Friday, March 24, 2017

Private streets may be taken over by city

From Brooklyn Daily:

The city is taking a crucial step towards taking over responsibility for hundreds of unmapped streets — the private byways in many neighborhoods which homeowners are now burdened with maintaining.

Mayor DeBlasio has signed a new law requiring the Department of Transportation to identify and study all of the city’s unmapped streets with the aim of the city acquiring them in order to bring them into the normal system of municipal maintenance.

Councilman Alan Maisel (D–Canarsie) introduced the legislation because maintenance has become too burdensome for many of his constituents who live on such streets, he said.

Under the new law, the Department of Transportation must identify and study all unmapped streets citywide by June 30, 2018, to determine the feasibility of bringing them onto the city rolls, Maisel said.

But the process of adding a street to the city map isn’t always as straightforward as one might think. In many cases, it’s not clear which streets — or even which parts of a street — are outside the city’s purview. Hence the need for the study, Maisel said.

“What is and what isn’t, we don’t know, there are lots of them, every street has a different history and we want to know,” he said. “There’s a lot of confusion, and it requires a lot of research.”


Anonymous said...

Booster's Beach, wher emost of WHitestone has been conceived, is full of falsely marked no-exit private streets.

Anonymous said...

On one hand, making a private street city-owned would mean that homeowners would no longer have to jointly pay for a pothole or sinkhole on that street. On the other hand, the parking spots on such streets would be open to the public.

Anonymous said...

How about taking back 74th and Eliot. Pizza place claiming it's their private lot

Anonymous said...

Exactly^^ be careful what you ask for. And my guess property tax would go up if the city takes over the street too.

Anonymous said...

A few of the regular commenters calls de balsio " De Faustio"
I was wondering what it means.


Anonymous said...

More tickets in other words.

Kevin said...

Be careful what you wish for. Having previously owned a home that had a "paper road" out back, I know this can be a nuisance. Between kids having sex in their cars, occasional illegal dumping or the asshole down the block that works for the city and has a "Community Service" chain gang show up to trim hedges; there is nothing like owning a property in the city that is quasi "off the grid". You want as little to do with the City and its idea of "Service" as possible. The good news, this takes State approval; so hopefully these people will be spared of the City and the local idiot councilperson.

Anonymous said...

***A few of the regular commenters calls de balsio " De Faustio"***

Apparently you are too lazy or just don't know how to use a computer to find information.

Either way here you go:

The gist of it if you are too lazy to read:

"Faust" and the adjective "Faustian" imply a situation in which an ambitious person surrenders moral integrity in order to achieve power and success for a delimited term.

(sarc) said...

We shall spend a million or so dollars on a study to find streets that require paving, repair snow plowing and more costly services.

If you are looking to spend more moneys than you have, this is a wonderful plan...

Anonymous said...

**Apparently you are too lazy or just don't know how to use a computer to find information.**

Wow. There isn't any reason for you to be so nasty. I looked up de Faustio and Faustio. I didn't look up Faust or Faustian.

JQ LLC said...

Anon 8:

Thank you for pointing that out.

I am extremely gratified that it's catching on too.

While I'm at it, my Mayor Big Slow reference is what Dwyane "The Rock" Johnson used to call the "big show" in his feud with him in interviews for those. For Bill is a fucking retard, even worse a partisan political retard.

The dope from park slope, by Mitch Waxman, is quite obvious. As is de Assio

JQ LLC said...

Holy crap anon 5, you looked up Faustio. You couldn't see the poetic license being used?

ron s said...

"I'm from the City and I'm here to help you"

Anonymous said...

Wow. There isn't any reason for you to be so nasty.

My apologies if I offended you snowflake. Now move on.

Anonymous said...

Wow. There isn't any reason for you to be so nasty.

My apologies if I offended you snowflake. Now move on.

JQ LLC said...

Re: anonymous snowflake

This looks like a facetious troll.

Beware of invaders from the de Faustio campaigners.

Anonymous said...

What do they mean too burdensome to maintain
These people need to get off the ass, pick up a broom and in some cases a weed wacker.
Crapping Dogs ? No problem, spray the area with "Bitter Apple"dogs wont even want to walk let alone take a crap. #2 confront the dirty dog people and put up a couple dummy cameras.

Why does a handful of lazy LAZY people gotta make a headache for everybody.
If people cant move a broom a couple minutes a week perhaps what they need is a nursing home. NOT city involvement !

Anonymous said...

If people can't be bothered to clean up after their dogs, and are so anti-social they leave literal shit everywhere that the rest of us have to see, smell, and sometimes accidentally step on, then they should be put to sleep.

And the dogs giving to a good home that will actually clean up after them.

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