Friday, July 21, 2017

Queens lady lets de Blasio have it in photo op gone wrong

Give 'em hell, Vickie!


Babs said...

Vicky for mayor!

Sunnyside Al said...

Bill de Blasio will most likely win re-election without any viable candidate to oppose. The big money is behind this incumbent of the City Hall. The only competition? Melissa Vivierto- Mark, who would surely be more liberal than the current occupant. It's probably too late for her to enter the race, therefore, de Blasio will cruise to re-election.

KT said...

Vicky you are a rock star - BdB you are a coward
Vote Sal Albanese!

JQ LLC said...

What town was that?

And Vicki is half-right, he does still have friends and they are the predator developers, the lobbyists, and the hack democrat machine in city council (which includes that whore Francisco Moya), his overvalued market rate rent paying and bar and restaurant hopping hipshit base and believe it or not, the higher brass of the NYPD. The people who are not his friends are the constituents she mentions, especially the poor who he has betrayed time and time again and the middle class that he refuses to acknowledge.

His trip to Germany at the behest of some artists collective (um, possible overseas campaign donation) just capped the most recent and certainly not the last of his stupid idiotic decisions. I dread what De Faustio will do next to offend the citizenry.

Anonymous said...

New campaign slogan thanks to Vicky:

Buddy, you are out!

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget how he's screwed over our teachers and students by keeping many of the harmful Bloomberg policies. He lost my vote!!!

Joe Moretti said...


Too bad most will still vote the clown back into office.

Gary W said...

What a coward.

But he'll win again.

Vote Nicole Malliotakis

Anonymous said...

I couldn't watch this clip but I saw this on TV. She says Queens went Republican. She must either have Alzheimers or be smoking some nice weed because Queens went 3:1 for Crooked Hillary. You can look it up.

Anonymous said...

Since his first week in office, he and his buddy Al Sharpton vilified the Police. He has blood on his hands for every murder of a Police officer, nationwide, since then.
F him.

georgetheatheist said...

One week of this dog and pony show. It'll soon be over. Doncha love it when he leans over and looks "concerned"? Saw the d&p production at PS 70 in Astoria. Hilarious to watch the gaggle of flunky commissioners hop up with the same look of concern. They almost tripped on the gym floor. Bet they're glad it's ending. And how come the entourage didn't travel from one place to another via bicycle?

Anonymous said...

Some religious leaders from smaller denominations are turning against him. If the Latino preachers jump on board the message will be loud and clear and I think Latino voters who normally vote democrat will vote against him.

Anonymous said...

OMG I love this woman!! She would totally love this blog if anyone on here knows her, tell her we love her and wish she was in the election bid!

Anonymous said...

Shes 100% correct, despite those 1/2 dozen news cameras & crews (alerted by the mayors press secretary to show up) did any of Vicki's footage and spoken FACT make the TV news or even a single line of print in any major paper ?
--Likely not and never will.

This because the mayors office controls all of them and something like this would never meet approval to air. Has anyone seen this on TV ?
I bet not!

How much did that security detail of 3 plus SUVs and horde of cops cost taxpayers for this campaign plug junket ?

Anonymous said...

This lady is my new idol.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, he will win again. Albanese and Malliotakis will split the vote amongst those who don't want him back in office, and de Blasio will take the majority of the rest. And if you thought it was bad before, it will be even worse for the next 4 years.

Anonymous said...

James Oddo is a bigger POS than DeBlasio aka the dope from park slope. Oddo is the dope from Dongan Hills.

Anonymous said...

If Albanese cares about NYC he should step down and let Malliotakis win --and visa versa.
One of them needs to make a sacrifice to get this mentally ill Marxist bastard out of office. Albanese and Malliotakis should work together to accomplish this.

Anonymous said...

This is what corporate fascism and propaganda look like. And, broadcasting corporate owned-and-operated companies like Sinclair Broadcasting are slowly taking over all TV and radio stations with the ultimate goal of destroying journalism and democracy altogether, what with their propaganda lying loops of news information that they continually report that is 'KNOWINGLY FALSE,' the greatest crime against humanity of them all!

But, if criminal sociopath Bill de Faustio thinks that his unearned (much less deserved) second term is a shoe in, then he obviously hasn't met another arrogant, incompetent coward named Christine Quinn! Remember how THAT sure thing imploded when she said, during the October, 2013 runoff, that she would 'DEFINITELY' be on the ballet, and then POOF, she and her squat-and-pudgy big ass was gone and faded away into oblivion?

They can block the 'LAMESTREAM' media all they want, but failure to report news stories like this only reinforces the distrust, fear and paralysis in the first place. And, if one had already forgot about Czarina Quinn, then there is certainly a more recent and fresh reminder by way of what happened to the DemonRats of the DNC (Does Not Care - about democracy), when they all but cemented a DONALD J. TRUMP Presidency with a vengeance (BECAUSE of the DNCs AMBUSH attack on BERNIE SANDERS for PRESIDENT 2016, followed by the open theft of his votes, and then by one of the greatest, massive election frauds of all time, as 'O-BOMB-'A looked the other way - again and STILL)!

Our memories are as long, de Bozo, as you are tall and stupid! Never underestimate an angry mob, all of whom are sick to death of the chronic, congenital, inveterate propaganda lies, deniability and political corruption, in which your entirely disgraced administration at City Hall now so completely personifies, like no one elsel—even worse than Boss Tweed's Tammany Hall more than 100 years ago (and getting more deplorable and unconscionable by the hour)!

Anonymous said...

If you turn on CBS2 at 6 o'clock, I believe Miss Vicky will be on our explaining why she was yelling at the mayor. This lady is tough, and that is that the kind of people that we need in office here LOL

JQ LLC said...

Speaking of media, it's outrageous that reporters have to stand in a pen as De Faustio , the Simpleton Mayor gets to tramp on a block in Queens with an entourage of sycophants and on duty police officers for protection to feign concern about the trees above. The damn local news media should be up in arms with lawyers demanding their first amendment rights to cover the stories as they are supposed to without oppression and flimsy obstructions like that stupid gate provided by the NYPD (Now there's another thing Vicky can yell about, the reallocation of police funding designed to ward off reporting and protests to stifle the spread of information).

Alas, I do not expect any action from the gutless and nutless cajoling news stations for they are owned by avaricious and despotic corporations (or as they have been redefined in 2009, people), and judging by one of the mics it's disney. The other offenders being Fox, NBC (comcast) and the worst one now PIX news, recently devoured by the aforementioned and abominably reactionary and mindnumbing Sinclair.

Julie B. said...

SunnysideAl, BdB is going to win hands down, bet your bottom dollar, by a HUGE margin, GUARANTEED. It's not even a most likely. The commenters on Albanese and Malliotakis are so right. Shame these candidates aren't listening. We should just go dark on BdB; hoping he'll lose is like banging our heads against the wall.

Anonymous said...

He reminds me of a low level Mafia gestapo, self-absorbed with incredible arrogance and entitlement, as he surrounds himself with a desperate entourage of even dumber, more arrogant, more clueless sycophants, so self-assured in his massively intense incompetence, that he is willing to gamble his grubby, derelict present and future on behaving like an unresponsive tyrant who leaves a steady flowing trail of Uber-contempt wherever he goes——oblivious to the guillotine that awaits him at the end of the short path the HE HIMSELF chose and charted, believing with a full heart that he is an actual and welcome guest at the proverbial dinner table——instead of being the main course on the menu!

JQ LLC said...

Check out Marcia Kramer's report on Vicki. (There are some obvious bad pop culture references, but these are the standards for reporting today, which I actually do too but I am not getting paid 1000 dollars a day to do it)

De Faustio's cowardice and elitism in full display, he probably thinks he will look like a hero for shunning her because of Vicki's party affiliation and political leanings.

You don't blow off voting citizens who are asking questions to you.

(The ending of the video is adorable, it looks like it could pass for a sitcom theme song)

Anonymous said...

He reminds me of a low level Mafia gestapo, self-absorbed with incredible arrogance and entitlement, as he surrounds himself with a desperate entourage of even dumber, more arrogant, more clueless sycophants, so self-assured in his massively intense incompetence, that he is willing to gamble his grubby, derelict present and future on behaving like an unresponsive tyrant who leaves a steady flowing trail of Uber-contempt wherever he goes——oblivious to the guillotine that awaits him at the end of the short path the HE HIMSELF chose and charted, believing with a full heart that he is an actual and welcome guest at the proverbial dinner table——instead of being the main course on the menu!

Anonymous said...

JQ is the voice of reason, Queens Crappers (and one of the few, no less)! Listen to him, because he knows what he is talking about. Again, this is what corporate fascism looks like, and if there are still doubters out there, then all one needs to see is how Sinclair Broadcasting just 'devoured' a crummy little station like WPIX-11 News, as the beginning of the end is finally upon us.

Now, whenever a mayor of a major city (or any OTHER position, purportedly of public service) greets a group of his constituents and the media are herded into a pen, well, that's not journalism——it's corporate controlled fascism/terrorism, and Marcia Kramer plays the unconvincing role as senior journalist with integrity, when she is nothing more than a shadow puppet anchorperson with a mic, exactly the way Shithead dumb Blasio is owned-and-operated by corporate obedient, indentured servitude, as the end of humanism is now in full swing to destroy communications between the exalted, multinational corporations and the rank and file, all of whom are now at the mercy of a system that is even beyond the point of oligarchy that George Orwell wrote about (with great prescience!), more than 70 years ago, where his shocking predictions now seem QUAINT by comparison! (All libraries countrywide should move all of Orwell's fictional works to the nonfiction section, because as it turns out——his books were never fictional writings in the FIRST PLACE!)

Tragically, history is about to repeat itself with violence, which is all that is left when all entrenched levels of corruption won't stop because of a cabal of empowered, corporate controlled idiots like a grade A shithead like de Faustio, until he and his henchmen are all shot, one by one, with a bullet to the head, because of Mad Cow Disease.

They are the greatest destroyers of the 'UNITED STATES of AMNESIA and ENTERTAINMENT'S' purported freedom, rights, liberty——and, all former democracy itself!—as these counterfeit intellectuals and pitiful stooges of neo-fascism mock our nation's rank and file with utter contempt, unearned-and-undeserved elitism, hostility and an especially vile level of disrespect that now DEVALUES all honesty itself——to pathologically high treasonous, traitorous and tyrannical effect——and, the public be eternally duped, bilked, scammed, SCARRED FOR LIFE, and damned!

That's why it sickens me to my rooted core, then, whenever I see one of these ungrateful apes wear the American flag pinned to their oily lapels, whilst taking every diabolically unconscionable action to destroy We, The People's flag, country and Constitution with a vengeful impunity that is unprecedented, to date!

Men have been hanged for LESS!

❝I think that our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think that we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends. I think that they are all insane. But, I am liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what is insane about it. Don't you agree?❞ —John Lennon

❝The nihilism and rage sweeping across the globe are not generated by warped ideologies or medieval religious beliefs. These destructive forces have their roots in the obliterating of social, cultural and religious traditions by modernization and the consumer society, the disastrous attempts by the United States to carry out regime change, often through coups and wars, and the utopian neoliberal ideology that has concentrated wealth in the hands of a tiny cabal of corrupt global oligarchs.❞ —Chris Hedges, The Age of Anger

ron s said...

Sorry guys, both DeBlasio and Vicky represent what is wrong with the people of this city. Can't we find normal people anymore?

Anonymous said...

If he likes Germany so much, why didn't he stay there?

If he did we might have some one qualified to lead NYC.

We Know Who You Are said...

Iritano. Go to the beach and chill out.

Anonymous said...

DeBlasio is comfortable ignoring an older white woman because other whites will not rally and burn down his limo or his house. DeBlasio would never do this to a black woman or an illegal alien.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Ron S.: you got HALF of the equation right! Vickie is everything that is RIGHT about this city and We, The People's guaranteed Freedom of Speech (ever heard of it?)? And, the more that you empower and empowered idiot like Shithead dumb Blasio, to make imperious and unlawful decisions FOR you, the more that you and all others become beholden to his madness and anarchy. Or, maybe you like serving as a Queens slave to the self-anointed without any rights and freedom? That's why the most dangerous fool is one who holds a voting card——and, dangerous LEAST of all toward themselves!

Anonymous said...

Now, whatever simpleton left a message to 'go to the beach and chill out' should take his own advice. This thread is for critical minds who aren't afraid to challenge authority and talk truth to power.

Meanwhile, while you talk to your beach ball (your ONLY true friend!), Iritano, as you so crudely refer to him, is out there and on the front lines of activism, protest, rally and resistance.

What have you done, you brazen, nameless coward, in the way of standing up for your rights and freedoms, instead of blasting off on someone who actually uses action and activism. Lower your voice and strengthen your argument, then, or you too will be OUT, BUDDY——right next to your demigod de Blasio!

Anonymous said...

Ron S.: What the hell is wrong with you? So, according to you, it is Vickie Paladino who is the white devil here, and not a quintessential, class A narcissist like de Blasio? If it weren't for the bravery of Ms. Vickie, then no new outlet would have reported on it, and we are even lucky that a single corporate fascist owned network even covered his walk-away arrogance.

Apparently, shithead dumb Blasio forgot what it is to work hard for a living (or, in HIS case, work at ALL!), i.e., his vile, vapid and vacuous days as a 'Tall & Stupid' council turd, and even worse as an equally 'Tall & Stupid' public advocate turd: he and his Puerto Rican, handpicked-and-promoted henchmen, America Canas (who destroyed my case when I met with her), and subhuman beast/prehistoric bitch, Laura Acosta (Affirmative Action is alive and well, to the complete and total detriment of 'NORMAL' society-trapped white slaves of New York City everywhere)!

Don't shoot the messenger, buddy, and while you are out it, why does someone else's First Amendment rights upset your flat little head so much? Are you an ass kissing relative of his? PUL-EEEEEZE!

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