Wednesday, November 8, 2017

And the winner is...

So with 100% of precincts reporting per NY1, Robert Holden appears to have defeated 9-year incumbent Elizabeth Crowley in the 30th Council District by 133 votes, provided that it holds up after a recount and adding in absentee ballots.

The rest of the races turned out just as you would expect...


David Starsky said...

WOOT! The nightmare is finally over.

georgetheatheist said...

Kudos Holden.

But a burning question is:

Why is Graziano so-o-o unelectable? Can't just be his rancid-looking hairbun. Or the gabon Vallone voters. Even an unknown hippy-looking kid from Queens College beat his pants off.

Why, why, why?

Anonymous said...

What the hell happened to Paul - Graziano that is.

chico0100 said...

And Bayside gets what it sad Stinky is still here.

JQ LLC said...

Congratulations Councilman Holden, Queens Crap and the citizens of the 30th. The fighting 30th!

As for the rest of the city, you got de Faustio, you're gonna get more corruption and more crime with impunity, from city hall to the streets. And more taxes and gentrification.

As for the mayor, he better hope Seabrook is found innocent.

Anonymous said...

According to the Times Ledger, "Over in Bayside, Republican Konstantinos Poulidis came in second to Vallone with 24.4 percent of the vote and finished ahead of Graziano, who ran on the Reform Party line with 18 percent of the total vote. Poulidis is a student at Queens College." That just makes no sense at all. Why would anyone vote for a 20-year-old kid who didn't even campaign? Did every Greek person vote for him just because he's Greek?!?!

Anonymous said...

Why is Graziano so-o-o unelectable?

I'm sure that being on the Reform Party line didn't help, since that column on the ballot was way off to the right, with several blank columns in between Poulidis and Graziano. Maybe if Graziano had sought the Republican line, like Bob Holden did.

Anonymous said...

watch out!
uncle joe's machine is stuffing absentee ballots as we speak
otherwise he's gotta find Dizzy Lizzy another job
Her district is full of cemeteries, and they're all voting!

Anonymous said...

I am cautiously thrilled however were absentees counted.. this is Joe Crowleys cousin we are talking about... I am sure there will be a recount... this isn't over yet

Anonymous said...

Ugh. Phoney Valloney got an encore. How dumb are the Bayside people? Only 57 percent though. He’s got to know that slightly half of all people with whom he comes into contact can’t stand him and didn’t vote for him. People get what they deserve. Enjoy that bike lane and all the overdevelopment! Glad to live in 30!

Anonymous said...

It’s good to see some neighborhoods care about what happens to them. Clearly district 19 only cares about party line. Good luck with their 38 out of 50 rank councilman

Anonymous said...

I hope those absentee ballots are under lock and key.

Anonymous said...

And another 4 years with mayor dumbdumb.... What is wrong with this city? Doesn't anyone realize how incompetent and corrupt he really is? The nightmare wont end anytime soon! Thank you liberals and nonvoters for letting the nightmare continue!

Anonymous said...

the epitome of "Every vote Counts"

Well Done Councilman Holden

Gary W said...

Congrats to the 30th!..but hold on to see what crap the machine pulls. Remember it's who counts the votes that matter.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable that the 20 year old greek kid even beat graziano. He did no campaigning at all. Even so, if graz had all the gop vote, he still would have lost. Its bay terrace and schrieber that gets people elected here.

Anonymous said...

I am cautiously optimistic, but I think we should wait before we uncork the bubbly for Councilman-elect Holden...Boss Joe will find a way to steal this election, trust me

Anonymous said...

I think there is some fraud with Paul's count. Most of the people I know voted for him - neighbors, etc. And a lot are Republicans who thought that kid was a Vallone set up.

Frankly, I think there is some fraud and tempering here. My guess is Paul G got the stated voted for Vallone, and Vallone got the stated amount for the Republican. And that Republican got the amount stated fro Paul G.

Who verifies this - if Paul G. wants to challenge (as he should) party hacks?

Joe Moretti said...

One bit of good news in another dismal NYC election, with the sheeple putting in the same fucking crap. These folks must love getting fucked in the ass with a 24 inch dildo without lube, just like the Trump supporters who have had their anuses stretched as wide as the Lincoln Tunnel.

So how does this happen in this so-called city of educated, progressive and in-tune people. People in NYC are just on robotic auto-pilot.

AND shame on those who did not bother to vote, but yet will cause themselves Americans.

VERY DISAPPOINTING, but not unexpected.

Queens Crapper said...

Graziano would have had to change his party last year in order to run against Poulidis in a Republican primary which means he couldn't take on Vallone in the Dem primary. So what in tarnation are you talking about?

Gary W said...

Never underestimate the power of morons voting a straight party line.

We should all be embarrassed at these landslide wins.

Anonymous said...

I agree on Holden - hold everything because I fully expect the absentee ballets and a recount will put her in again. This entire thing is a sham - after looking a Vallone's 'victory.'

My mother in law is still getting an absentee ballot and she has been dead 5 years. I have little doubt she will 'vote' this year.


Anonymous said...

Graziano would have had to change his party last year in order to run against Poulidis in a Republican primary which means he couldn't take on Vallone in the Dem primary. So what in tarnation are you talking about?

How did Holden run in the Democratic primary but still wind up on the Republican line for CD30? Was it because there was no Republican candidate who had declared, so the Republicans could then put whomever they wanted on the ballot? And that couldn't happen in 19, because there was already one Republican candidate (Poulidis)?

Anonymous said...

Vallone outsmarted everyone. I received a letter from Frank Padavan telling me Vallone is good for City Hall. Genius.

Anonymous said...

Dear "fraud" guy...get over it...maybe it was the Russians...again. Ponytail is unelectable

Anonymous said...

"According to the Times Ledger, "Over in Bayside, Republican Konstantinos Poulidis came in second to Vallone with 24.4 percent of the vote and finished ahead of Graziano, who ran on the Reform Party line with 18 percent of the total vote. Poulidis is a student at Queens College." That just makes no sense at all. Why would anyone vote for a 20-year-old kid who didn't even campaign? Did every Greek person vote for him just because he's Greek?!?!"

That is literally how the greeks vote. It is literally the only reason Costa wins Astoria.

Anonymous said...

"And another 4 years with mayor dumbdumb.... What is wrong with this city? Doesn't anyone realize how incompetent and corrupt he really is? The nightmare wont end anytime soon! Thank you liberals and nonvoters for letting the nightmare continue! "

Bill is corrupt AF, but look at the other elections around the country. Nicole never had a fighting chance because she's a republican, and the backlash against all things trump is only beginning.

Holden is getting a pass because if you did your homework you know he's a bit more independent and cares about his community, more than being beholden to party.

Let's hope someone gets some real dirt on Bill and he's brought down in the courts.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the Diz' is calling the moving company this morning. Good riddance. My condolences to Breezy Point.

Anonymous said...

Is the NYC electorate on drugs? Or did illegals stuff the ballot boxes because we have no voter ID requirement? How on earth could NYC re-elect a corrupt incompetent BUM like DeDumDum? He is up on numerous charges, for which he expects US to pay the legal bills. The city infrastructure is a crumbling disgrace. The schools brag about their anti bullying policies, but let their teachers be harassed by administrators and students, afraid to discipline their students lest they be brought up on frivolous charges. The schools' diplomas are a laughable fraud, as 78% of NYC high school graduates have to take at least one remedial course at college. We can barely go a day without a subway derailment or major incident. We read about one racially motivated crime after another. This stupid bum insists that we give illegal invading criminals a free ride on our dime and prevent authorities from deporting them. This stupid bum would sell every blade of grass still not covered by concrete to enrich his REBNY masters. And yet, most voters stayed home instead of applying their obviously moderate intellects to looking over other candidates and voting for them.

That's not how a democracy works, folks. You gotta get off your duffs and do some homework to make it work. Just following slogans and song lyrics and flashy signs is how you wind up enslaved by communism---along with electing a straight-out commie mayor. Shame on you, NYC, for condemning those of us who did our due diligence and rejected this corrupt incompetent BUM to suffer under another 4 years of his smutty reign.

Anonymous said...

Obviously we are doomed and the election results make that clear. The only winner was CD30 - Congratulations you have the highest IQ in this city ! The rest of this city is filled with brainless hacks. I'm so disappointed in Bayside - what are you sheeple thinking ? - Oh, You're Not Thinking ! Good Grief !!

I'm waiting for the opportunity to move out of this city. So sad that it has turned out this way. I'm hoping to find another town in this country where I can find the kind of life that used to be golden as it was here at one time. God help us all in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

Wait a sec...There will be a recount, as Crowley is down only 133 votes, and County will be doing the recount, right?

Queens Crapper said...

"How did Holden run in the Democratic primary but still wind up on the Republican line for CD30? Was it because there was no Republican candidate who had declared, so the Republicans could then put whomever they wanted on the ballot? And that couldn't happen in 19, because there was already one Republican candidate (Poulidis)?"

The Republican candidate in CD30 stepped down to run for a judgeship which freed the line up for Holden. Poulidis had no intention of stepping down.

Anonymous said...

Well we got 4 more years of nothing special with our mayor pushing his progressive ways. Don’t complain.
At least we got somebody who actually gives a damn about Maspeth and the other communities. Somebody who showed up each time to protest. Was not afraid to look bad in the mayors eye. Good bye Liz. You never showed face. I’m wishing Robert Holden all the best.

Anonymous said...

Board of Elections does recount with observers/inspectors from both Republican and Democratic Parties. Before the recount, they have to count absentee ballots after confirming that these are eligible.

Anonymous said...

Dear " opportunity to move out of this city"...don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out...Bye bye!

Anonymous said...

This is madness, as incompetence as Crowley is, and she still got 50% of the votes? Can't believe that people are that stupid.

Anonymous said...

Is the NYC electorate on drugs? Or did illegals stuff the ballot boxes because we have no voter ID requirement? How on earth could NYC re-elect a corrupt incompetent BUM like DeDumDum?

Fewer than 1.1 million people cast a vote for mayor. There are over 5 million registered voters in NYC.

Anonymous said...

Saw Crowley speak on tv,seemed shocked,almost in tears. The dead vote ,I mean absentee ballots will,put her over.

Anonymous said...

OK,so now Booby actually has to deliver and work for a living. No More BS.
Get to it if you can

Anonymous said...

You get a lot of money for a part time job, good work.

Anonymous said...

I voted at Holy Cross Church in Maspeth . While I was waiting to get to my table, several people came in and where told that there polling place changed to PS 153, which is about 15 blocks away....The poll worker said there were about 40 people that had happened too....all of them said they didn't get notified. This sounds really Fugazy.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope someone gets some real dirt on Bill and he's brought down in the courts.

And then Letitia James would become Mayor, because the Public Advocate is next-in-line.

Meanwhile, with The Dope re-elected, expect the statues of Columbus, Teddy Roosevelt, and George Washington to come down, just like at the Virginia church which removed plaques honoring George Washington and Robert E. Lee. And since Queens is named after Catherine of Braganza, who was Portuguese and thereby tainted by the slave trade, I guess it's only a matter of time before the borough is re-named - maybe we'll become Mugabe-ville, since The Dope admires Robert Mugabe.

Anonymous said...

Dizzy Lizzy's lip service days are over. Get a good!

Justin Cider said...

"just like the Trump supporters who have had their anuses stretched as wide as the Lincoln Tunnel."

I must have missed the #MAGA meeting when the anuses were stretched cause me and my family are doing better then ever. Are you one of the nimrods that believed the fake news and shorted the market?

Back to Crowley...How long will it be that we'll start hearing she lost cause of sexism, misogyny, racism, homophobia, Russia, the alt-right, know the staple of the Democrat identity playbook.

Anonymous said...

>The rest of the races turned out just as you would expect...

Vallone/Graziano didn't. Some no name Republican get 25% and more votes than Graziano? Too bad he Graziano couldn't run on the Republican line, too.

Anonymous said...

So the Dope from Park Slope was reelected with a whopping 16% of the registered voters.

You idiots get the government you deserve.

Anonymous said...

"Meanwhile, with The Dope re-elected, expect the statues of Columbus, Teddy Roosevelt, and George Washington to come down, just like at the Virginia church which removed plaques honoring George Washington and Robert E. Lee. And since Queens is named after Catherine of Braganza, who was Portuguese and thereby tainted by the slave trade, I guess it's only a matter of time before the borough is re-named - maybe we'll become Mugabe-ville, since The Dope admires Robert Mugabe."

Good. I hate all statues. We should give them to people to put in their backyards if they like them that much. Get that clutter out of here. All of them. History is best told in books, not ugly statues.

"Is the NYC electorate on drugs? Or did illegals stuff the ballot boxes because we have no voter ID requirement? How on earth could NYC re-elect a corrupt incompetent BUM like DeDumDum?"

Where are these illegals stuffing ballot boxes? You realize fox news is fake news, yes?

How did people vote for the dope? Simple: no one likes him, but everyone with a brain absolutely hates trump. Mallio = republican = trump. Again, look at all of the elections around the country where R's got beaten. That Virginia race with Danica Roem is a nice display of bigots and idiots losing because this country is better than that shit.

Anonymous said...

"Fewer than 1.1 million people cast a vote for mayor. There are over 5 million registered voters in NYC."

Hey, it was rainy and cool and de Blasio was going to win anyway and it's all fixed and my one vote doesn't count and I was tired after working and I had to food shop and it's hard to find parking near the voting place and I might have had to wait in line and Tuesdays are always my dead day and my shows are on TV early...............

Anonymous said...

It's incredible that the republican got 25% of the vote, it just goes to show you that republicans don't care about anything other than party line. After all they did elect Trump, bigly. They have no right to complain about anything for the next four years, they are a disgrace to American values.

Anonymous said...

Ok, Holden wins because he has proven that the County machine is not invincible... however this is when the machine the County Machine will roll out their bag of tricks...Boss Joe Crowley will unleash the kraken (Frank Bolz)and use every obscure election law and regulation to block this result, absentee ballots will be mysteriously found, there will be a recount...hopefully the Republican party will have observers...the location is in Middle Village...This election is not yet over... I really hope the GOP gets involved at the highest level to make sure this gets resolved in the fairest manner possible...this vile woman must go

Anonymous said...

Insofar as the Poulidis, Graziano, Vallone vote, I can give a sample from my own family, all in the district.

My mother didn't really know any of them. She was going to vote Republican (Poulidis), but a Graziano supporter came door-knocking, and he said Graziano was a good candidate. Since the door-knocker was pleasant and seemed trustworthy as a former Marine, she voted Graziano.

My brother tends to vote Republican, but has some friend-of-a-friend contacts to Vallone, and he would switch parties if there was a personal connection. He voted for Trump last year, but has to make time to go vote, which he didn't think was important this year so he didn't vote.

I voted for Vallone. I would have voted Graziano if he won the Democratic primary. As personalities I am not for one over the other. My understanding is Graziano works harder for the community and Vallone is busy with other things, is a machine Tammany type. I think Graziano's take on it is more correct than what others here say, that he got so many votes on a third party line shows the strength of support and his organization. I could care less about his haircut.

In my profession, we sometimes talk about the "curse of knowledge" (Google the phrase). You all follow this all very closely and assume others will as well. I follow it a little, and know less than others here probably. Most people don't vote, or vote party line. I mean consider the constitutional convention - most people know little about it. Virtually every former municipal employee with a pension posted to Facebook "Vote no on ballot 1, no constitutional convention". So most people see 4 or 5 of those from their friends, and that's how 4 out of 5 votes become no.

The way to Graziano victory if he runs again - get out and meet people from today on, and make a good impression. Build up a team before the next Democratic primary. Get the registered Democrat party list (I used to have one) and have the team go door-to-door. Have supporters share on Facebook to vote Graziano. Because as far as I'm concerned, the general election is not the election - the Democratic primary is the election. We've already had the city council swinging to far to the right with Crowley possibly losing to Holden.

Anonymous said...

Queens is named after Queen Catherine has been debunked a number of times.

Anonymous said...

"just like the Trump supporters who have had their anuses stretched as wide as the Lincoln Tunnel."

Pal keep it civil we are not talking about your sexual preferences here.
And don't gloat, was expected. Nothin to see here, just like the Russia story gets a major spin from the Deep State Fake News mediapsyops.

Anonymous said...

“.....I'm waiting for the opportunity to move out of this city. So sad that it has turned out this way. I'm hoping to find another town in this country where I can find the kind of life that used to be golden as it was here at one time. God help is all.....”

ME TOO! This is not the town that I grew up with anymore and it’s very sad. I had always hoped to have my own family here but now I am seeking greener pastures in other states outside of New York ( One that is not a sanctuary city would immensely be an improvement....)

Anonymous said...

The Vallone/Graziano race turned out EXACTLY as expected.

Anonymous said...

Absentee and misplaced paper ballots will be found and Crowley will win, Its 5:47 PM Wednesday night. That family is HUGE has a lot of "special friends and power" Just watch !!

Gino said...

(The only winner was CD30)
No winners because the new votes in district 30 will be "found" by the powers that be and officially counted. And nobody will be able to do jack shit about it so be prepared to bend over and assume the position!

Something like 150 people in Maspeth showed up and was denied voting and told they didn't read some last minute tiny junk mail notice that changed the voting place to PS 153. Most were older people who couldn't walk the 20 or so blocks.
(most all of them Holden voters disgusted with Crowley)

This dirty election was rigged days, perhaps weeks ago. Its as if every move was taken from history books on Boss Tweed. Remember morons like Crowley & Blasshole are not smart enough to think of these tactics by themselved.
Given these FACTS, 2 important questions now arise:
Who's pulling the strings behind the curtain, The Clinton's, Obama or George Soros?
Aside the illegals and shit Millionaires who is this power yearning for Socialist & Marxist regimes ruling our biggest city's and why ?


Anonymous said...

The cd 30 race needs to be watched ,I gree.

Anonymous said...

This is where the votes are being found right now...these are the guys who control Queens county. Read about them...get informed

Gary W said...

Why would the Repubs right hard for Holden? He just switched parties. I assume if he is declared the winner he'll just switch back to Dem.

And a big F U to the anon who actually admitted to voting for Vallone, enjoy your community prison.

Anonymous said...

What do lawyers have to gain under massive government controls and massive socialism including running all the white middle class homeowners and resistance out of town ?

Anonymous said...

"Why would the Repubs right hard for Holden? He just switched parties"

He didn't "Switch Parties' The Republicans endorsed him and gave him their line on the ballot. Get yer facts straight buttwipe...

Anonymous said...

This whole local election shit is a charade and is rigged.
A 20 year old political nobody hedgehog gets 25%?
A corrupt to the bones mayor gets re-elected?

Gimme a fucking break!

Anonymous said...

***This is where the votes are being found right now...these are the guys who control Queens county. Read about them...get informed***

Excellent find. I did read the DN article in August, but now is making even more sense.

"Expertise in estates and election law"?


Anonymous said...

Good old US of A is a federal presidential constitutional republic, except for a few places like NYC which is a Banana Republic.

Anonymous said...

his whole local election shit is a charade and is rigged.
A 20 year old political nobody hedgehog gets 25%?
A corrupt to the bones mayor gets re-elected?

Gimme a fucking break!


One of the things that get me is the disgusting childish fawning comments of those on Costa's and Van Bramer's 'payroll' - as they scream with delight with their commments on social media over this last mockery of an American election - makes you want to gag at how adults throw away their self respect. THOSE are the first people we need to turn on if we want to start to drain the swamp.

Anonymous said...

“.....I'm waiting for the opportunity to move out of this city. So sad that it has turned out this way. I'm hoping to find another town in this country where I can find the kind of life that used to be golden as it was here at one time. God help is all.....”

ME TOO! This is not the town that I grew up with anymore and it’s very sad. I had always hoped to have my own family here but now I am seeking greener pastures in other states outside of New York ( One that is not a sanctuary city would immensely be an improvement....)


Gary W said...

I stand corrected, but the question still stands.
How hard would R's fight for him, he's a Dem?

Anonymous said...


C'mon, that was a pic of him in his Halloween costume.

Anonymous said...

"Absentee and misplaced paper ballots will be found and Crowley will win, Its 5:47 PM Wednesday night. That family is HUGE has a lot of "special friends and power"

Maybe not. Remember, "Virginny" Joe was pissed at his cuz "Dizzy" Lizzy when she challenged Meng in the congressional primary several years ago. The Diz-Bot must be an incredible embarrassment to him.This could become a big familial payback.

Remember again, politicians don't get mad, they get even.

Anonymous said...

"I'm pretty sure the Diz' is calling the moving company this morning" No movers necessary, she already lives in the Rockaways, but never mind that, who's guarding those paper ballots?

Anonymous said...

C'mon, that was a pic of him in his Halloween costume.

Man did he fool us.
You mean that was not his natural self?
Oh boy.

Anonymous said...

if we want to start to drain the swamp.

Spot on.
As the Native American saying goes, left wing, right wing belong to the same bird.
In this case democRATS and republicans belong to the same swamp.

georgetheatheist said...

DJT, the Son of Queens. The Kickass President. The Heart of Gold President. The Man of Action President.

The unemployment rate is DOWN. Business is BOOMING. The stock market is SOARING. Plus he's going to kick the shit out of that turd in North Korea.

And you're all worried about 50 guys with Tiki torches?

E.Crowley said...

I guess I have to go back to painting ceilings.

Anonymous said...

Call in the Feds.

This is low hanging fruit that would embarrass the hell out of them if we could get Washington to investigate this charade. It would be a piece of cake for Washington to overturn the entire damn thing.

Anonymous said...

The CD 19 results are not surprising in the least. Everyone here seems to think that the average voter follows these races very closely. They do not. Malliotakis beat de Blasio in this district, and I'm sure many of her voters just voted straight Republican. That's why it's so hard for a third party candidate to win. In the Crowley race, the Republican candidate agreed to take a judgeship nomination so that Holder could be given the Republican line. Without that he would not have had a chance to win.

As a lifelong Queens resident I am saddened that the Republican Party cannot find candidates who will do the hard work of campaigning and raising money for these local elections. Guys like CD 19 candidate Konstantinos Poulidis are apparently too lazy to run a real campaign. We had one 4 years ago in Astoria running against Costa, some guy named Daniel Peterson. He barely campaigned and raised only about $5,000. Also look at the Queens Borough President races in 2013 and 2017. The Republican candidates ran vanity campaigns, raising hardly any money.

Anonymous said...

DJT, the Son of Queens. The Kickass President.

And the alternative was the queen of the Dixie mafia who is working on the second dossier with Fusion GPS - expect a bimbo eruption, new "he grabbed me by the ...." charges.
Cool, we got it.
No wonder the folks in this city are electing some really "great" leaders.

Anonymous said...

Al Centola. Why the hell didnt you run?!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
***This is where the votes are being found right now...these are the guys who control Queens county. Read about them...get informed***

Excellent find. I did read the DN article in August, but now is making even more sense.

"Expertise in estates and election law"?


Wednesday, November 08, 2017

These guys run queens county...they are cronies of Crowley...the pick the judges, they make hand over fist in probate and forclosures, they fill all the patronage jobs, they knock challengers off the ballot, they threaten and cajole, and the worst of all, they live and vote outside of Queens County... why nothing is done about this is beyond me...

Anonymous said...

Outstanding questions:

How many absentee ballots are there and where were they from and where exactly are they right now?

What about provisional and affidavit ballots? How many of them are there, what districts are they from and when will they be opened and who will observed that?

Has a recount or recanvass been ordered? When will that take place and who will observe that?

Have any motions been filed in court on behalf of either candidate or party organization?

Why aren't any press organizations asking any of these questions?

Why isn't Queens Crap asking these questions?

Anonymous said...

"Guys like CD 19 candidate Konstantinos Poulidis are apparently too lazy to run a real campaign."

Go back a decade or so when democrat Brian McLaughlin was forced out of the state assembly because of gross corruption. The GOP had a chance to grab an open seat but they ran democrat Morshed Alam who got slaughtered by Rory Lancman. Typical Queens GOP.
I wonder how past GOP rising star Dan Halloran is faring in fed prison?

Anonymous said...

It’s sad that this society would vote in a guy who makes up fake bomb scares and apparently they were chanting the witch is dead? What kind of people are they and that he’s okay with that. Good luck district 30. Better agree with his every move or he’ll put in a fake police report about you

Anonymous said...

Friend of mine works for elections.
I'm told Crowley wont concede so they are going to do a 5% count of the votes by hand, likely with her lawyers breathing down their necks.

I don't fully understand it but Question is:
Why only 5% of ballets and who chooses what neighborhoods they represent?
If the Step Street projects where horde's of older sec 8 Irish & immigrants live on the public dole Crowley wins.
The system is as rotten and corrupt as it gets !!

Anonymous said...

"Outstanding Questions"

No shit !! And a lot of answers you will never see in the news because those people don't want to upset the mayor who wants his little puppet 4 more years.
I can answer one:
They always do a 3% count of ballots by hand, that's standard. I believe they will check the absentee ballot counts and depending on the percentage of those votes that Crowley didn't receive, she may concede after that or 2: -go on to a 5% count of ballots.
And this is where the trouble comes, because the selected neighborhoods THOSE ballets come from can steer the whole election. And we all know these workers are mostly puppets for what the mayor wants.
Its really BS, she (Crowley) is sure to show up with lawyers in tow and they stand around and watch.

Anonymous said...

We've already had the city council swinging to far to the right with Crowley possibly losing to Holden

Are you delusional? Where do you fall on the political spectrum that in your mind the City Council, headed by a speaker who spearheaded and defended giving the seat of honor at a parade to a convicted anti-American terrorist, is "too far to the right"?

georgetheatheist said...

"Its really BS, she (Crowley) is sure to show up with lawyers in tow and they stand around and watch."

Can I watch too? In other words, is all this watching and counting open for public view? I'd like to show up and just see how this is all done. Maybe other citizens and the press as well. I'd certainly would like to watch the other watchers. How about doing all this in a public auditorium of some sort? A teaching moment and civic lessons for the school kids as well.

Just where and when do we citizens show up to "watch"?

Julie B. said...

Blogger georgetheatheist said...
DJT, the Son of Queens. The Kickass President. The Heart of Gold President. The Man of Action President.

The unemployment rate is DOWN. Business is BOOMING. The stock market is SOARING. Plus he's going to kick the shit out of that turd in North Korea.

George, unemployment is DOWN, but are wages UP? No. Who can afford to buy stocks when you live paycheck to paycheck here in NYC?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how past GOP rising star Dan Halloran is faring in fed prison?

Halloran claims that he's a political prisoner, and apparently he's got at least one friend on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Its really BS, she (Crowley) is sure to show up with lawyers in tow and they stand around and watch."

Can I watch too? In other words, is all this watching and counting open for public view? I'd like to show up and just see how this is all done. Maybe other citizens and the press as well. I'd certainly would like to watch the other watchers. How about doing all this in a public auditorium of some sort? A teaching moment and civic lessons for the school kids as well.

Just where and when do we citizens show up to "watch"

It is open to anyone who is a registered voter enrolled in a political party who possess a poll watcher certificate or who is designated by the respective campaigns as an observer. If you are going to mock something, at least be informed

Anonymous said...

"No shit !! And a lot of answers you will never see in the news because those people don't want to upset the mayor who wants his little puppet 4 more years.
I can answer one:
They always do a 3% count of ballots by hand, that's standard. I believe they will check the absentee ballot counts and depending on the percentage of those votes that Crowley didn't receive, she may concede after that or 2: -go on to a 5% count of ballots.
And this is where the trouble comes, because the selected neighborhoods THOSE ballets come from can steer the whole election. And we all know these workers are mostly puppets for what the mayor wants.
Its really BS, she (Crowley) is sure to show up with lawyers in tow and they stand around and watch."

It's not what the mayor wants, it's what Joe Crowley wants, he's the boss in Queens

Anonymous said...

"It’s sad that this society would vote in a guy who makes up fake bomb scares and apparently they were chanting the witch is dead? What kind of people are they and that he’s okay with that. Good luck district 30. Better agree with his every move or he’ll put in a fake police report about you"

Ok Liz, calm down, your Cousin Joe and Frank Bolz will fix this for you. You'll be back doing your mediocre job in the council in no time

Anonymous said...

Hey Julie B, I don't have the money to dabble in the market but that is where my 401K and pension is. If the market is up that's OK with me.

Anonymous said...

"Just where and when do we citizens show up to "watch"

Its a closed door process in NYC I think since John Lindsay, Citizens are not allowed to watch nothin. Worse if the sitting incumbent is a democrat you can be bet endeavors will be made in public interest to source the best decks of cards possible.
I wouldn't go counting any chickens with this election.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure where people are getting a 5% recount from. It's a machine recount. They'll rescan all the ballots. It should take about 2 hours and that will be it.

In addition, if Holden had made up the bomb threat, he would have been arrested for filing a false report. It sounds more the the NYPD can't find a video of the perp, which they were relying on to make an arrest.

JQ LLC said...

The Dow dropped 130 points the past 2 days.

This was a response to GTA and Julie B (right on about paycheck to paycheck, for I don't have a portfolio). Also, did anyone see Trump grovel to the political elite in China, then get laughed at, what happened to all that shit he said to rile up the crowds on the campaign trail about the real Red State.

I also wrote this to see if this thread cracks a 100.

georgetheatheist said...

Let me see if I can get this Holden/Crowley election impasse straight:

This contest will be decided in an office at the Queens locale of the NYC Board of Elections - 118-35 Queens Boulevard?

Just WHAT happens here? Lawyers, commissioners, staffers, candidates but NO members of the public citizenry nor press sit around a table and take physical ballots out of cardboard boxes and actually recount one by one the election results? Some other procedure perhaps?

Does this happen on one particular day or are ongoing gatherings scheduled? Are there breaks for coffee and lunch? Who decides points of order if raised? Are formal recordings or transcripts produced of the proceedings? Is the atmosphere one of rancor or bonhomie? Are police guarding the room like they do at the polls? Who determines and how is the final outcome determined? Are handshakes extended? Backs slapped?

I have many unanswered questions as to what ACTUALLY physically transpires here. I AM TOTALLY IN THE DARK ABOUT THIS. How about you, Fellow Reader?

Time to shed some light here, no?

Where's the Beef? said...

"Who can afford to buy stocks when you live paycheck to paycheck here in NYC?"

Says who? Maybe particularly in your personal case? You unionized? Unions look out for their workers.

Anonymous said...

So so easy.

Has someone already contacted some real Republicans (not the local defanged bs) - say one of Trumps guys in DC to come up and impound everything - maybe even look at Paul's ballots while they are at it, there is little doubt they will find fraud big time.

Remember draining the swamp will illegals on election rolls? Trump would have a field day in Queens.

It would also be a big blow to the Democrat Party central - NYC. It could be enough for the President to order special "treatment" to all politics in the city with Feds watching every move.

The big question, Joe, is cousin worth it - now come on Joe, we all know how you feel about her - is she worth dragging the whole shebang down? Of course that being said, you are not that bright, Joe, so anything is possible. Right? But then, again, you might be a nitwit, but even big oafs understand self protection.

Anonymous said...

Queens has tons of illegals and dead people on the rolls. The entire electoral process, like Poll Tax and Literacy Tests, is designed to disenfranchise the voter's participation and will.

Half of all court cases over the election process in this country is in just one state - New York.

Drain the swamp Trump. Time has never been better!

JQ LLC said...

George brings up some very very very good questions of suspect behavior and arrangements. The democrat machine is persistent, and unrepentant. For they seem not to have learn anything from Manifest Hillary's usurpation and extortion of the party and committee. (Truly, a nasty woman)

It's too bad that the concon did not pass. It would have been nice to have election day on a Saturday and legitimate legal pot.

That should make it 100 I think. It looks like a Queens Crap record, and it's cool that it focused on the election and the electoral process. Awesome job everyone.

Anonymous said...

"Who can afford to buy stocks when you live paycheck to paycheck here in NYC?"

"Says who? Maybe particularly in your personal case? You unionized? Unions look out for their workers."

Thank you....someone with a brain on this site. The Anti-Trump comments remind me of my Clinton/Obama loving friend. He believed all the fake new sites about the apocalypse coming if Trump was he shorted the market. Needless to say he isn't a fan anymore of those very fake news fact he;s kinda jumped on the #MAGA Trumptrain.

Oh as for unions...some unions do look out for their members. Besides Local 100 the TWU (Totally Worthless Union) really stinks and only cares about the dues.

georgetheatheist said...

The Board of Elections: 118-35 Queens Boulevard, the site where the Holden/Crowley contest will be determined [?], is literally a stone's throw from where The Triumph of Civic Virtue statue was ingloriously removed 5 years ago this December in 2012.

PS For the record, Crapper, we went over 100 comments I believe 3 or 4 in the past?

Anonymous said...

""I AM TOTALLY IN THE DARK ABOUT THIS. How about you, Fellow Reader""

And thats Ok because its the job of the elected government and **NOT** the citizenery

1-The public citizenry have no business in this procedure and process.
2-New Yorks constitution and local statutes do not guarantee such a seat at the table.
It is the job of the elected to take care of things like this and why we have elections in the first place.

Last: The citizenery does have some options such as: Change your government via the electoral process, move or shut-up and live with it !!

New York has a big problem with its citizenery. They are stupid or something (like farm animals) who reward their keepers with re-election knowing they are going to get their heads chopped off, bled out strung upside down over a bucket.
Its just crazy !

Anonymous said...

"1-The public citizenry have no business in this procedure and process.
2-New Yorks constitution and local statutes do not guarantee such a seat at the table.
It is the job of the elected to take care of things like this and why we have elections in the first place"

Methinks you're full of shit.

JQ LLC said...

Anonymous said...

"1-The public citizenry have no business in this procedure and process.
2-New Yorks constitution and local statutes do not guarantee such a seat at the table.
It is the job of the elected to take care of things like this and why we have elections in the first place"

Voting yes on the constitutional convention would have taken care of this oppressive nuisance.

Anonymous said...

"Methinks you're full of shit"

Methinks you're not from NYC, blind, blindfolded, living in a bubble of happy gas or haven't been around long enough.
We have the dirtiest politicians in the country festering all together like a hamper of soiled babywipes that stupid voters wont clean.
How can one miss the stink and sights.

Anonymous said...

Vallone and Crowley worked on the Bloomberg and Pataki campaigns

Anonymous said...

The Queens weeklies are prepping us for overturning the election by 'cunt-y.'

Notice how 'Big Joe' Crowley's speech during the convention last year was overdubbed by reporter's commentary? That dolt did not even warrant public exposure cause everyone knows he had nothing to say. Typical Queens pol - does not have much shelf life outside of the borough.

All he did was harvest cash for Hillary - not a smart synapse anywhere in the big lunk's head.

Washington is all ready to find an excuse to move in. Let's see what they do. Belt yourself in boys and girls cause this will be a bumpy ride. But fun!

Anonymous said...

> It would have been nice to have election day on a Saturday

And disenfranchise all the religious Jews in NYC? Bad idea.

Anonymous said...

Word is the count will be on Wednesday the 15th. Can't wait for the weeping and gnashing of teeth that will come from the Crowleys, though I am going to miss bashing the Dizzy One here on QC.

JQ LLC said...

> It would have been nice to have election day on a Saturday

Ok, Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Its Wednesday the 15th so whats the results ?
Or does the mayor have a lockdown & media embargo going on with that too ?
Me thinks Crowley must have lost because you can bet the mayor would already been on TV news with a champagne glass.

Anonymous said...

Winner!!! Holden is in !!!

Anonymous said...

Ding dong the witch is dead.

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