Monday, January 16, 2017

Self-storage resistant to de Blasio legislation

From Crains:

More than a year ago, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a 10-point plan to spur the city's manufacturing sector. Point No. 2 was to limit the number of hotels and self-storage facilities in designated industrial business zones (IBZs).

The plan has made few headlines since, largely because the administration is still working on a bill that insiders expected months ago. But self-storage operators have been gearing up for a fight, and for good reason: City Hall is backed by manufacturers and advocates who frown on self-storage because, they say, it occupies large buildings on key sites, creates few jobs and pays low wages. Moreover, the industry is growing.

Owners of storage businesses argue that they have become scapegoats for a manufacturing exodus that will continue regardless.

The mayor's legislation is likely to require self-storage facilities to obtain special permits to open in IBZs, a costly and time-consuming obstacle intended to preserve sites for manufacturers.


(sarc) said...

Let us make it more difficult for legitimate storage businesses.

Legislate FIFTEEN DOLLAR per hour wages and massive regulations.

Some of the highest taxes and utilities in the Nation.

And our Czar, I mean Mayor, fighting for the proletariat wonders why there is no Manufacturing in this city...

Anonymous said...

It occurred to me....and I hope also to the there any real control over what gets stored in these self storage facilities?
Ingredients for terrorists to do harm in NYC?
We live in scary times where new controls need to,be put into affect.

Anonymous said...

I love how the Mayor's go-to solution to is to make things more difficult for successful industries, instead of making things easier for struggling industries.

>We live in scary times where new controls need to,be put into affect.

The cry of fascists and authoritarians throughout history.

(sarc) said...

Anonymous said...
It occurred to me....and I hope also to the there any real control over what gets stored in these self storage facilities?
Ingredients for terrorists to do harm in NYC?
We live in scary times where new controls need to,be put into affect.

It occurred to me....and I hope also to the there any real control over what gets stored in IN YOUR HOUSE?

Bad things like tobacco, salt, and sugar?

Perhaps the makings of a chemical weapon? Perhaps you are storing bleach and ammonia!

We live in scary times where new controls need to,be put into affect!

Where do you live?

You sound too knowledgeable about this. And you sound suspicious!

You and your house needs to be torn apart and searched, and I am SURE that the authorities WILL find something!

What do you have to hide???

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." Amendment IV of The United States Constitution

Be careful what you ask for, it worked out so well in Nazi Germany...

Anonymous said...

(sarc), as usual, gets it.

No doubt Anon #3 will happily accept spy cameras in his bathroom. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear!

Gary W said...

Nice successful business you have there, be a shame if something happened to it.

Anonymous said...

If I sound suspicious the Feds have already scoped my comment. Get a life.
Suspicions pay off big for a consultant in the security field...which I am, you ignoramus.

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