked constantly about how he would "drain the swamp" and stand up for hard-working Americans. Unsurprisingly, President Trump has failed to fulfill those promises.

Everything the Republicans have done in the last year has added to the burdens of hard-working families. From undermining Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security to advancing an egregious tax bill, they've demonstrated clearly that they care more about their billionaire donors and the Trump family's fortune than they do about the people who elected them.

As Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, I'm making sure my party remembers that we work for YOU.

Democrats want to lift up middle-class families. We have a true vision for how to strengthen America. We have concrete proposals for how to make health care affordable, provide tax relief for middle-class families, promote job growth, and improve our nation's transportation and infrastructure. Because fighting for everyday Americans is what we believe in.

Join me in the effort to put Democrats back in the driver’s seat in Congress. It is what working families need and deserve.

Thank you,

Congressman Joe Crowley


Anonymous said...

Eleven years and counting——and, STILL progress always arrives too late for the proletariat, ALWAYS BECAUSE of a cabal (and kakistocracy) of kleptocratic, concentrated political wealth that determines worth (without challenge much less consequence!)——and, the public be eternally duped, bilked, robbed, scammed, SCARRED FOR LIFE, and damned!

❝We hang the petty thieves and elect the great ones to public office.❞ ——Aesop

❝If you're not careful the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.❞ ——Malcolm X

❝Never be deceived into believing that the rich will permit anyone to vote away their wealth.❞ ——Lucy Parsons

❝The nihilism and rage sweeping across the globe are not generated by warped ideologies or medieval religious beliefs. These destructive forces have their roots in the obliterating of social, cultural and religious traditions by modernization and the consumer society, the disastrous attempts by the United States to carry out regime change, often through coups and wars, and the utopian neoliberal ideology that has concentrated wealth in the hands of a tiny cabal of corrupt global oligarchs.❞ —Chris Hedges, The Age of Anger

ron s said...

Great site, and seemingly becoming more and more influential. Happy Anniversary.

Anonymous said...

Congradulations and Happy Anniversary you run a great site :)

Anonymous said...

You make a difference !
Keep up the "Crap" :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and thank you for your service to the people of Queens

Anonymous said...

Democrats want to lift up middle-class families. We have a true vision for how to strengthen America. We have concrete proposals for how to make health care affordable, provide tax relief for middle-class families, promote job growth, and improve our nation's transportation and infrastructure. Because fighting for everyday Americans is what we believe in.

Hahahahaha, sounds like is April 1st!

Happy Birthday and good luck in the future!
Thanks for everything you do.

TommyR said...

❝We hang the petty thieves and elect the great ones to public office.❞ ——Aesop

❝If you're not careful the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.❞ ——Malcolm X

❝Never be deceived into believing that the rich will permit anyone to vote away their wealth.❞ ——Lucy Parsons

Excellent quotes. One hopes technology and education soon enable a direct instead of representative democracy. One day...

Thanks Crappy! I remember reading your very 2nd post, about the Huang House on Mazeau, and then following up to see it'd been "scalped" in '08. It remained, in abbreviated and abridged form, but certainly less an eye-sore, and less able by that diminished presence to hasten the sort of Crap championed by similar developers of that ilk. Looking at it now, it's blended to my eyes somewhat. You can't always arrest shitty "progress"...but you can make it drive below the speed limit and put in speed bumps, so to speak.

Using Google street history shows quite a difference. Maybe the Crapper had something to do with it!

In 2007:

In 2013:

Keep shoveling Crappy, happy holidays, and have a restful Sunday.

Anonymous said...

We have a true vision on how to enrich our members and screw the public.... When will Trump overturn the amendment to the STOCK Act that obama signed in the middle of the night? Once done we wont need term limits.

Anonymous said...


Gary W said...

Congrats, love this blog even though it is so depressing at times.

Love reading all the commentators and opinions. Especially the ones I disagree with and all the over the top ones.

Looking forward for more.

Anonymous said...

Happy aniversary Crappy!
I disagree with much of what you say, but I'll defend to to the death your right to say it.
Thank you for making this space for Queens to come together and discuss our issues.

Reading Carefully said...

"I disagree with much of what you say, but I'll defend to to the death your right to say it."

Crappy doesn't say THAT much. He posts what others have said. You probably have more of a bone to pick with the energetic commenters.

Trixie said...

Best Wishes to you Crappy. I recently finished my time in jail and now I've joined a convent. I will pray for you and all your readers.

Anonymous said...

Keep the crap rolling!

Anonymous said...

>Crappy doesn't say THAT much. He posts what others have said. You probably have more of a bone to pick with the energetic commenters.

Nah, I think we strongly disagree on development and what sort of buildings are ugly. That's aside from some of the more dickish commentators. (And I deeply respect Crappy for letting speak freely here, in an age where censorship is trendy.) But I still love this blog, recommend it to friends who want to know what's going on, and check it nearly daily.

Anonymous said...

***All queens reporters go to this site for ideas and have dug up stories from you. I’m one of them and I have always been a big fan.
Some may have issue with the comments but we have to roll with the punches.***

You admit to stealing stories for your Fake News employers.
We have seen you guys in action, most recently with the local elections.

What do you call 10,000 presstitutes on the bottom of the ocean?

A good start.

Anonymous said...

>What do you call 10,000 presstitutes on the bottom of the ocean?

WTF is wrong with you? Why do you hate people who's only job is to make other people happy?

Anonymous said...

The American Bolsheviks nearly reached their goal on 11/2016.But they NEVER QUIT.
In U.S.S.R.1917-present...BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION!!!!!

Ur commenters have been saved from SIBERIA,....THIS TIME
And ur blog may have helped alert the American Marxists(even if they do not know they are voting their demise)


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