Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Judges fed up with some jury duty attendees

The last time I served jury duty, the judges were quite perturbed by the excuses the jurors came up with for not serving.

If you know you can't hear well, you should have brought your hearing aid.

Being a chiropractor is not a life or death profession that requires your attendance at work.

If you can't understand English, then how did you figure out what the judge was asking you?


(sarc) said...

This is what happens in our current climate of the "entitled" attitudes and everyone receiving a grand trophy for possibly showing up.

We also publish everything in so many languages that there is no room left for the original English text.

We provide so many crutches and wonder why all are hobbling about aimlessly!

Everyone is looking for their way out of Jury Duty.

When will people wake up and realize that the people running the jury duty system are the same people that you want to run and control your healthcare.

I always get out of jury duty.

Just walk in, sing a bar of "Alice's Restaurant" and walk out...

Anonymous said...

Most chiropractors are their own bosses and any day away from the practice is a day they won't get paid.

The $12. you get from jury duty won't pay the rent.

Queens Crapper said...

This chiropractor said he worked in a partnership. So the judge told him that his partner should cover him just as he does when he takes vacation. He whined and got out of it but the judge was pissed.

Anonymous said...

The $12. you get from jury duty won't pay the rent
Haahaa, actually worse. Dont forget the huge loss of income and financial disaster if your self employed and the $1200 damage from getting your car vandalized in the parking lot.
With long cases Jury duty cant put one in bankruptcy. 1 week loss of work to in the end watch some liberal judge & DA plea place some "misguided inner city youth" aggravated assault & robbery charges down to a misdemeanor tickets.
If the judges were un-biased (like in Texas) I would be fine with doing my jury duty however they are all stinking liberals. It like friggan California here!!!

kapimap said...

Most of the potetial jurors may have enough english to get by in the business world, amongst their own people. to understand legal language spoken in the courts can be tricky for this crowd. I would not want a juror like this deciding over my case.

Anonymous said...

Anon #2: I believe that jurors get $40 per day, not $12. They get also reasonable carfare, I think.

Anonymous said...

Only people who have a college degree or higher should sit on a jury, unless they can pass a test on comprehension and logic.

ron s said...

Lat time I served you got an automatic rescheduling without having to have an excuse. Then you needed to serve when rescheduled. Has this totally changed? There were no stories and whining when I went.

Anonymous said...

What about taxpayers like me who are fed up with broken, crooked, cradle-to-grave judges that all politicians (not public servants) have got these failed court officers in their back pockets? And, what about ALL crooked, corrupt and derelict politicians themselves, all of whom continue to 'Delay, Deny—And, Hope That You Die'? I'm waiting for THAT debacle to be exposed!

Anonymous said...

I always make a point to tell the judge and anyone and everyone that I do not believe in the law. I am a 'jury nullification' guy. I make my own law based on Natural law or morality. They kick me off FAST.

Anonymous said...

With so many unemployed out there they should advertise for full-time jurors to serve the court systems. Give them a steady paycheck and you be surprised how many people sick of looking for work might actually show up willingly. It's a drag for most people who already have jobs but there was so many people without jobs and nothing else better to do you'd be surprised.

Anonymous said...

> I am a 'jury nullification' guy. I make my own law based on Natural law or morality. They kick me off FAST.

Telling the judges that you understand the concept of Juror Nullification defeats the purpose, because you get kicked off, and you can't help make the country a better place by refusing to convict people accused of non-crimes.

Anonymous said...

There are lots of retirees who enjoy serving on jury duty - it gives them something to do, they get free heat (or air conditioning), and get a small paycheck for showing up to supplement their pension and/or Social Security check.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't get you out of jury duty but decreases your chances of landing on a jury if you show how you are not easily swayed and have common sense.

I was empaneled and was asked about a possible case where someone was assaulted and (likely) was suing the rental company because the security door was broken. They asked if I felt like they had an obligation to make sure the door worked. I said yes, but if it was frequently broken, or there was a history of people holding/propping the door open, or if it was just broken a day or two before they should have a reasonable time to fix it.

They couldn't get me out of the room quick enough.

Another case they asked me if I would take the word of a police office more than an average citizen. I said yes because they are trained in observation and recalling detail.

Again hustled out the door.

Anonymous said...

I had a traffic court summons recently and so many of the defendants either could not speak English or had interpreters by their side. How in the world did they manage to pass their driver's license exams not knowing English? How did they manage to pass their immigration interviews without English?

I speak three languages, but in this country, not having an official language to unite its diverse population is a recipe for a disorganized society.

Anonymous said...

"I always make a point to tell the judge and anyone and everyone that I do not believe in the law. I am a 'jury nullification' guy. I make my own law based on Natural law or morality. "

And that is why there are som many criminals walking the street.

Jerks like you.

Anonymous said...

"this country, not having an official language to unite its diverse population is a recipe for a disorganized society."... Amen to that. Living in Queens has become a linguistical nightmare. We will all have to resort to pigeon English soon.

Anonymous said...

Jury duty sucks. I was picked to be a standby jury duty person never heard of that before. They wasted 3 days of my time, waiting to be called finally they called me for a case and the guy took a deal. Never again I just ignore the request now until they say they will put me in jail or give me a fine.

(sarc) said...

Anonymous said...
"...so many of the defendants either could not speak English or had interpreters by their side. ...not having an official language to unite its diverse population is a recipe for a disorganized society."

Diversity is our strength!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting to get paid for jury from almost a year ago. I think people should serve . But , asking someone to miss a day of work which may cost them hundreds of dollars is a lot for many people . Other people come from companies and earn salaries but the work still needs to get done. So you are working until midnight getting your regular work done . Once I sat around for three days never to be called

Anonymous said...

The jury system is so inefficient, they call hundred's of people, most don't want to be there and are thinking how they can get out of it. At Queens Court you have to stand on a long line to get in and that's in all kinds of weather. When they finally get a jury which can take days, if you are not needed you can be sent home till the next day.
Everyone's worst nightmare if the trial drags out for weeks or if you wind up on Grand Jury which can take months of your precious time. For many jury duty is a hardship or an inconvenience, not all will be paid by their employers so many are taking a big financial hit.
Most people just want to see a case settled quickly and many people can make decisions based on their prejudices. It should either be a voluntary system or just have a panel of judges after all they know the laws.
If you have never sat in a jury room, what you see are people coming up with all kinds of excuses, people who can't speak English and a general gloom in the room, end this already.

Anonymous said...

I always wear a bowtie to jury duty.
Ask a lot of questions, be specific.
Try to intimidate the attorneys.
Tell them your father is a cop.
Tell them you smoke pot.

If it is a civil case and there is no judge present during selection, it's easy to be a pain in the ass without getting arrested. You can also start talking about initiating settlement discussions right then and there; this is a guaranteed way of getting disqualified. Years ago, I was in a room with about 30 prospective jurors for a fender-bender that took place. The attorneys were giving background color and someone figured out it was during the black-out in 2002. Everyone immediately started to get their 2 cents in and they had to dismiss everyone. ASK QUESTIONS!

Also, the Public Defenders are usually attorneys that couldn't defend a blind man accused of Jay Walking; so they are easy to intimidate.

Anonymous said...

I love jury duty! You get a break from your day-job but still get paid. Last time I served I got on a 6-person jury deciding a motorcycle accident with insurance issues. The people I served with were smart and interesting. I wish I could do it more often!

Anonymous said...

I love jury duty! You get a break from your day-job but still get paid. Last time I served I got on a 6-person jury deciding a motorcycle accident with insurance issues. The people I served with were smart and interesting. I wish I could do it more often!

Anonymous said...

If you can't speak English, you should not be a citizen and be denaturalized forthwith. We deport nazi prison guards who lies on their citizenship documents. Becoming a citizen without knowing ENglish is fraud and should get you deported and denaturalized.

Anonymous said...

The notice was not sent notorized. I never recieved it. Done.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been called in 6 years. Last time I went I was sent home after 1 day. Seemed both sides were looking for people with little grasp of the English language,wtf!

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ, no wonder we have criminals walking the streets and lazy ass judges that let it keep happening. Most of you above should be ashamed of yourselves. I hope I'm never on trial or facing someone in a court here, because I don't trust a single one of you. Never heard of a standby juror? Acting like an asshole during voire dire (and probably through life in general)? Intimidating lawyers and fellow jurors? Screw you all. Animals. No wonder Queens, and NYC is turning into such a shithole.

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