Saturday, August 19, 2017

Development along coast is questioned

From DNA Info:

Critics of the city's plan to build a school, offices and 1,000 apartments on the Long Island City waterfront called it "irresponsible" to develop the site because it's located in a hurricane evacuation zone that's prone to flooding during storms.

Advocates said they would rather see the two city-owned parcels — located next to the East River at the end of 44th Drive — converted to public parkland, with plantings, oyster beds and other green infrastructure to help make the area more resistant to floods.

"We think continuing to build in a flood plain is irresponsible," said Diane Hendry, a member of the LIC Coalition, an advocacy group that launched a petition last week opposing the city's plans. "The land is a natural wetlands. It should be preserved. We do not want this land used for 1,000 luxury units."

The city's Economic Development Corporation and developer TF Cornerstone are planning the mixed-use project, which will include a 600-seat school, offices and light manufacturing space, as well as at least 1,000 apartments, a quarter of which will be set aside for affordable housing.

The development will rise on two sites across the street from one another: 5-40 44th Drive, currently a Department of Transportation facility, and 4-99 44th Drive, which includes a Department of Education parking lot and the shuttered Water's Edge restaurant.

The site is located within Hurricane Evacuation Zone 1, what the city has designated as the most likely to flood during a storm. The parcels also sit on the border between two FEMA flood zones with the highest risk of flooding, according to a map from the agency.


R185 said...

High risk flood zone. Overtaxed infrastructure. Yeah, perfect location.

(sarc) said...

The government knows what is best for you, so you cannot build there due to flooding hazards.

So a School is appropriate.


Anonymous said...

The entire block (which is pretty long) from the river to a bit east of Vernon was entirely under water during Hurricane Sandy.

GHiven this, I hope they build a really huge high rise there, stuff as many extremely wealthy stupid people as they can find into it, and make sure there are no lifeboats.

Anonymous said...

Understand worried parents in LIC are starting to exchange info on their kids strange sicknesses.

Really, why are we surprised? Young people grow quickly - their cells are always dividing. That the the perfect storm for bad stuff like cancers and other serious problems.

I am really, who would believe anyone from city hall, borough hall, or the local clubhouse when they say that the brownfields are clean. Just ask Honest Joe Crowley's family safety tucked away in Arlington, VA.

Anonymous said...

This isn't really going to be "affordable housing" anyway. The city's idea of affordable housing consists of making 100k to get an apartment in that section of queens to begin with. So i say go ahead and build it maybe that will scare these idiot liberals back to their own states. I would like to know how many school aged kids actually live in long island city to begin with. The only people I see having kids these days are illegals.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the Light Rail Train System the city want to put in......All In A FLOOD ZONE AREA
Sure does make sense to me.....

Anonymous said...

Let 'em build. The suckers who buy this shit deseve to be flooded out.
In a mapped flood zone...who the fuck builds or buys?
The greedy and the stupid!

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone make the same mistake: comment over and over about all sorts of things but never goes after the problem: your elected officials.

Have they emasculated an entire borough?

Anonymous said...

Let 'em build. The suckers who buy this shit deseve to be flooded out.
In a mapped flood zone...who the fuck builds or buys?
The greedy and the stupid!


Anonymous said...

How do you go after the politicians ? It's the stupid sheeple voters who keep electing the! Face it ....the Queens electorate is dumber than dirt!

M. How said...

Anonymous said... "How do you go after the politicians? It's the stupid sheeple voters who keep electing them. Face it ....the Queens electorate is dumber than dirt!"

OK. It's time to stop blaming the SHEEPLE VOTERS.

Start with the political party who fronts these no-good politicians with enough election money to support ten families for a year.

Or, better yet, YOU put up the money for an election campaign for someone YOU feel would do a better job.

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