Sunday, July 30, 2017

Willets Point is open for business


JQ LLC said...

What a great video, and not even city funded.

These people are what's left of the American Dream, running legitimate small businesses under the aegis and pandemic of overdevelopment and crass market speculation, and indifferent, oblivious and subservient to financial titans elected hacks and their appointees.

These are the last of the holdouts. True survivors and the victors over the greedy imbecile Wilpons and predator equity firms Related and Sterling attempts to disenfranchise them from their spaces and destroy their livelihoods. These shop owners should be emulated by everyone else trying to run or open a decent business or trying to rent an apartment or own a home.

There are no bullshit bars, beer gardens, expensive designer junk food stops, bespoke clothing shit, or cupcake shops to attract the hipshit demo and the streets there look clean.

And they provide an essential service, since public transit is an abomination and constantly in disrepair, it is better to own a vehicle to commute now.

The state, city and REBNY are trying to eradicate the existence of these people and everyone else struggling to get by. This proves that they are not infallible and can be stopped.

Joe Moretti said...

GREAT Video and nothing more sexy than a female mechanic. Damn, that entire industrial place is way cleaner than all of Jamaica. NOW why can't Jamaica with all the space, create an area similar to this, where all industrial auto places, etc are located as opposed to fucking up all the residential areas and making a mess of Merrick Blvd. That way you don't have eyesores in residential areas and you don't cause traffic problems from people utilizing their services and junked vehicles don't have to be all over residential streets.

Places like this all together amp up the quality and pricing, the way competition should be. You have a shifty shady place, you just go to the next one. This type of environment makes the weakest link strong, otherwise you are CLOSED FOR BUSINESS.

THAT is the REAL American Dream, not this bullshit sharing economy.

Anonymous said...

But, there is an easier way to destroy the 'Big Box' store model——DON'T SHOP THERE!

Now, I truly don't understand the rank and file, all of whom continue to destroy what they claim to want more of, in the name of shopping diversity. Alas, the middle have long ago stopped patronizing the 'Mom & Pop' independent stores——JUST TO SAVE $0.03 ON UNDERWEAR!——and, now Willets Point is left with 'Chop Shop Alley' (well, not anymore, but the image is still embedded in my unquiet mind's inner eye).

So, who will schlep down to Willets Point if they don't need auto body work? Where are the shoe repair stores, the tailors, the hardware stores, the REAL bakeries, the specialty food shops and all other necessities for a functioning American middle class (or the remnants thereof)?

The reason why those stores don't exist is because the middle class itself is DOA (and HAS been since all crooked-and-corrupt, New York City/State politicians killed the entire structure off)! That's why Howard Beach has essentially remained in a quasi-middle class bubble since the 1970s (that, and the Mafia control that pays a monthly visit to the shop owners for their regular, ahem, mortgage payments)!

Think of New York City as an hourglass, where the middle is the glue that keeps 'checks and balances' both above and below the middle point! Well, that's 'GONE, BABY GONE,' and it's never coming back (and neither is Willets Point), and all because of the 'NAKED GREED' and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), two forms of mental illness for which there IS no cure!

Anonymous said...

The city is already overdeveloped and overpopulated. And people wonder why a 125 year old transit infrastructure can't keep pace....

Anonymous said...

Excellent ad! Wasn't the city going to give these businesses new spaces of their own outside of Willets Pt?

JQ LLC said...

"Wasn't the city going to give these businesses new spaces of their own outside of Willets Pt?"

The plan was to put them in a bunch of warehouses in the Bronx like they were a sharing economy workspace. As you can see from the video, nobody wanted that idiotic setup.

Anonymous said...

In the Bronx? The City expected that all their customers would take a bridge to another borough?

georgetheatheist said...

What? No Starbucks?

JQ LLC said...

Anonymous, yes in the bronx. There was a story on it last year and the setting was preposterous.

Look there is no Shake Shack on that street either.

Anonymous said...

Matter of time til WP gets developed. Most have little sympathy for junk yards.

Anonymous said...

Did u know WILLETS succeeded DEWITT Clinton as Mayor of NYC.Clinton was 6th gov.of NYS & was defeated closely by J .Madison, for POTUS.Clinton 's photo is on $1000. bill.

Store signs ,owned by possible illegal aliens delete the "LEWIS" from Francis Lewis's name along Francis lewis Blvd .@37th &39th ave.Shame on them .they have been informed.but they do not give a damn about the American history/culture.I do not shop there.

Anonymous said...

>Clinton 's photo is on $1000. bill.

President Cleveland is on the $1000 bill. High time they bring it back into circulation.

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