Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Commission created to study plastic bag use

From NY1:

Governor Andrew Cuomo is revisiting the idea of a fee on plastic grocery bags with a new task force.

The commission will study the issue for a year and then come up with recommendations for reducing the use of plastic bags.


JQ LLC said...

That's it, everyone should just stop paying taxes. What a waste.

The only studies you need are from the people that will be affected by that extra nickel. Meaning every working poor and middle class citizen. Ask them Mario's son, you fucking neoliberal idiot. Instead of hiring a bunch of oblivious hacks with no clue, or refuses to have a clue, on how people are getting by everyday living in this fucking expensive ass city and state.

I call this the Moredumb Commission.

(sarc) said...

These are just some of his "friends" that were owed a favor...

Anonymous said...

Who are the members of the "commission"?

Gary W said...

Amazing! How would this work with self checkout? I imagine a guy with a clicker stationed at the exit counting bags with his clicker and wearing a ice cream man change maker on his hip. He'll also make 15 bucks an hour.

ron s said...

How about the Commission on repairing shoes vs. buying new shoes? We also need the one for cutting your toenails straight across vs. rounded.

JQ LLC said...

Frankly, with the bag fees on customers going straight to the store, they can afford to pay 15 an hour for a guy with a clip change maker.

and Cuomo thinks he's going to be president with shitty ideas like this. He's another hack democrat running on the pathetic campaign line "at least he's not trump'

Anonymous said...

Lay off Mario's big idea. Let him run for president. It's God's way of disbursing his ill gotten funds to a few people who need jobs. After the mess Mario has made of NY State, we are dying for work. $15 an hour for the plastic bag security guard? They will get one from Work Fare to do it for the welfare payments.

Disgusted Diva said...

He could model plastic bags, he's already so plastic. Never got my vote and never will. If he's all the Democratic have to offer, they need a talent search

Anonymous said...

A Commission? Are you serious? Just charge a nickel per bag and be done with it..... alfster

Anonymous said...

If you think small businesses can afford to pay $15 an hour, then I have a bridge to sell you. Just watch how many small stores will close their doors to this unsustainable wage for unskilled labor.


Anonymous said...

How is this still a thing? Everyone I know uses their own bags. How many millions of plastic bags do we see in the trees, next to highways, killing animals?

Just ban them already!

Anonymous said...

How about a task force to investigate the MTA. Their shady business has more of an impact on the poor in this city than a nckel plastic bag.

JQ LLC said...

most of those bags are from food trucks and take out restaurants, which are exempt from the fee.

Anonymous said...

Why the heck can't we just put them in the dam recycle bin.

Unknown said...

I live in a building . I'm not going to pay for plastic bags .. which means I will no longer be putting my trash in bags to throw down the chute. I will just be tossing everything free air down the chute. My poor super is going to be pissed

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