Thursday, July 27, 2017

Graziano Files Court Case Against Vallone; Claims Petitions are Permeated with Fraud

Graziano v. Vallone Papers by Paul Graziano on Scribd

On Tuesday, July 25th, 2017, Democratic New York City Council Candidate Paul Graziano filed suit against his opponent, the incumbent Paul Vallone, in order to remove him from the Democratic Party ballot line in the 19th District due to massive fraud and forgery in his petitions.

"The Supreme Court in Queens County has received our papers and we look forward to presenting our case," said Graziano.

32 allegations of fraud? Holy crap!


Anonymous said...

this is wonderful now hopefully we can go after Peter Vallone too

Anonymous said...

The reality is that the judges owe their allegiance and their seat to County Dem Party, which supports Vallone. Case will be thrown out.

Here come da judge! said...

The assigned by Jeremy Weinstein judge, Kevin Kerigan, comes out of the Queens County MACHINE Demo Party. Weinstein as well.

Good luck Graziano in getting a fair hearing.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Here come da judge! said...
The assigned by Jeremy Weinstein judge, Kevin Kerigan, comes out of the Queens County MACHINE Demo Party. Weinstein as well.

Good luck Graziano in getting a fair hearing.


Anonymous said...

Here come da judge! said...
The assigned by Jeremy Weinstein judge, Kevin Kerigan, comes out of the Queens County MACHINE Demo Party. Weinstein as well.

According to the papers, Kevin Kerrigan is the intake judge, and will not be hearing the case. The assigning judge is Jeremy Weinstein. He has not assigned a judge yet.

No question about their connection with the Queens County Democratic Machine, though - right on target there.

I wish Graziano great luck and success with this case. On the merits, it looks like he could knock Vallone off of the ballot very easily, but we know how the Machine will work to stop this at all costs.

Anonymous said...

Fraud is fraud! And this is ELECTIPN FRAUD! The FBI's anti corruption task force,at fed plaza Manhattan will be getting involved no doubt! So FU naysayer Vallone trolls!

Anonymous said...

Good, I hope he gets an honest judge who sends this corrupt underhanded mother f_cker out the way despite all the greaze lubing the machine.

Problem now is getting honest "assigned" judge will be near impossible.
Great to hear Graziano has balls, I wish he was Mayor or at least borough president because Queens has been faced with TOTAL SHIT both on the floor and in all corners for too long !!

JQ LLC said...

Sharp. Now this is how you dig dirt. Legitimate dirt.

Stunner 32x

Here come da judge! said...

So, just HOW does Jeremy Weinstein "assign" this case? He flips a coin? Has a lottery drawing? Consults the Majareeshi?

OR something else?

Anonymous said...

The Vallone family has taken its toll on the County. Maybe this will put an end to it.

Anonymous said...

Good, I hope he gets an honest judge who sends this corrupt underhanded mother f_cker out the way despite all the greaze lubing the machine.

Problem now is getting honest "assigned" judge will be near impossible.
Great to hear Graziano has balls, I wish he was Mayor or at least borough president because Queens has been faced with TOTAL SHIT both on the floor and in all corners for too long !!

Best way to support Graziano is to share these court papers with everyone you know and contribute to his campaign...after seeing those papers, I pulled out my credit card, jumped on his website and dropped $175, which gets him like $1,000 in matching funds from the city! He has my vote and my support in every way that I can.

Anonymous said...

Graziano should have been elected ages ago. It just goes to show how few people really care about what goes on.

JQ LLC said...

Anonymous said...

Wow. Usually it's the County candidate who tries to invalidate the petition of an insurgent, not the other way around. Truly a man bites dog story.

Anonymous said...

"share these court papers with everyone you know"

Showed some striking Spectrum cable people and neighbors.
Not ONE of them understands any of these papers, lost at the first page and wouldn't even read the rest.
"we know he's a dirty crook but what does all these names, long numbers and things mean"
Somebody needs to write a synopsis in layman's terms because the legal mumbo jumbo apparently reads like Chinese to most Queens voters who are too stupid or don't have the time to "decode" all of it.

Only then THEN will perhaps people perhaps understand it.

Gino said...

QN volumes, the petitioner, WHEREFORE, heroine, Sufficient case appearing therefore” “Order to show cause” “Order to pursuant to sections 16-100”

----WTF is this shit, who the hell talks and uses words like this to convey something. I dont know any of those words, let alone meanings ***ENGLISH PLEASE this is America !**

I would like to know what did that asshole Vallone do now, I take it something about voting ?

Anonymous said...

---WTF is this shit, who the hell talks and uses words like this to convey something. I dont know any of those words, let alone meanings ***ENGLISH PLEASE this is America !**

Easy summary: In order to get on the ballot, a candidate has to get a certain number of valid signatures. For the Democratic ballot line, it's 450 signatures. The court papers accuse Vallone of getting signatures illegally, including using underage kids to get signatures (which is super-illegal), as well as committing massive fraud and forgery, particularly by the campaign manager, Patrick Jordan, and his immediate staff.

If this is true (and it looks pretty bad for Vallone based on what's in the court filing), then the signatures connected with the fraudulent people will be invalidated, and Vallone will be thrown of the Democratic ballot line, leaving Paul Graziano as the sole person on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

How the hell are we (the majority with high school educations) to decide whose the crook when we can understand who did what. I read something about fake signatures on a petition, underage teenagers and some mention of the drug heroine.
Wherefore, heroine ??

This RIGHT HERE is a HUGE part of the problem in New York, all these lawyer politicians speak in legal mumbo jumbo the average person can NOT understand to get away with shit.
I'm just a plumber with a High School Diploma from Queens Vocational High School. Not some fucking lawyer, Goldman Sacks CEO, Yid judge but I pay taxes on my 3 buildings and have a right to know what new BS these assholes are pulling.
I'm told a law does exist things must be in language the general public can understand however I dont know what that apply's too.

I think this is just the legal papers filed. Somebody will speak in English when the shit hits the fan but then again the dam media may gag it. (why I would like to know in English now)

Anonymous said...

Is it illegal to get signatures at a fireworks event? What are the rules for canvassing?

Anonymous said...

Is it illegal to get signatures at a fireworks event? What are the rules for canvassing?

There's nothing illegal about getting signatures at a fireworks event. That's petitioning, not canvassing...canvassing is when people go door to door asking people to support a candidate, not getting signatures.

In order to either collect signatures or sign a petition

1) You must be a registered voter, meaning you have to be old enough to vote
2) You must be a registered voter in that Party (Democratic, Republican, Independent, etc.) that the petition is for

From what the papers say, it looks like Vallone got underage kids (not registered voters) to get his signatures and then lied about it, along with a whole lot of other fraud connected to getting other signatures.

Looks like Graziano uncovered all of this...I'll bet that the County candidates have been doing this for years. Kudos to him!

The County Watcher

Gino said...

Thank you for "s'plainin" me.
This Vallone must be a real asshole loser to have to cheat for 450 legit signatures.
I could LEGALLY get that as the neighborhood handyman/plumber in a day or two.
If incumbent Vallone needs to cheat for 450 signatures how the hell did he get elected to his current term. The past election HAD TO BE rigged, I think all these bastards need to be investigated including everybody the election board and the equipment itself.

Its common sense, one does not have to be a rocket scientist to reach this conclusion--Some huge money must be passing hands and the elections are being RIGGED.
They need to go back to the old system with mechanical pull lever punch card machines and physical cards that can be counted (with witnesses) as well as stored. All this "new and improved" computer shit is no dam good.

Anonymous said...

Is it illegal to get signatures at a fireworks event? What are the rules for canvassing?

In looking at the NYS Election Law, § 6–132 states that the witness who collects the signatures and signs each page has to be a duly enrolled voter - thus, if minors collect the signatures, they are too young to vote and therefore not duly enrolled, so the pages they signed as witnesses are invalid if one goes by the letter of the law. If someone else signs other than the witness, then the people who signed have to appear before a notary. The judge will have to decide.

Anonymous said...

From what the papers say, it looks like Vallone got underage kids (not registered voters) to get his signatures and then lied about it, along with a whole lot of other fraud connected to getting other signatures.

Sounds about right, explains Hillary's recount efforts, where in a Pennsylvania town with population of 150 there were over 500 votes - for her.
Recount stopped soon after that.
The DNC modus operandi, they love illegals, criminals, underage, non citizens, you name it they have them.
I'd say the best "democracy" and "freedom" money can buy.
A true Banana Republic.

Anonymous said...

People are making a big deal over what is business as usual. Candidates always file objections to their opponents petititions. But it's a double edged sword. Objections have also been filed to Graziano's petitions. This could all end with Graziano's signatures being invalidated. If that happens it will be Graziano who's thrown off the ballot. Be careful what you wish for.

Anonymous said...

It is possible Vallone could just get a fine and not thrown off the ballot?

Gary W said...

Gino sounds like Kid Rock is your canidate!

Kid Rock says his proposed Senate run is no joke
Kid Rock says his proposed Senate run is no joke
He followed that up with a Facebook post outlining a conservative stand on taxes and regulation.

“I believe if you work your butt off and pay taxes, you should be able to easily understand and navigate the laws, tax codes, health care and anything else the government puts in place that affects us all,” he wrote above a link to his website on

Messages like this resonate. People are waking up to the fact that our political elites are nothing of the sort.

Anonymous said...

@ Gary W "People are waking up to the fact that our political elites are nothing of the sort."
Yes political elected officials are our public servants. People better wake up and turn off the mainstream media. Sites like this one and others on YouTube that have open and free discussions are the places people should get their news.

Anonymous said...

People are making a big deal over what is business as usual. Candidates always file objections to their opponents petititions. But it's a double edged sword. Objections have also been filed to Graziano's petitions. This could all end with Graziano's signatures being invalidated. If that happens it will be Graziano who's thrown off the ballot. Be careful what you wish for.

There are two different processes for challenging petitions: #1) filing objections and #2) a lawsuit/court action. Each has a very short statute of limitations, in terms of how someone has to respond.

Graziano filed what are called General Objections against Vallone, which are sort of like placeholders; he then had six days to file written Specification Objections. When Graziano filed General Objections, Vallone filed them in retaliation; when Graziano did not file the written Specification Objections, Vallone dropped those objections as well.

That process, which is at the Board of Elections and is over, has nothing to do with the lawsuit/court action, which is what Graziano filed after the deadline for Specification Objections had passed.

This isn't business as usual, from what I've read in the court papers. Graziano's allegations are of serious fraud and forgery that permeate the petitions from top to bottom. And, from what I've read, it seems like he has a good chance to prove this...I guess we'll see what happens when the court proceedings start.

The County Watcher

Anonymous said...

Vallone is a real creep to ask kids to perform a job that is illegal I hope all those parents find out and raise hell.

Anonymous said...

People are just jealous of Paul. His beautiful wife, model and musical prodigy children, awesome Halloween decorations and championship soccer coaching! Haters gonna hate. He's going nowhere. Trust me on this.

Anonymous said...

Objections have also been filed to Graziano's petitions. This could all end with Graziano's signatures being invalidated

Graziano is as honest and as smart as they come. I would bet the ranch that each and every signature on his petition is 100 percent solid. As a matter of fact I asked him to give my kid a job getting signatures over the summer and he told me no because it would be illegal. Too bad for Vallone something like the law doesn't affect how he does business.

Anonymous said...

Graziano's blonde blue eyed wife is much hotter than Vallone's and his baby is adorable. Vallone's kids are way too old to be cute at this point.

Anonymous said...

It made the ny post today

Anonymous said...

The judges refuse to rule on petition fraud, only petty irregularities. Bring in a signature expert and they refuse to let them testify.

Anonymous said...

Vallones 2000 signatures don't mean a thing if he used children to get them. Donate to Graziano now to fund this investigation. Help to end the corruption.

Anonymous said...

Keep kids and wives out of it. Stick to the issues.

Anonymous said...

The judges refuse to rule on petition fraud, only petty irregularities. Bring in a signature expert and they refuse to let them testify.

Completely untrue. Judges rule on all fraud and signature/handwriting experts are absolutely allowed to testify.

The County Watcher

Anonymous said...

Some appointed judge will see if 450 "legit signatures exist" and if so just toss out the bogus ones (calling them an honest error) so Vallone will still stays on the ballet.
The mayor, his dirty machine and special interest will make sure Vallone stays on that ballet.

Anonymous said...

We need to find out what happened. If Vallone is dirty enough to use underage kids to commit fraud then what else has he been up to????

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