Monday, July 17, 2017

Documenting the last days of the old Kosciuszko Bridge

"Remembering the old Kosciuszko Bridge before the demolition. How many frustrating hours of New York traffic did you spend in your life on this old metal rusted bridge? A lot and we hated every minute of it. Now that its gone in a way we are happy to see it go but are sad at the same time. We will always remember this green metal bridge. She served us well. May she go down in history. Enjoy this drone aerial video to remember the history of this fine bridge as we look to the future. I took my time to make this video for all of you my fellow New Yorkers and for anyone else out there who relates."


georgetheatheist said...

Skycamusa: Nice footage BUT I thought it was illegal to fly a drone in 95% of NYC - too near the verboten airports. How'd you swing this?

Le Gross Foo Chat said...

George, It's the Jim Cameron method. Slide in there, get it done, and maybe, later, have to apologize.

georgetheatheist said...

Yeah, but if the drone flies away and takes down an aircraft, there will be Hell to pay.

Anonymous said...

Remember it, It was ugly.Goodbye.

Anonymous said...

Drones don't just go rogue and try to escape.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry: the new bridge has just as much traffic as the old one. It is its true spiritual successor, and it will provide us with many more years of tortuous rides home.

Anonymous said...

Great work, really enjoyed it. Used to hate getting stuck in traffic at the top of that bridge. Perhaps an instrumental "Bridge Over Troubled Waters".

Unknown said...

Christopher Cross Sailing one of my favorites, thank you

Anonymous said...

"is it legal"? Who cares. Enjoy the show.

JQ LLC said...

When they bring down the bridge, do another fly over and use that finale music from Carmen. I forgot the name of it, but caddyshack used it at the end of that movie and it goes da da da da da da, da da, da.

Anonymous said...

❝Remember it, it was ugly. Goodbye.❞ Sounds like every corrupt politician in New York City and New York State, since before the exalted days of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall! Amazing how such a simple phrase of six words can have so many meaningful uses!

Anonymous said...

❝Remember it, it was ugly. Goodbye.❞ Sounds like every corrupt politician in New York City and New York State, since before the exalted days of Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall! Amazing how such a simple phrase of six words can have so many meaningful uses!

Anonymous said...

Let us document the last days of two major, grade A shitheads like Bill (Tall & Stupid) de blasio and Mafia thug-boss of Albany, Mario's equally corrupt-and-depraved son, 'Gargoyle Andy.' The reason for why the city and state are in total dystopian meltdown is because of the systemic empire of corruption that is obliterating New York State to smithereens, which is fine for terminal fungi like Comrade de Blasio and neo-fascist Cuomo, because they are both derelict in the public oath of office that they swore to uphold, where they don't even PRETEND to engender honest, ethical, leadership (that leads by example).

And, every time a street thug like Mario's crooked son opens his giant mouth (that can be seen from outer space as another black hole of infinity!), he sounds like a mad, tyrannical dictator, demanding that his absentee audience pay attention to a tsunami of failed words, filled with great, alarming sound and fury and signifying nothing (as evidenced by his spending of millions for lights on a bridge, and bolting altogether from his massive obligation to MTA funding that should have been executed decades ago, exactly like the unconscionable HUD debacle that he left in his wake, only to be rewarded (again) with greater praise and recognition for epic, humanitarian (and ecological) fail.

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