Saturday, March 11, 2017

Preet asked to resign in the middle of major investigations

From NY1:

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has been asked to resign, along with 45 other prosecutors, as part of a nationwide purge of the Justice Department. But whether the hard-charging federal prosecutor will step down is unclear.

There are some possibilities here. One is that Bharara does not get any special treatment and he is out and he just had not accepted it yet.

Another possibility is that Bharara stays because sometime soon he is asked to re-apply for his position, or the president does not accept his resignation if it is offered. Two U.S. attorneys are being told that their resignations would not be accepted. One has been nominated for a top Justice Department position, and the other is in that spot now.

A third possibility for Bharara is that he dangles for a bit. It is possible that Bharara is something of a pawn in a battle between the Trump and Schumer. The president may be threatening to fire Bharara to get Schumer to speed up approvals of his nominees.


JQ LLC said...

I know this will disappoint some here, but let this be shown that Donald Trump lied to Preet's face and is set on the bankruptcy, financial and moral, of the city and state of New York. And our corrupt mayor will remain in city hall and set to run again as a designated survivor of the fauxgressive wing of the democratic party.

The only ones that will benefit from this decision, by a president who has nobody working under his cabinet appointments and mostly as a vile perjuring racist as an AG, are the bankers and the luxury towers that will only get higher.

This is a sad day. But it's no time to sulk. You got to get mad...

Anonymous said...

I thought trump asked him to stay on ?

Anonymous said...

Cuomo and DeBozo must be happy as pigs in mud right now.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo and Diblassio must be celebrating this decision. Lucky SOB's !!

Anonymous said...

He was an Obama appointee and does seem to be dragging his feet on the DeBlasio investigation.

Maybe it is time for fresh blood.

What is his record anyway? Is Silver in jail? Bruno? Cuomo? Wills? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

Yes...corrupt politicians are breathing a huge sigh of relief right now ...

Anonymous said...

With whom did DeBlasio meet when he was in DC this week??

Anonymous said...

Asking for a resignation is a formality, does not mean it will be accepted.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Deblasio will get away with his antics.
Sad day for justice in the USA.

Anonymous said...

Preet is great and Trump would likely want to keep him but Preet got his start with Schumer which might end his career - but take heart, he would be a strong candidate for mayor.

Trump will want an enforcer in there, someone who would strike terror in this one-party bullshit fascism that has held us under their foot for the better part of a century and mismanaged this city for at least a generation.

Sanctuary City garbage on the top of the list.

Anonymous said...

This guy can't close the deal. Time to move on.

Letting DeBlas pick the site for the interview shows you he will bend over for Democrats to keep favor.

Doing as little as possible.

I don't see why they didn't fire all of them on January 20th!

Just another bunch of political hacks and career civil servants.

Anonymous said...

Hope he runs against Cuomo !

Anonymous said...

If ever there was a case of the fish stinking from the head down this is it. Douchebag in chief is draining the swamp all right. Draining it of anyone who might eventually expose him.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you Trump. How could you let us down like this?

Anonymous said...

And he's fired!

Anonymous said...

Preet is great and Trump would likely want to keep him but Preet got his start with Schumer which might end his career - but take heart, he would be a strong candidate for mayor.

Trump will want an enforcer in there, someone who would strike terror in this one-party bullshit fascism that has held us under their foot for the better part of a century and mismanaged this city for at least a generation.

Sanctuary City garbage on the top of the list.


Anonymous said...

Can't close the deal. Are you an idiot. He was the best we had in this state. Now they all get away with it. The next DA will not go for
the MAyor, Gov or Wiener.
We just lost

Anonymous said...

In the NYPost: Official Preet has been fired. ('Your'e Fired!)

He was taking forever to come up with a case. Let's get someone in there who will move forward and enforce the law!

Time to start prosecuting 'Sanctuary Cities'!

Next comes Voter ID law and investigating voter fraud.

The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!

Anonymous said...

Yeah he was dragging his feet on DeBlasio and was gonna drop it. Likely at the insistence of Schumer because the whole administration was going to dragged into it and look bad.
The guy was appointed by Obama, how true and trustworthy could he have been ?
We don't know whats going on, a bigger investigation perhaps ?
Trump must know something or been tipped off to clean house like he is doing.

Anonymous said...

Yes....anyone who pulls the crooks from beneath the bed is a threat to the crooks!
Great job,Preey!

Anonymous said...

The next DA will not go for the MAyor, Gov or Wiener. We just lost


The next DA will be selected by Trump.

We all better put on our seat belts cause this will be a bumpy ride.

The next DA could get enough publicity if he plays they play their cards right. They could be the hero of the Right and possibly someone for national office.

Hollywood could never think this up folks.

Politics can start to get interesting and that can only be a good thing.

Anonymous said...

does he really want Cuomo running for pres in 4 years?
lets see hillery again
if she's not in jail
need someone to take them both out!

Rob in Manhattan said...

Understand what was involved here; Preet was fired for going after Wallstreet -period.

Stump "drained the swamp" by leaking it all into the White House and his Cabinet.

You folks that voted for this huckster-liar-crook got sold a bill of that we'll all now pay for.

Rob in Manhattan (and Bayside on Monday).

JQ LLC said...

Our local news media broadcasts keep showing the clip when Preet met Figurehead Trump in his building built on the backs and stolen wages of immigrants on 5th ave. and if you look close, he looks timid and worried.

Here's a theory, he may have told Preet to lay off De faustio and Mario's son because of their ties and subservience to his peers at REBNY, who pulled the same stunts with buying influence in city hall and got the spoils of generous rezoning, upzoning and tax abatements that the former citizen Trump had done in the 80's. Because the city and the other 4 boroughs need places aka luxury dwellings for Don Worthless' Russian gangster oligarchs and Chinese oligarchs to hide and launder their money.

This is just one layman's opinion, I like to add that Donald is banging Kellyanne (just kidding, obligatory fake news)

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Governor & Big Bird may be in deep deep shit because the next DA wont be from the club.

Anonymous said...

NOT DA! DA is an elected office.

US Attorney.

Very different.

ron s said...

Trump asked him to stay, then fired him. As if you need any more examples to show that Trump is a lying, stinking turd.

JQ LLC said...

"Trump asked him to stay, then fired him. As if you need any more examples to show that Trump is a lying, stinking turd."

It's the art of the deal.

As for the next DA, I mean US attorney that Trump will anoint, don't expect this to be filled soon. Don Worthless has not even hired anyone yet, over 500 positions, for his cabinet departments.

Anonymous said...

""Trump asked him to stay, then fired him""

Every president fires and appoints his own people, why is this such a surprise to anybody ?
Good chance Trump or "somebody" is blew a whistle or found something we wont know about for a wile due to possible legal issues like not wanting to "blow" a case or investigation.
Remember, Democrats are like cockroaches, when you get them it near impossible to get rid of them. And they always flee in a million directions when you turn the lights on. And these cockroaches including the Obama, the Clinton's, mayor and governor all have weasel law degrees so one needs to be careful.

Anonymous said...


You mentally disturbed leftist shill. Preet did nothing to lock up DeBlasio your
unsung hero. Or Hillary the private server (hacked by Russians) queen that sold out America to the lowest bidder. He locked up 2 crooks, because he had no choice. Good riddance and lets get someone who can finish the job of locking up corrupt politicians like DeBlasio and Coumo. Is about time.
And next time you talk about the President is Mr. Trump to you moron.
Now go fuck yourself. Comprende mofo?

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping the new guy is Sheriff Joe Apaio, he would clean the 30 years of festering dirty demoroaches up good and fast.
As Keith Richards says: "new fresh clean blood works great every time"

JQ LLC said...

No comprende, this is America remember, anyone can have and express their opinions. The president is not exempt from criticism or even vulgarities. Establishment elected republicans are no better than hack democrats.

And again, you don't know dick about my political beliefs and I have made clear my contempt for equally corrupt frauds like de Faustio, Cuomo and Hillary repeatedly.

Figurehead MR. Trump is taking advantage of these facts to justify his erratic policy making and executive decisions. And with this axing of Preet, who was going after 2 lousy but familiar democrats, this betrayal is only going to empower De Faustio and Mario's son even more, possibly leading them to re-election or in the case of Andy, a presidential run.

the chickens have come home to roost. and democracy is in an indefinite coma in NYC.

This is my last response. Troll all you want, I don't care. It's funny because my first Preet comment here was suppose to be on another thread.

Anonymous said...

"mostly as a vile perjuring racist as an AG".

Uh, Loretta Lynch is no longer AG, amigo.

Anonymous said...

On the bright side, now Preet is free to run for Mayor or Governor.

Sure, he's got no qualifications, but I'd vote for him anyway. He'd still be better than either of the jokers we currently have in office, and he'll be more honest, too.

ron s said...

Andy is doing his happy dance.

Anonymous said...

Figurehead MR. Trump

Yeah is he the establishment republican also? After all he spent all his life in politics. Right?
Go pound sand and shove your (biased neoliberal) opinion up your ass.
Actually, wait, keep sharing them with the rest of the world so we can see how messed up you people really are.
No wonder we got DeBozo and Cuomo, someone had to elect them.
People like you.

Anonymous said...

For all you liberals, time to start weeping:

JQ LLC said...

" After all he spent all his life in politics." Sarcasm right?

This made me laugh. Come on man, don't be naive. When he sent his shyster lawyers, like subhuman ratshit pile Roy Cohn, to get abatements and zoning to start his career as a real estate predator developer in the 70's and 80's, whom do you think he was dealing with to get these permits. Who do you think he dealt with to get his money losing casinos up and running, also with generous, almost welfare like, zoning.

elected officials-Politicians.

What do you think inspired his presidential ambitions and his assumed,false qualifications for the position.

I did not vote for Cuomo or De Faustio. (I voted for teachout, astorino, and avella and that rent is too damn high guy, who is running as a republican now. de Bozo is good though, at least there's common ground there on more insults for the corrupt teflon mayor).

And I despise neoliberals maybe more than anyone.

Persist, peace.

Anonymous said...

It's also especially dangerous to speak truth to power here in New York, as the politcally failed henchmen from within continue to protect their corruption, graft and greed at the lethal expense of their ever languishing (and exponentially growing) constituents like me.

In fact, the corruption is SO COMPLETELY entrenched, that it's now worse than nuclear proliferation—and, a million times more lethal! It's time for Preet to hit the street. He never really had much heft to begin with, and despite how no one criminal has ever seen the inside of a jail cell (i.e., Sheldon Silver, Dean Skelos & Son Adam), I could have flown around the world 20 times via Concorde SST in the time it took him to nab these openly practicing criminals of epic fail and civic contempt!

Now, I stare in disbelief over how the whole political and electoral systems are rigged against the very subjects that they purport to represent and safeguard, but instead they have so miserably failed for the past 50 staggering years, that they now COMPLETELY DEVALUE all honesty itself!

Then, it's back to the ancient, Babylonian Feudal playbook of: 'Delay, Deny—And, Hope That You Die' (where people actually HAVE died, whilst waiting for ANY government bought henchmen help and change, which is an illusion, not to mention TRUST—which is for SUCKERS).

Finally, the shadow puppet 'President du Jour' recites his REAL allegiance and loyalty to the Zionist 1% controlled globalists, as he arrogantly affirms his PUBLIC OATH of GLOBAL, MULTINATIONAL OFFICE to the 'owned-and-operated,' party-machine-failed bosses by stating: 'Don't Blow MY Scam—And, I Won't Blow YOURS!'

And, that's how people die throughout carefully orchestrated decades of PUBLIC SQUALOR, adversity, beggary, obscurity and quiet desperation—versus PRIVATE SPLENDOR for the self-anointed, power elitists of shadow government, until the cycle repeats itself all over again. In fact, it's the ONLY work that these sub-human, walking corpses have ever shown any visible apptitude for self-preservation to continually prevail, as their cradle-to-grave government jobs and pensions continue to rob from all people who actually work for a living (as the vicious cycle never ends).

Meanwhile, the lawlessness, vigilantism, anarchy and human misery that these mentally ill psychopaths continue to inflict (on a society that is now completely devoid of all civilization in ways that are even more savage and barbaric than the most byzantine periods of history past) is even more savage than the Darkest Ages of Civilization—compliments of Neo-Feudalism, Neo-Fascism, Totalitarianism, Neo-Bolshevism and Neo-Liberalism—all of which only continues to worsen by the hour!

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