Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Cuomo signs family leave bill

From CBS 2:

On Jan. 1, New York will join California, New Jersey and Rhode Island in requiring employers to give workers paid leave to bond with a baby, care for a close relative with a serious illness or help loved ones during a family member’s military deployment.

The new benefits, which apply to 6.4 million private-sector workers, will phase in over four years.

In 2018, employees can take up to eight weeks of paid leave and receive 50 percent of their average wage, up to a cap weekly cap of $652. When the phase-in is complete in 2021, they’ll be able to take up to 12 weeks at two-thirds of their average weekly wage.


Anonymous said...

Tone deaf as usual.

Add this to the loss of SALT deductions and business and people who can afford it will start to head for a business friendly state.

Anonymous said...

The fast food industry is gonna have a big problem with this.

Anonymous said...

An other ripoff scheme with mandatory participation, like in some communist dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

Take home message: Don't hire any women of child bearing age!

(sarc) said...

Why can these fools not just publicly state their loathing, contempt and utter hatred for businesses and their owners?

I imagine that the bicycle and bus lanes eliminating parking at establishments is not destroying the shops at a fast enough pace.

Perhaps a multi prong approach.

And when all of the shop keepers and hard working Americans pick up and move to business friendly states, where will the taxes come from???

Anonymous said...

More socialist hostility aimed at employers (this isn't Denmark where the government pays and tax is 65% of everybody's income including the rich)
What stops one form taking a job only to get pregnant and abuse an employer ?
This is nothing more then a tax at gunpoint that will bankrupt small business!
Why must an employer be faced to pay for other peoples kids?

This has always been a problem with hiring women but now even more women (and now men)will take jobs to get pregnant and shove the cost on the employer

Anonymous said...

More business killing regulations, courtesy of New York State.

Trying to buy votes!

TommyR said...

Eh, this is fine. It's coming out of my worker's wages anyway, and I'd rather have a productive worker than a de-moralized/sick/whatever one.

Anonymous said...

Look! There are three boobs in the picture!!

Anonymous said...

Correct that, looking again it is FIVE BOOBS!!!!

Anonymous said...

why require anyone to work at all? 52 weeks of paid leave - Utopia!

Anonymous said...

>Not paid enough to be able to afford to date, much less get married and have kids
>now they're taking even more money out of my paycheck, making it even more impossible
>therefore making sure I'll never be able to get the benefit I'm paying for

Thanks Albany!

Anonymous said...

"will phase in over four years"
And every single small business will declare bankruptcy and become history in New York. Remember the business owner must pay the health insurance too !!
Local small business now struggle to make rent's due to bus & bike lanes, this new socialist welfare will put every small business right over the cliff.

Was this planned by design to run everybody out of town and open up commercial space for more housing pawn shops and banks ? ?

Anonymous said...

Its about time we are finally starting to wise up as a country. It is very hard to be a mother and then just have a baby and then have to go back to work after only a couple of weeks off. For the first week, your pain is just starting to go away and you will be in even more pain for even longer if you got hemorrhoids. Then all you do night after night is just try to get the baby into a sleeping pattern so finally you can get some decent sleep yourself. Thank goodness Cuomo FINALLY did something useful!

Anonymous said...

yet another unconstitutional rip-off

Anonymous said...

Some workers have been getting this benefit for years.
It's the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
The company had to have 50 or more workers and the worker had to work 1,250 hours in the previous 12 months. (24hrs per wk)

Anonymous said...

I guess we will go bankrupt like California.

Anonymous said...

I'm not understanding the hate here. The United States is the only "developed" nation that doesn't offer paid leave. That means that even the so called third world countries have seen the benefit to their society of offering this leave. Only four countries have no mandated paid maternity leave: Liberia, Papua New Guinea and the United States.

Other countries have better transit, better leave policies and increasingly better social policies these days. Enjoy the ride to the bottom, America!

Anonymous said...

The money is coming out of your paychecks since 7/1/2017.
Got to get at least 6 months head start on the wage slaves eh Cuomo?

Anonymous said...

ts about time we are finally starting to wise up as a country. It is very hard to be a mother and then just have a baby and then have to go back to work after only a couple of weeks off. For the first week, your pain is just starting to go away and you will be in even more pain for even longer if you got hemorrhoids. Then all you do night after night is just try to get the baby into a sleeping pattern so finally you can get some decent sleep yourself. Thank goodness Cuomo FINALLY did something useful!
which is why you should marry someone who is stable and support you and the kid for a few years. anything you make will go for the nanny, prepared (as opposed to home cooked) food, etc.

why should i support someone else's kids when i am being responsible and holding things off until i can afford one?

Anonymous said...

hank goodness Cuomo FINALLY did something useful!

Yeah right. Just like every other good commie is using other people's money to plug holes in his budget.

Anonymous said...

ts about time we are finally starting to wise up as a country. It is very hard to be a mother and then just have a baby and then have to go back to work after only a couple of weeks off. For the first week, your pain is just starting to go away and you will be in even more pain for even longer if you got hemorrhoids. Then all you do night after night is just try to get the baby into a sleeping pattern so finally you can get some decent sleep yourself. Thank goodness Cuomo FINALLY did something useful!
which is why you should marry someone who is stable and support you and the kid for a few years. anything you make will go for the nanny, prepared (as opposed to home cooked) food, etc. 

why should i support someone else's kids when i am being responsible and holding things off until i can afford one?

Who the HELL said you are paying for it? I pay taxes too!! My husband does work too but not EVERY SINGLE WORKING FAMILY can AFFORD a babysitter and mortgage you douchebag!

Anonymous said...

which is why you should marry someone who is stable and support you and the kid for a few years. anything you make will go for the nanny, prepared (as opposed to home cooked) food, etc.

why should i support someone else's kids when i am being responsible and holding things off until i can afford one?

Unless you are marrying the top 10%, this is a difficult strategy in NYC. Obviously, if your best hope for you and your partner is a fast food job, you should rethink having multiple kids. But there is something wrong with the society when two blue collar workers can't afford to have children.

My husband has a PhD and I have a master's. It took us until ages 37 and 36 respectively to pay off student loans, get a house and finally be financially stable enough to have a kid. Biology doesn't usually wait for people that long. My friends who are this age (or older) and waited for financial stability are now having to do fertility treatments that are expensive and might not even work.

Many people on this board don't want immigrants to come in and they don't want to help Americans have kids. What is the alternative? You know what happens when societies don't replenish their populations? See Japan for one example. Also see Italy which is now actively running campaigns to encourage people to have kids...except there are no jobs so nobody can afford to.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Take home message: Don't hire any women of child bearing age!

Well if all men can make six figures or more then we wouldn't have to work to help afford our family! Another idiot who should have been ABORTED him/herself!

Anonymous said...

Some of these women agitate for equal pay! I support equal pay FOR EQUAL WORK!!!

This is a scam to be used by women who just want a job long enough to get pregnant leaving the company on the hook and unable to fire them for any reason.

Who cares what the rest of the world does. If that is so great why are you still here?

Anonymous said...

"The United States is the only "developed" nation that doesn't offer paid leave"

You cant have all this free stuff and bullshit without going full socialism with a 60-70% flat tax for all.
They have this paid leave, free visiting housemaid & masseuse shit in Denmark where everybody must remain equal no matter how much they are willing to work hard.
In Denmark they frown & toss your ass in jail if you import a Cadillac or luxury item to show off, "do too well" open 2 restaurants for example

Ned said...

""It is very hard to be a mother, and then just have a baby, get hemorrhoids, up all night and then have to work""

FIND A HUSBAND WITH A REAL JOB (also known as a domestic cash cow)


Anonymous said...

Then why are so many third-world inhabitants fleeing to the USA???

Gino said...

Nobody should be placed at gunpoint to support someone else's kids, pay some work capable persons rent. One who believes otherwise needs to get the fuck out and move to Europe or some turd shithole Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, DR, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Denmark.... di'crappet places where very few can own a private occupied home, automobile can take home more then $500 US dollars a week or 20-40% of a business profit or chamber pot to crap in. Yea socialism is automatically embraced because they have no choice. (and those who dare speak up are ridiculed, tossed in jail or mental institutions.

Socialism & capitalism can not exist and work in unison, its just not possible.

I was hoping the socialist loving hipshit "locust people" (those who may as well be herding & f_cking goats in the mountains) Californians and immigrants would have stayed concentrated and not have spread their communism all over the place. It works like this: Look at the massive California, Washington State and NYC cluster fuck - the sheep cry "its too expensive" yet never consider that it was the very people like your Obamas, Jerry Brown's, Cuomo's, DeBlasio's they voted in and the things they enacted into law that made it unlivable.
Then they start advocating for the same shit when they move somewhere affordable with their cuckish liberal voting habits and turn the next place is transformed into the same shithole they moved from.
Thanks to the under 30 crowd "locust people" and the dindus, most cities in this country are now fucked.
This is not financial advise but what I have done is started spending down and sheltering moneys (before its taken away) and started studying the crooked system being engineered in an attempt to live out the rest my life as happy as possible. I am not moving to some country town Pa or Long Island because that's a death sentence via financial rape or #2 boredom.


Anonymous said...

""Tommy Efreeti said..Eh, this is fine. It's coming out of my worker's wages anyway, and I'd rather have a productive worker than a de-moralized/sick/whatever one""
You dont get it Tommy. Once your great productive worker has a child and gets everything she need free she wont be coming back to work. Why would she work and lose all the free Medicaid managed "Health First" zero premium -zero deductible health Insurance she will then be eligible for. Why come back to work at all ? The pregnant woman can be on shady street for the next 19 years of that child's life if she chooses to work the system.

Its is now WORSE because the next woman you hire and train only has to work 6 months to pull the same shit !!! YOUR the one whose screwed Tommy ! This was always a risky issue when hiring woman (they get knocked up and leave) but now its out of the park because you may be paying for the same shit X times a year with X amount of employees you must pay under state government gunpoint.
For example: If one owns a restaurant with 12 waitresses they will soon be bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

Here is the deal:

Obamacare? Done.
$15/hr minimum wage? Done.
Paid family leave? Done.

Just wait until massive automation will take care of these grandstanding socialist politicians and their pipe dreams.

Businesses exist to make money, not for providing jobs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very bad ! People will go out and take jobs only to become eligible to get this handout, a huge handout on the employers dime, not the State.
Why is both local and federal government doing everything possible to encourage people to have more children ?

Even Trump who refuses to sign an Obamacare repeal bill that does not keep woman (and children to age 19) zero co-pay & zero deductible for fertility treatment, pregnant woman, pediatric dental & vision?
The primary shit driving monthly $800+ premiums with $7,500-$15,000 annual out of pocket deductibles.

Anonymous said...

Obamacare costs $35,000 for a family of four - employers will automate as much as they can!

Anonymous said...

It's interesting, traditionally liberals haven't been pro-motherhood, but here's a liberal policy that actually encourages the working class to have kids. You'd think the Conservatives would be behind this, too.

>Socialism & capitalism can not exist and work in unison, its just not possible.

It's called a "mixed economy" and was working very well in Europe until recently, when they started letting in hordes of immigrants and gave them all expensive welfare benefits.

Anonymous said...

***It's called a "mixed economy" and was working very well in Europe until recently, when they started letting in hordes of immigrants and gave them all expensive welfare benefits.***

Bullshit. Did not work in Europe before the planned invasion of the Soros financed crazies. That's why they doing teh invasion so people pay attention to the rapes, murders, terror attacks and don't ask questions about their local economy.
The EU is done. Stick a fork in it.

***It's interesting, traditionally liberals haven't been pro-motherhood, but here's a liberal policy that actually encourages the working class to have kids. You'd think the Conservatives would be behind this, too.***

Back to this old cliche, liberlas vs conservatives.
Try normal, sane people vs scam artists.
Who the fuck elected these corrupt officials to regulate private businesses and take monies out of working class people's pockets?
Announce the law at the end of the year meanwhile the money was coming out of your paycheck since July 1st.
Has nothing to do with pro-motherhood, is a blatant money grabbing scheme.
The response to this will be swift and equal. Meet your new co-worker, the Robot.

Anonymous said...

Watch this on YouTube it hits the nail on the head !
It points out the value shift to a paycheck instead of family.
Feminism will kill the west.

The War on Men by Stefan Molyneux


Anonymous said...

We've taken care of everything
The words you hear the songs you sing
The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes
It's one for all and all for one
We work together common sons
---You never need to wonder how or why

Ned said...

Mixed economy my ass.
My ham radio friend in the UK making X-Lock vfo stabilizers is getting killed by that shitty EU VAT tax. It cost an extra $40 us dollars VAT tax to sell a $39 circuit board 6 miles across the channel in France.

This mobbed EU shit and all the complex payment credit-invoice accounting & shipping red tape cost him 70% of his customers.
This EU mob and "mixed economy" is good for who exactly? Some shithead geek in Brussels (that shithole doped up village in Europe) tells everybody what to do AND gets to steal right off your credit cards & pay-pal accounts?

"mixed economy" (AKA: Scandinavian Socialism) is success? for who exactly ?
While the rich get soaked in Scandinavian countries, the middle class get soaked even more.

Let me s'plain you somthin I see they dont lurn you in High School (or even most colleges)
Let’s look at Sweden's 2016 income tax.
In that socialist shithole you have a given flat 61 percent. That includes a municipal tax (imposed on everyone) of up to 34 percent, a church and burial tax of 5 percent, additional 20% state income tax on income over $52,000, and an extra 25% on income over $75,000.

Way to soak the rich, right? And in case you didn’t catch it earlier, that municipal tax of between 29 and 34 percent — depending on the municipality — is imposed on EVERYONE before even counting in the income taxes !
Earn $100,000 to come home with $10,000 is good ?

My god what is wrong with the Millennials and young people up in New York. Is de Blasio spiking the air & water in all the schools?


Anonymous said...


Not just NYC, all over this great land there are mentally disturbed barely functioning people.
Hillary sells the uranium (20% of US reserve) to Russia and they are investigating Trump.
You can't make this shit up even if you wanted.

For the EU, the last union was the Soviet Union and we all know how it ended.
These globalists are sickos and thanks to the school systems producing consumers and not people capable of critical thinking they can sell them anything they want.
Turn on CNN and MSNBC, read the Washington Post or New York Times and the brainwashing is 24x7, nonstop.

JQ LLC said...

Nice Rush quote up there.

John said...

If we had universal healthcare we wouldn't need laws like this.

We are the only western country where you have to work when you are sick or have a child and in turn can't work to keep your health insurance. It is so stupid.

Anyway, this caps at $652 a weeks. That's a little over $5000 for 8 weeks and that is the maximum. That pre-taxed...so it isn't a lot of money at all. I didn't read all of the law but I'm sure the business can take that $5000 as a write off.

It takes a village to raise a family and to have a community. Since when did we become so anti helping each other.

These are WORKING people that need to take time off in a country that is chipping away and worker protections.

Anonymous said...


The money is coming out of your paycheck.
You are the perfect example why kids need parents and not a village.

Ned said...

"Since when did we become so anti helping each other"

Oh Baloney !!
As in the "your anti-community" name calling & propaganda the stinking hipshitz & liberals tell anybody who disagrees with them right ehh?

Last I checked this is not the Soviet Union 1950, Cuba nor Europe 2017.
I didn't work and save my $$ all my life to help YOU or ANY of this shit, garbage and free loaders parachuting in like locusts. I didn't invite it. Over 1/2 the people getting all this free stuff don’t even belong in this country or speak English.

YOU WANT KIDS YOU SAVE YOUR $$ TO PAY FOR THEM OR FIND A GUY WHO HAS A REAL JOB. Don’t buy or lease a new car, cook at home, $800 I Phones. Lots of options figure it out! I presuppose you want the twisted NY mayor and Governor to feed, wipe your ass, and arrange a roof over your head too.

Jeez, I thought New Orleans was hell (the boiling pits of sewage) where 90% the whole dam city from Lake Charles south consists of mixed nuts on welfare

-Ned www.nra.org

Anonymous said...

hahahaha the dummies don't realize they are paying for their own family leave, not the corrupt politicians.
in 2020 communist Cuomo will be grandstanding and talking about what he did for the New York families.
including the people who have no families and they still pay into this corrupt scam.
will be a tough competition between comrade DeBlasio and comrade Cuomo in grandstanding.
hahahaha we just call it the Grandstanding Olympics.

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