Thursday, December 7, 2017

Man hunting for package thief

From CBS 2:

A fed-up homeowner tracked down a thief who stole a package left at his Queens home.

As CBS2’s Hazel Sanchez reported, the thief looked right into a surveillance camera before snatching a box off the front stoop of Jason Gratz’s house on Beach 139th Street in Belle Harbor on Tuesday morning.

“That’s the worst thing about it – not what’s in the contents of the package. It could have been $1, it could have been $1 million, it didn’t really matter. Just the feeling of being violated like that, it really just burned me,” he told Sanchez.

Surveillance video shows the ponytailed robber pausing to eye his target before turning his black cap, contemplating his getaway, and then grabbing the package.

Gratz walked all over his neighborhood and found a construction crew at a condominium that recognized the suspect as someone who had been working at the site, which is just two blocks from his home.

He said he tracked down where the suspect works and informed police, hoping they make a quick arrest.


Craphurst Resident said...

Nice work Gratz! I’ve had so many packages stolen from my porch that I have everything delivered to work and lug my stuff home on the rush hour train. Most irksome was a box of contact lenses- a small box from Why would anyone steal contact lenses?!? What are the chances that the thief would have the same rx, or find someone with the same rx to sell to?!? I wouldn’t even bother installing a camera because I know someone would steal that too:(

JQ LLC said...

There was a time when people, even the dregs of socieity, used to respect mail. There is a widespread thing going around with a certain people, including people you know, that doesn't take mail theft or tampering seriously anymore (I have had a lot of my envelopes partially opened in the past few years) which are actually and were once generally known to be federal crimes.

Of course this is possible because of the meteoric rise of online shopping, overpopulation and the proliferation of tower apartment buildings and also how the general public doesn't give a shit about anyone anymore.

And even the amazon brand and company itself, because anything with their familiar stupid smile and star logo is instant easy bait for theft and the delivery companies they contract treat their shipments like trash.

Gary W said...

I call BS!!!.. Crime is down, the Mayor and Police Brass say so.

Anonymous said...

There's been a rash of package thefts in Kew Gardens Hills this last month, too. It's the new hotness.

Anonymous said...

I had two packages delivered last week,one by USPS and one by UPS and both times they scanned the delivery comfirmation but neither time did they bother to ring my bell as I was home and yes my bell works.Maybe they shouldn't leave packages on the steps and people should request another delivery when someone is home or just pick it up at the post office yourself.

TommyR said...

I know and trust my UPS guy, order Prime all the time. Keep track of it online, and have cameras set up pointed at porch/front-door. Plus know my sole neighbor who keeps an eye on things as well. really the only way to 'defend' against this's part and parcel of sharing the City with weirdos and crooks.

Anonymous said...

I miss the old days..... Sir would you like us to lock him up and waste your time at court or just give him a beatin'?

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