Monday, July 24, 2017

DCAS director fired for complaining about conflict of interest

From the Daily News:

Mayor de Blasio avoided questions Sunday about his alleged intervention on behalf of a big campaign donor who threw two free fund-raisers for him.

The Daily News broke the story on its website Saturday, revealing that a former city deputy claims he was fired after protesting City Hall's interference for Harendra Singh, whose Queens restaurant owed the city nearly $750,000 in back rent.

The News revealed that de Blasio's campaign didn't bother paying the bill for fund-raisers in 2011 and 2013 at Singh's Water's Edge restaurant until the city Campaign Finance Board demanded documentation during an audit in 2015.

The News also revealed that de Blasio's top aide, director of governmental relations Emma Wolfe, personally intervened in the Water's Edge rent dispute with the city Department of Citywide Administrative Services.

Ricardo Morales, DCAS' deputy commissioner for asset management, was handling the Water's Edge negotiations and says he was fired in February because he complained that City Hall's "inappropriate involvement" violated city conflict-of-interest rules.


Res Ipsa said...

This mayor has been violating conflict of interest rules from the beginning and continued to do so with the recent trip to Germany. That COIB never finds any violations, and even approves his shenanigans tells you how corrupt it all is. Just vote him out.

Anonymous said...

Dumblasio = total crook
progressives = worthless

(sarc) said...

When will you mere peasants realize that there are two sets of rules?

One set of rules for the proletariat, enforced by the heavy hand of government.

The bourgeoisie have no rules and these benevolent dictators make up and enforce rules in whatever means benefits their own best interests!

The irony of an avowed communist who campaigned upon the concept of "a tale of two cities", creating a further division and suffering, yet unofficially switching to a wealthy greedy capitalist, selling favors to the highest bidder...

JQ LLC said...

That headline should be plural since there were two. This was the guy who certainly would have put Emma Wolfe and De Faustio behind bars if Preet wasn't fired and the new guy and Vance didn't abandon the case.

The COIB has become a nonfunctioning joke whose members should be fired immediately as it has become nothing more than a glorified break lounge.

(sarc) nails it again about this neoliberal betrayer, even though I disagree about his advocacy of Trump who De Faustio is imitating and similarly being unethically advantageous in his position of power.

Anonymous said...

Exactly like (sarc) said: One set of rules for the proletariat (where minor crimes and offenses can result in long term jail sentences), and another set of rules for the forever guilty kleptocracy.

Author Jesse Eisinger just released his book entitled, 'The Chickenshit Club,' about the exact double standard of two legal systems, and it should be REQUIRED reading for every man, woman and yes, even children as young as seven years old!

Anonymous said...

Why isn't this guy impeached yet?

Anonymous said...

Exactly like (sarc) said: One set of rules for the proletariat (where minor crimes and offenses can result in long term jail sentences), and another set of rules for the forever guilty kleptocracy.

Author Jesse Eisinger just released his book entitled, 'The Chickenshit Club,' about the exact double standard of two legal systems, and it should be REQUIRED reading for every man, woman and yes, even children as young as seven years old!

Anonymous said...


Gets you a page not found error.

Anonymous said...

My apologies, last Anonymous for the link that produces an error page. It was up and running on July 14, 2017, two days after Charles Blow spoke with Charlie Rose about Jesse Eisinger's book entitled, 'The Chickenshit Club.' Now, I have found the correct link that connects you to the original, July 12, 2017 interview. Here it and hold your head in disbelief:

Anonymous said...

My apologies, last Anonymous for the link that produces an error page. It was up and running on July 14, 2017, two days after Charles Blow spoke with Charlie Rose about Jesse Eisinger's book entitled, 'The Chickenshit Club.' Now, I have found the correct link that connects you to the original, July 12, 2017 interview. Here it and hold your head in disbelief:

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