Sunday, October 15, 2017

BDB compares Sharpton to MLK

From SI Live:

De Blasio said Sharpton has "stayed very connected" to the tradition of Martin Luther King Jr.

"You've carried on Dr. King's -- not only his message, but his approach to making social change," the mayor said. "You've shown that it's just as relevant today as it was 50 years ago."

The mayor also spoke about Sharpton's defense of young people brought to the country as children and here illegally, known as "DREAMers," after President Donald Trump said he would end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Sharpton and Cardinal Timothy Dolan joined the mayor in a September rally at City Hall to support the so-called dreamers.

"That is another example, your activism is just as fresh, just as as powerful today as 50 years ago when you started," de Blasio said.

Wasn't this guy James Brown's tour manager 50 years ago?


Anonymous said...

Remember when MLK said " We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it"?

Funny, neither do I.

Anonymous said...

I don't think MLK would have smeared an innocent man in the Tawana Brawley case.

JQ LLC said...

No one manipsmates me or my family.

Really fuck you de Faustio.

Another thing, Al Sharpton's presidential campaign in 2004 had financial help and advisory from Trump's wacky buddy Roger Stone.

Anonymous said...

Cardinal Timothy Dolan ?
No surprise here the Pope, Vatican and local Catholic clergy need to stop this "welcome the stranger" shit understand these fence jumpers and so called "dreamers" will not be attending church, nor filling the basket with money.

We are talking 10 million lifetimes of welfare & democrat voting with this group because most are too, behind and feral to be educated.
Ask any school teacher in private what it like to have even one of these disruptive, unruly, feral rats in the classroom let alone 20 of them.
You would also need to give 9th graders 2nd grade testing to get them graduated and avoid a backlog in the schools.

ron s said...

To paraphrase a famous quote--"I knew Dr. King and you're no Dr. King"

Anonymous said...

MLK was right! The first Greek churches in America were in New Orleans and Mobile because they were slave traders, under other flags. The name Ku Klux Klan comes from the Greek word Kuklos or Cyclus.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that DeScumScum has actually hit a new low? Comparing street gutter trash like Sharpton, who makes a living lining his pockets as a professional agitator, with a civilized man who sought to improve the lot of his people? Every time I think DeScumScum has bottomed out, he manages to surprise me. Residents of NYC have no one to blame but themselves if they cannot rouse themselves from their couch and get the heck out to VOTE for someone even minutely better than this corrupt incompetent greedy fool for mayor. He has taken the city down many rungs on the ladder during his term as mayor, and I dread what other ruin he will bring---to neighborhoods "gifted" with stealth homeless shelters during the night, to the school system, to streets pocketed with gaping potholes, to streets littered with heaps of trash, to fake causes masking opportunities for his developer controllers to make money off valuable real estate like the carriage horse stables or Rikers, etc. etc. There is NOTHING this filthy clown does which is for the good of NYC or decent hard working people. Every single thing he does is to enrich his real estate developer masters who donated to his campaign or to burden us with illegals and the enormous amounts of taxpayer money pissed away on their housing, medical care, food, and stolen education or to pander to thugs. And yet, if people will not get off their complacent rear ends, we will end up with another 4 years of this blowhard bumbler.

Anonymous said...

Buckle up and get's going to be a really rough next four years with this bunch at the helm...I was walking along 8th and 9th avenue yesterday (not by choice had an appointment) This walk took me from 34th to 49th's starting to look like it was in the 70s and 80s again...the crazies and dope fiends are back...they own the streets, the peep shows and rundown bars and topless joints are back in full blown's not that safe an area and it's just annoying as all hell... The progress that was made under Giuliani ( not that he was a total messiah but he did clean this city up) is going down the tubes...this whole permissive crowd with their "leave the criminals" alone mentality and their "live and let live credo" is going to lead to this city descending back into drug-fueled chaos. I live in Astoria and it is getting really "iffy" at night... there are a lot of street crazies and drug casualties making their way here, lurking in the shadows, sometimes being just annoying, sometimes being kind of threatening. Good old fashioned drunkenness is leading to lots of fights and loud obnoxious behavior that spills over into the streets and annoys the good tax-paying, rent paying, go to work residents who really don't have time for this. I think it's too late to send a message this election. There is no strong alternative to DeBlasio and his androgynous minions of mediocrity and sloth. Time to invest in might strong locks and bear mace. Don't blame the police, they are the ones in handcuffs now (Thanks Judge Judge Shira A. Scheindlin, as far as I know no relation to Judge Judy) Protect yourselves, protect your families, take the earphones out of your eyes and pay attention to your environment.

Anonymous said...

How about paying those taxes you owe.

Anonymous said...

The tax dodger is no MLK. What a slap in the face for the black community.

Tony Notaro said...

MLK was a very destructive figure in American history. There is no reason for him to be honored. All of you idiots worship him like he's some kind of God. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

That statement is a fucking travesty. How ignorant does he think he really is.

Anonymous said...

What does that make Sharpton's daughter-- the princess who keeps getting busted for shoplifting and getting drunk at clubs?

Anonymous said...

Al Sharpton is the *I* in Got MLK.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Sharptin’s buddy ,Sonny Carson wasn’t still around. deBlahsio would have loved him.

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