Wednesday, July 26, 2017

If you want something fixed, call the media

From NY1:

Harnisher spent months trying to get the city to fix his property, but instead, he said he got the runaround. That all changed after the 78-year-old reached out to NY1 and we reported on the problem last week. City representatives and EIC have had several meetings since then. The city says repairs will begin next week.

"They have a plan that they are going to put things together with DDC from the city, and they are overseeing it, and they are going to put additional rocks, bring the levels up and address some of these issues," Harnisher said.

Harnisher allowed the city to use his property after they gave him a written promise to return it to its original condition. Initially, the city told us Harnisher would have to go through his insurance company to recover the thousands of dollars in pool repair costs. But since our report, he's reached a comprise with EIC.

"Thank God, speaking to you folks," Harnisher said. "I was frustrated since the middle of April."

Harnisher says he hasn't gotten a date yet as to when the actual construction will start, but he's happy things are finally moving along. He'll be even happier once the job is done.


Gary W said...

78? The city will probably wait him out.

M. How said...

Gary W said... "78? The city will probably wait him out."

Then his heirs will have to call the media and pester the City until it's fixed. Never give up!

Anonymous said...

The city has a lot of dam nerve. Ask the man can we use your property and we will put it back the way it was when we are done. Then the bastards told him to go through his insurance company like if that is not going to raise his premium. The city of NYC is so worthless.

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