Saturday, March 4, 2017

Queens folk skeptical about SBS

From NY1:

NY1 VIDEO: A project to bring Select Bus Service to a congested Queens corridor has been a tough sell for the MTA, as a process that began four years ago continues to get bogged down. NY1's Jose Martinez reports.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it obvious? THe people who live on the route don't want it, Donovan Richards should STFU, his district is in SE Queens and nowhere near the proposed route. The MTA and the DOT have done everything they could do to impede the flow of traffic on Woodhaven, from changing traffic light timing, to a bus only lane.... Say NO to SBS on Woodhaven

Joe Moretti said...

Queens folks should be skeptical about everything since Queens has been gang banged to death without lube and triple penetration.

I mean look at it, it looks like a used up prostitute, then spit out and stepped on.

Anonymous said...

There is an abandoned LIRR line that runs parallel to this route for almost it's entire length. This is the perfect spot for light rail. We waste $ on studies to put light rail in places in Queens where it is impractical and unsafe but here is a chance to place them in a spot that was designed for rail without having to compete with precious road space. This is just another step in the NYC plan to get us to give up our cars. They can have mine when they pry my cold dead hands from the steering wheel

Anonymous said...

These bus lanes are the biggest joke. The city is doing this on purpose to create so much congestion that people say screw it and give up their cars and don't drive. Look at the other places in the city that have these lanes that sit empty and the other lane for all other vehicles is completely congested, all so a bus can come by every 20 minutes or so in it. Let them pull this crap in Manhattan, but leave Queens Alone!

If they really wanted to address congestion they would focus on expanding some of our congested roadways, not taking lanes away.

Anonymous said...

The city is too crowded leaving no room for people traveling to work !
What a "Crap hole" it has become.

JQ LLC said...

About that abandoned railway by Woodhaven and Cross Bay you can forget it, although that is probably the only area that truly needs it and not goddamn Brooklyn. It's most vocal backer for years, Phil Goldfeder left elected office and I have seen state issued glossy program literature for the stupid ass Queensway project at a bike shop in Richmond Hill

I noticed that these were Q53 buses. These lines go all the way to Riis Park in the summer. Maybe this fervent attention from officials is because of the shady shit going on at the beach (Brooklyn promoter Riis park beach bazzar is still going on, even during the winter. It's become these invaders little private social club in a federal park)is to provide an extra convenient line full time for the hipshit clientele in the pathetic attempt to gentrify and remake the area into some lame version of the Hamptons, since they can't have sand and surf in Williamsburgh, Greenpoint or Ridgewood (anyone remember that stunt by Slate Properties and Rockaway brewery last year?)

Anonymous said...

First bike lanes making the overcrowded streets here in Queens harder to move around in. Cyclists do not obey they laws as they buzz right by you as you attempt to cross the street and menace the cars as well. Increasing congestion on the streets causing some rage in people.
Now a bus lane? Now a light rail?
How about dropping the cost of a bus/subway ride and maybe people will take it instead of their car.

(sarc) said...

You people have no "vision".

There will be many bus lanes and numerous confusing signs with arrows, circles and slashes.

There will be the ever complex rearrangement of intersections, all in the name of safety and simplicity.

There will be more islands with all nature of fauna and flora to absorb the rain water.

Forget not the green bicycle lanes, we must make every accommodation for the peddling public.

Remember that all citizens are special, but noncitizen bicyclists are MORE special!

We must use the abandoned train tracks, and make a park.

Many can then be robbed and raped along the desolate corridor.

Then after billions of dollars are spent, we can tear it apart and put a light railway there.

This will take many, many years. It will be worth it.

However, you must have faith and trust in the bureaucracy that is all knowing and knows what is best for YOU!

It will be "beautiful" when it is complete...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said
How about dropping the cost of a bus/subway ride and maybe people will take it instead of their car.

you are asking the union controlled government to operate effectively?

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous said... "NYC plan to get us to give up our cars. They can have mine when they pry my cold dead hands from the steering wheel!" You must think Globally the U.N. under Agenda 21 will take your right to drive away from you and you will be forced to use public transportation or a driver-less car that will limit your travel to "allowed" zones.

Anonymous said...

From the New York Times you can see the plan to eliminate cars and put everyone on a bus, train, bike, or foot !

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah!! Like I really want to take the nasty subway/buses which are over crowded and full of the stinking homeless. Time to move the F out of NYC.

Anonymous said...

After reading the above article in the NY Times you can see that we imported the Crap from the left coast!

(sarc) said...

The interesting thing is, those with cars and generally are willing to pay the tolls and exorbitant parking fees are the same people who pay more than their fair share of taxes.

Just wait until they move to more welcoming States and take their tax moneys with them.

Typical liberals, they never think a plan to fruition or take into account the unintended consequences of their actions...

Anonymous said...

"There is an abandoned LIRR line that runs parallel to this route for almost it's entire length. This is the perfect spot for light rail."

Go take a look at it with your eyes. That rail line is more than abandoned-- it is a useless scattering of pick-up-stix along the top of an earth berm, ending in a ravine that t-bones at the LIRR tracks, with an apartment building going up on the north side of the LIRR tracks. In addition, there are private properties butted up along almost its entire length, making it inaccessible for the kind of work that would be required, and a HUGE negative for the taxpayers living along it. Not in My Backyard has never been more literal.

It's a non-starter.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is a joke at all. The M60 is way faster with bus lanes and now people can't double park so the traffic moves a lot better (in Harlem). I would have put the M60 bus lanes all the way to LGA.

>>These bus lanes are the biggest joke. The city is doing this on purpose to create so much congestion that people say screw it and give up their cars and don't drive.

Anonymous said...

No one is of the misguided belief that the Rockaway Branch of the LIRR can be reactivated overnight. Of course it needs to be shored up, rebuilt and have it's private property squatters dealt with.

Surely it won't approach the cost of a six billion dollar one mile extension in Manhattan, but since it involves Queens, we'll get shafted with what the 'smart' people dictate we 'need' for 'our own good'.

Anonymous said...

People wake up the government wants to take your cars away but they can't so they will make you give them up ! Just like guns in NYC soon your car will be too expensive to license or just made illegal to operate.

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