Monday, August 14, 2017

Cuomo aide says Albany drama is all because of Gianaris

From the Daily News:

A top aide to Gov. Cuomo says reunifying the fractured state Senate Democrats will be almost impossible as long as Sen. Michael Gianaris remains in a top leadership role for the mainline Dems.

The personal animosity between Gianaris and Bronx Sen. Jeffrey Klein, who heads up a group of eight breakaway Senate Democrats aligned in a leadership coalition with the Republicans, is the single biggest roadblock for Dem control of the chamber, the Cuomo official said.

The aide sought to peg most the problems on Gianaris, who has had his own tensions with the governor, most recently over the mass transit crisis.The Cuomo aide accused Gianaris, of Queens, of trying behind the scenes to torpedo any deal because he’d rather be deputy leader in the minority than lose influence if the Dems are in the majority.

“This is the oldest story in the book — it’s power, who gets it and who loses it,” the aide said. “When Jeff Klein rejoins the Democrats, Mike Gianaris gets displaced, and therefore he is working to further the divide.”

To break the stalemate, the Cuomo official said, the governor has gone “so far as to offer Mike a job in the administration or offer to support him to run for Queens County (district attorney) down the road.”


Anonymous said...

"To break the stalemate, the Cuomo official said, the governor has gone “so far as to offer Mike a job in the administration or offer to support him to run for Queens County (district attorney) down the road.”

This isn't Government it's bribery...

JQ LLC said...

What the aide preferred not to i.d. himself, what is he, deep throat?

It looks like Gianaris million dollar resident tax for subway improvements rubbed some REBNY motherfuckers the wrong way, and Mario's son doesn't have the plums to malign the senator himself. Besides, Andy should not talk, or even through a flunky, say shit about others wanting more power in their position.

Anonymous said...

LOL Yeah good luck with that Cuomo. He's just pissed because he's been boxed in on the subway situation.

Anonymous said...

Did Gainaris grope Klein again?

Anonymous said...

Gianaris and Vallonia are made for each other.

Every community receives money for capital projects. Gianaris shows up to 'award' it to his district after 'fighting' to get it for the local munchkins. A knot of them show up in a photo in a Queens weekly (big on images and short on text for a Vallonian's 3rd grade education level - we are talking about the parents, silly) and right in the middle is the Father Figure (a Crowley henchman - it this case 'Mystery Mike') beaming to the local village - such simple humble folk whose civics education is to just pull the right lever.

Meanwhile, all those LLC eateries and real estate ventures are paying a tax for their cash cows by giving him a cut that is transferred to the Party Coffers. 'Mystery Mike' is a very useful fellow and is likely to go nowhere soon.

Anonymous said...

Alas, all 'aides' are nothing more than corporate spokesliars, all of whom continually lie, cheat and steal——easier than they collectively breathe! So, what is the point of any visibility, when they are clearly all a kleptocratic cabal of empowered idiots, destroying democracy in New York State, with impunity——ONE county at a time——until there is nothing left!

Last year, I called Mario's equally derelict son, up in the Executive Chamber Asylum of Albany Horrors, and someone named Catherine Montrose answered the phone, and when I asked her who controls the MTA (and more specifically the MTA Office of the Inspector General - State of New York), she became hostile, refused to help me (and said so), before slamming the phone in my ear.

Likewise, 'Gargoyle' Andy's appointments director of the Executive Chamber Asylum, Carey Maloney, refused to help me when I asked for an appointment with the governor's top henchmen, in order to settle a pension dispute, regarding the MTA Inspector General (where even the New York State Inspector General itself does not have any jurisdiction over the MTA——the ONLY agency outside of their jurisdiction). Once again, the phone was slammed in my ear, and this was The People's business. So much for openness, transparency and honest, ethical leadership (that leads by example)! What a filthy tragedy that all pretense of democracy has now collapsed completely (along with New York State's politically ravaged-and-tonsured economy), as the extreme madness of the inmates of the Albany Asylum continue to run everything by shear madness and depravity alone!

But, what could I possibly have expected from Albany, when a mafia thug wanna be is at the helm, where even ACTUAL mafia bosses would blush and cringe at this empowered idiot's corrupt reign of terror?

Worse, Jeffrey Klein is even more arrogant and entitled (with other people's money, that is), as he likewise lavishes himself and his office with extensive bathroom renovations, and doesn't return my calls, whilst his equally hostile staff continues to jerk their constituents around (by the horrifying, derelict example of the 300% fake leadership above), and what difference does it make anymore when the empire is crumbling before our very eyes (and HAS been for decades)?

The pashas have spoken, fellow Queens Crapper peasants: It's the 'Capital I,' small 'U' syndrome, and the public be damned (again and STILL)!

Even REAL crime family rings worldwide couldn't rival the stranglehold of Cuomo's dynastic, New York State 'Hijacked-and-Held-Hostage' style of OPENLY PRACTICED,' gangster style government anarchy, much less surpass the many entrenched levels of anarchy itself!

Anonymous said...

Alas, all 'aides' are nothing more than corporate spokesliars, all of whom continually lie, cheat and steal——easier than they collectively breathe! So, what is the point of any visibility, when they are clearly all a kleptocratic cabal of empowered idiots, destroying democracy in New York State, with impunity——ONE county at a time——until there is nothing left!

Last year, I called Mario's equally derelict son, up in the Executive Chamber Asylum of Albany Horrors, and someone named Catherine Montrose answered the phone, and when I asked her who controls the MTA (and more specifically the MTA Office of the Inspector General - State of New York), she became hostile, refused to help me (and said so), before slamming the phone in my ear.

Likewise, 'Gargoyle' Andy's appointments director of the Executive Chamber Asylum, Carey Maloney, refused to help me when I asked for an appointment with the governor's top henchmen, in order to settle a pension dispute, regarding the MTA Inspector General (where even the New York State Inspector General itself does not have any jurisdiction over the MTA——the ONLY agency outside of their jurisdiction). Once again, the phone was slammed in my ear, and this was The People's business. So much for openness, transparency and honest, ethical leadership (that leads by example)! What a filthy tragedy that all pretense of democracy has now collapsed completely (along with New York State's politically ravaged-and-tonsured economy), as the extreme madness of the inmates of the Albany Asylum continue to run everything by shear madness and depravity alone!

But, what could I possibly have expected from Albany, when a mafia thug wanna be is at the helm, where even ACTUAL mafia bosses would blush and cringe at this empowered idiot's corrupt reign of terror?

Worse, Jeffrey Klein is even more arrogant and entitled (with other people's money, that is), as he likewise lavishes himself and his office with extensive bathroom renovations, and doesn't return my calls, whilst his equally hostile staff continues to jerk their constituents around (by the horrifying, derelict example of the 300% fake leadership above), and what difference does it make anymore when the empire is crumbling before our very eyes (and HAS been for decades)?

The pashas have spoken, fellow Queens Crapper peasants: It's the 'Capital I,' small 'U' syndrome, and the public be damned (again and STILL)!

Even REAL crime family rings worldwide couldn't rival the stranglehold of Cuomo's dynastic, New York State 'Hijacked-and-Held-Hostage' style of OPENLY PRACTICED,' gangster style government anarchy, much less surpass the many entrenched levels of anarchy itself!

(sarc) said...

It is looking as if the swamp in New York is actually a huge festering vile hole of overflowing excreta.

And there is absolutely no will from the masses to even open ones' eyes and honestly look upon this breeding ground of disease, let alone consider cleaning up any of the filth.

"We the People" should not tolerate this!

However the masses are happy with freebies and subsidies, so they keep voting for their benevolent masters.

Those tasked with paying for EVERYTHING are continuously moving to states that have LOW tax rates.

This cabal is spending much more monies than are taken in!

How long until this house of cards collapses???

Anonymous said...

(sarc) I call it the Pearl Harbor Syndrome. With no 'Big Brother' to order us around (well the nincompoops in the Democratic Party would like to think so with their juvenile pussy hats), things will go on and on until it falls apart. Suddenly. It has already started in November 2016 and the Summer of 2017:

There is an old saying that when things fail, they fail catastrophically. Over the next decade or so it will be painful for all of us to watch that old dinosaur belief system die a not very pretty death.

When the financial and society bombs explode you will see us scramble to set things right just like in the 1930s. All those sacred cows the Machine holds are already shibboleths - the rest of the country has started to move away from the urban Democratic Machines - with their feet, their money, and their votes.

And the millennials? Anything they support is a mile wide and an inch deep. Wait till they grow up and try to start a family with these clowns in office. It will not be pretty what the hipshits will do to those old tired warhorses.

The smart money is on Trump.

Anonymous said...

Giannaris is the only pol with half a brain. He is Harvard educated and has a scent of honesty about him. Cuomo and the gang are all about their ego and their power. Good for Giannaris to try to undercut Cuomo's crew.

Anonymous said...

It's unsustainable!

Anonymous said...

keep on breaking the Democrats apart before they break the state and the country with their stupid ideology.

Anonymous said...

Giannari$ is the only pol with half a brain.

He i$ Harvard educated and ha$ a $cent of hone$ty about him.


(sarc) said...

Michael Nicholas Gianaris must have read "The Art of the Deal"...

Anonymous said...

I'll never forget how Michael Gianaris took precious time out of his regular 'lunch-and-a-manciure' as a stressful day in his cradle-to-grave government life to call me up in 2004——ONLY to wax on about WHAT and WHY his office COULDN'T help ME, his constituent, and it was all a steaming pile of pure bullshit. I will never trust another arrogant, sleazy and derelict politician (not public servant) again!

Alas, the two-party-machine-failed duopoly is FINALLY on the verge of collapse, ironically after ONLY 5,000 years of ancient Babylonia has ended (where the DemonRats and GOP are only now getting the memo)! Time to make a living without relying on taxpayer dollars, lazy goons!

And, if Gianaris and his Harvard degree were so demonstrative, then why isn't he in private practice? Another pathological liar who continues to lie, cheat and steal——EASIER THAN HE BREATHES——exactly like the City Hall and Albany criminal enterprise politicians themselves.

Even the mafia bosses themselves are scratching their flat little heads and asking, 'How did these gafones surpass OUR corruption, graft and greed so effortlessly?'

Anonymous said...

So who is this mysterious aide of Cuomo, anyway? What——is he in the government witness protection program?

Further, Cuomo would be the last congenital, inveterate liar whom I would trust, much less any one of his lackey/henchmen aides. Case in point: When Cuomo was running his corrupt reelection campaign, a reporter from the Daily News (another corrupt racket), interviewed 'Gargoyle Andy' when he was canvasing upstate in Cooperstown (and visiting the Baseball Hall of Fame Museum), as the reporter asked the governor, face-to-face, if he would be accepting the endorsement of the Independence Party, to which the crooked governor replied, ❝Those are going to be decisions that will be made somewhere down the road,❞ when in fact he had already accepted the Independence Party's endorsement. This shithead also threatened to eliminate 2,500 state workers before making that mendacious statement above, if the unions did not give back concessions for which they worked so hard to earn, and they caved into pressure because of that Albany gangster-thug!

So many lies from this psychopath/sociopath that they would now have to be cataloged to keep up!

Anonymous said...

He i$ Harvard educated and ha$ a $cent of hone$ty about him.
He was Sheldon Silber's butt boy and now the assembly nephew Braunstein is his.

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