Monday, July 24, 2017

Avella backs Graziano in District 19 City Council primary

On Monday, July 17th, State Senator Tony Avella officially endorsed Paul Graziano in the Democratic primary for the 19th Council District seat, which covers most of northeast Queens including College Point, Whitestone, North Flushing, Auburndale, Bayside, Bay Terrace, Douglaston and Little Neck. It is rare for a sitting elected official to not endorse an incumbent, but Senator Avella is supporting Paul Graziano in this race over machine candidate Paul Vallone.

“As the former councilmember for this district, I know what it takes to effectively represent the people,” Avella said. “Paul Graziano is the right person for the job. I have worked with him closely for over a decade on multiple issues that have had great impact on the neighborhoods of northeast Queens. Paul understands what the people of the district want and need.”

“I am greatly honored to receive the endorsement of Senator Avella,” Paul Graziano said. “We have stood together to successfully fight many proposals and plans that would have negatively impacted our district and also worked closely on passing major legislation and actions that have been incredibly beneficial for northeast Queens, such as contextual rezonings, obtaining landmark status for individual buildings and historic districts and, just last month, stopping the giveaway of 45 acres of public parkland for the development of a megamall in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park. More than 95% of the 19th Council District is within the boundaries of Senator Avella’s 11th State Senate District; with both of us representing northeast Queens together, I believe we will be able to do that much more for our neighborhoods.”

For more information, please contact the Graziano campaign at 718-309-7522 or

A transcript of the video may be found here.


Anonymous said...

While I practically worship Avella, I do not like Graziano.

Anonymous said...

If it's just Graziano against Vallone in the primary, then Graziano has an excellent chance of beating Stinky. Four years ago, those who opposed Vallone and his developer backers (remember REBNY's involvement in the campaign?) were split among several candidates (Graziano, Shafran, Duane, and Voskerichian), and Vallone narrowly won the primary.

Anonymous said...

Graziano seems like the way to go. I really can't point out anything Vallone has done for College Point since he was elected. I don't even think Vallone knows College Point is part of his district.

The SNL Church Lady said...

Graziano is ON message. But here's a 46 year old guy, wearing a straight-laced suit, with some kind of idiotic "wtf-is-this?" hair bun on the back of his head. Paul your message is strong but, sorry to say, I have to be honest - you LOOK like a nebbish - just like me. Vallone is a moron but with his shaved head he presents a macho mien which the like-wise moron voters lap up. Increase your vote. Get thee to a barber shop! Graziano entourage: please persuade him it's got to go.

Anonymous said...

While I practically worship Avella, I do not like Graziano.

Sorry to hear that. Graziano is a helluva guy.

Anonymous said...

Oh God please let Graziano win...PLEASE

Anonymous said...

Endorsements don't mean much. To have a chance against an incumbent, Paul needs to go knocking on registered voters door. Has he been doing that?

Anonymous said...

Vallone is a gafone (low life in Italian). In fact, the entire family operates like entrenched mob thugs, as Mario's son, 'Gargoyle Andy' doles out cushy jobs in Albany to keep everyone in the family business padded with other people's money.

Someday, I swear, this Albany and City Hall gestapo enterprise is going to collapse from the crushing weight of all corruption, graft and greed for which everyone else in the 'taxation without representation' working classes have never stopped paying. Even Mafia bosses worldwide would blush at a level of graft that even they themselves could never rival, much less surpass. Time to end the dynastic political empires like the Vallones and Cuomos of epic, humanitarian fail.

Their collective corruption is murdering New York State residents (and this is taking place years after another criminal sociopath, Michael Bloomberg, ALREADY murdered New York City with a vengeful impunity, during his reign of insidious autocracy - and just like all unresponsive Jewish tyrants, he left a filthy mess in his wake——and, then he moved to London to live in private, landmark splendor——the true testament to a mentally ill sociopath)!

Anonymous said...

Avella didn't do much for College Point either when he was in office. the neighborhood wasn't his beloved Bayside or Whitestone so he didn't care. and I'll stick worshiping the crap my dog takes over worshiping Avella.

Anonymous said...

"Avella didn't do much for College Point either when he was in office. the neighborhood wasn't his beloved Bayside or Whitestone so he didn't care. and I'll stick worshiping the crap my dog takes over worshiping Avella."

Do tell moron. Sounds like you are a Vallone plant. Getting nervous guys?

"While I practically worship Avella, I do not like Graziano."

Now that's a logical, well reasoned argument.
Are you guys on the same payroll, or this trashing is strictly on volunteer bases?

Go Graziano! And thank you Mr. Avella for all you have done.

Anonymous said...

Graziano has done more for North Flushing quality of life and protection than Vallone. He's intelligent and passionate. Vote for Graziano.

Anonymous said...

For those who don't like Graziano or his hairstyle: if you think Vallone accomplished anything for your neighborhood, then by all means vote for him; and if you think Vallone did nothing, then vote for Graziano. And then in four years, if you think Graziano did nothing, then by all means vote for the next candidate. But I can't imagine that anyone is impressed by Vallone or his "macho" chrome dome.

Anonymous said...

What the 19th district needs is another Mike Abel.

Anonymous said...

Mike did not have an enlarged opinion of himself like Graziano, Vallone and Avella.
That's why he was able to get to understand what voters wanted.
He was the one who got Douglas Manor designated a Landmark District.
It was a lot of grass roots community work on the residents part and his support for the idea in the Council that got it passed.

The problem is that when most people get a little recognition, it goes to their heads. They start believing in their own superiority.
There are far smarter and effective folks out there that could run rings around these three guys.
Most of them don't have the patience to tolerate some of the nonsense related to being a public official.

Anonymous said...

****"wtf-is-this?" hair bun on the back of his head.****

What are you, a hairstylist? Maybe a Hollywood movie critic?

Is really amazing that all these Vallone thugs show up here and proclaim there love for Mr. Avella and their hatred for Mr. Graziano.
Don't you guys and girls have anything better to do?
For your information one way or an other, your political machine entrenched candidates will get either voted out or locked up.

Anonymous said...

VALLONE is just another phony, corrupt politician. Anyone endorsing him is not thinking about what's good for the community but what's good for themselves.

Anonymous said...

"some kind of idiotic "wtf-is-this?" hair bun on the back of his head."... New age mullet, business up front, party in the back.

Anonymous said...

It's Graziano for me.

Anonymous said...

"Cone Head" Vallone's "hairstyle" makes it much easier to put his head up the asses of his clients in the real estate industry. In case you have not noticed he's a developers' lobbyist. Follow the money trail. He DOES NOT represent his constituency. His real estate clients come first. We are lucky to get leftover scraps in our district.
DUMP VALLONE! Having a political mafioso has not done much for us.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm...phony Valloney must be scared of Graziano's damn good chance of beating him.
His trolls are posting heavily here.
Speaking of which, whatever happened to Adam?

Anonymous said...

Nobody complains about Vallone's lack of hair.
Peter Vallone Sr. Head of the pol-mafia family, used to have his toupees done by Hair Club For Men.
I think that Don Paulo Vallone is jealous of Graziano's hair crop.
Let's stop splitting hair, you dopey Vallone trolls.
Since when does serving the district well have anything to do with a hairstyle anyway?
Get smart. Dump Vallone or else see you home values drop.

Anonymous said...

A hair "bun" is better than the bundle of cash that Vallone probably has stashed in offshore accounts.....benefits from mob developers maybe?
Hello FBI! Follow his money!

Anonymous said...

How do you spell Vallone?
Thug, mobster, mafioso, crook, liar, do-nothing, traitor, two-faced, double dealer, entitled brat, real estate industry butt boy?
The Vallone family's main business is representing developers not constituents.
Dump this "connected" dynasty.
Since the days of grandpa Charles (Charlie The Judge) Vallone, La Famiglia Di Vallone has had its way with us while enriching themselves with money and power.
TIME FOR A CHANGE! Go for the public servant instead of the self serving Don Paulo Vallone.
Vote for the other Paul....GRAZIANO.
Stop kissing the don's ring and get nothing much for it!
Graziano has a proven record for community service unlike Valloce who has serviced (in the barnyard sense) his constituents!

Jerry Rotondi said...

Good job Paul Graziano!
I also endorse him....and will vote for him in the primary as I have done before.
It's high time for some refreshing honesty instead of playing machine politics like many of the entitled incumbents we have hanging around still do
We have worked together for our community on many neighborhood preservation issues.
Trying to preseve the historic RKO Keith's Flushing Theatre for creative adaptive reuse was just one project.

JQ LLC said...

Graziano's got that Penn Gelette look down. And he's just as sharp.

I was going to post about some of the surprising amount of Graziano critics who are obsessed over his hair length, but didn't bother because of how absurd they are and how these commentors did not cite any qualities of the bald asshole that's currently holding office to the chagrin of the viewers here and the citizens of district 19

Well, I can't vote for the guy, but that district should be so lucky to have a candidate who has been a citizen of that town and the borough of Queens all his life and has actually achieved things as a community organizer. Hey, a community organizer, I wonder who else was one in political office recently (I know most of you hate the guy, I do too, I'm just making a point)

It's time to end the perennial status quo of establishment elected hacks.

someone remarked that Vallone sticks his head of the asses of his developer and real estate donors. I say he does it with no vaseline.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of which, whatever happened to Adam?

Working for a nonprofit in Manhattan. Maybe he's not into politics anymore? Or he was surgically removed from Vallone?

Anonymous said...

Alas, anyone who blindly worships ANY failed political leadership (and they have ALL failed, because honest, ethical, inclusionary, NOT FOR SALE leadership that leads by example was never what they practiced in the FIRST PLACE, nor have they EVER gotten the memo, which should not have been necessary if they were honest to begin with), is an even bigger public fool than the 300% false, fake and failed demigods whom they purportedly worship.

Stop drinking the special blend of Jim Jones approved Kool-Aid, 'SHEEPLE!' You are killing yourselves without a single, filthy politician ever lifting their even filthier hands! Worship our already ravaged-and-tonsured ONLY EARTH, as your collective church——and, NATURE as your religion.

Because, when both are gone (currently in mid-level progress), then your beloved leadership will be the very last political fungi to help you, when they don't even help humankind right now, when it counts the MOST!

Let the terminally crooked-and-corrupt politicians erase each other out——they've already had hundreds, if not thousands of years of target practice to perfect their ONLY accomplishment (of mudslinging to ALL opposition, in order to elevate their OWN impressively awful careers of epic, humanitarian fail).

Ban the Bun. said...

"Graziano's got that Penn Gelette[sic] look down. And he's just as sharp."

Penn Jillette with his "sharp" look wouldn't get elected in this half-asleep CD. Da moronic Mussolini look is what pulls in da votes.

Graziano. Cut that loser thing off yer haid and get thee to a barber shop! You can grow the thang back after you're elected. You owe this to the citizenry. Trust me on this.

Anonymous said...

The only choice is Graziano

Anonymous said...

did not cite any qualities of the bald asshole

How could they? Or why would they?

They are paid shills for the bold dude, so what did you expect? :)

JQ LLC said...

I was referring to his intellect, not his hair, which I don't care about. Yeesh.

Anonymous said...

Graziano should keep his hair. It's part of who he is and what makes him unique. GO PAUL!

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