Friday, July 14, 2017

Ridgewood rowhouse on steroids is ugly (as predicted)

Just about a year ago, our blog featured this corner house at Stockholm Street and Cypress Avenue.
It was in the process of being altered, and the remark made was, "This will no doubt look incredibly stupid when all is said and done."
Aaaaand...another nail was hit squarely on its head by the Crapper.

Several more complaints have been lodged on this project as well.


JQ LLC said...

Floor to ceiling windows too. Perfect for the indiscriminating, non-inquiring money-pissing hipster demo. Ridgewood immersed!

Anonymous said...

Wait a second...what is this "civil matter" RE a complaint? Did they build into the common driveway easement?

(sarc) said...

This is but subjective.

It looks lovely to me!

Remember, Beauty is within the eyes of the beholder...

Roger said...

Can you imagine what it will look like when every house on that street looks like that?

Anonymous said...

It truly is hideous.

There is no way to make it this big and still fit in but the ridiculous "stucco" ,casement windows without grilles and that ugly window capping makes everything worse.

Honestly, the only thing to save these streets is to plant trees that will grow big enough to hide the properties.

Anonymous said...

How is this allowed?????

Anonymous said...

I often don't agree when Crappy says a building is ugly - but damn that's ugly. Why the stucco?

Anonymous said...

The roof looks ready for Hipster beer garden !

Anonymous said...

Oh good luck stopping these monstrosities.

Come to Flushing Queensboro Hill and you see hundreds just like this side by side. The Asians love expanding. The neighborhood looks like a third world slum favella.

Its quite distressing, and many tried to stop it, but the lawmakers prefer the deep pocket Asians moving in over anyone else.

Anonymous said...

This is really awful. And I can't believe the amount of complaints lodged and still they were allowed to build this monstrosity that does not fit in with the other houses there. Also, somebody mentioned the rooftop being a beer garden and yes that is an open invitation for that to happen! And the thing with the driveway really bothers me, because I have an easement on my driveway as well and I wouldn't dream of doing something like this to affect someone else legally getting into and out of their backyard to park their car, nor would I want something like that done to me if things were the other way around. Can you imagine the ruckus and noise and crap going on for the people that are attached to this nonsense during construction?? The amount of times they probably called 311 to complain and never got anything done to the point they were allowed to completely finish this project? They should make him take that shit all down, issue them a jail sentence for repeatedly violating the order to stop construction And additionally make them pay a very steep fine. Department of buildings needs to do better, because we've got things going on in my neighborhood too and people are just getting away with murder over here. Again, I'll be glad when I can leave this hell hole city once and for all. In fact, I want to be completely gone from New York State!

Anonymous said...

""The roof looks ready for Hipster beer garden""

Without question a party area, they pulled a some kind of fiberglass tub up there.
Hipsters love that shit, home brew bath tub beer and sharing bathwater too. These shitkickers from west the Hudson and Beantown are ruining Ridgewood

Anonymous said...

""Why the stucco""
Because its a dirt cheap (25-50 cents a sq foot) and takes no skilled labor to apply. They simply spray & slop on at 10 sq feet per minute.
It will be cracking & falling down on people heads after 2 NY winter cycles, let alone all the heavy truck & pothole shock waves from Cypress ave.

I would have at least saved some of the old roof facade, windows and siding material.
That block is now "broken"
I was looking buy in Ridgewood as far from the M & L trains as I can get (or better yet Maspeth) but I am now having serious 2nd thoughts. I'm gonna wait for next election results.

Anonymous said...

Just wait until rain water starts funneling into the house the next door from the gap between that building and theirs - I've seen this before. By the time its discovered it will be deemed "a construction issue" and the homeowner next door will have the burden of trying to fix it so his/her house does not succumb to further water damage. They won't see it for a few years and by then it will be too late. Let alone the aesthetics of the neighborhood are gone. Like the rest of Queens we are under siege by over development that is being approved by NYC DOB. I wonder if these NYC officials allow this on their block,next door to their homes - Doubtful.

Anonymous said...

We have to get together and start our own group to stop over development in Queens.
Its clearly obvious that the individual Associations and Community Boards don't give a Flushing Main Street Rats A$$ (I mean no disrespect to the growing rat population in Main Street Flushing) about protecting the beauty and aesthetics of our neighborhoods as-is.

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