Sunday, January 8, 2017

Reporter captures food pantry debacle

Great job by the Queens Chronicle's Ryan Brady in following up on our original story:

A Queens Crap blog post from last month featured a complaint from an anonymous person about the crowds that come when the synagogue gives out food and block the entrance to a nearby community driveway.

Nisanov said that people who come to the food pantry are encouraged to avoid blocking the community driveway.

“Whenever there’s cars coming by, we always ask the people to move,” he said. “Even when there is no car coming by, we always tell people, ‘Please, it’s a driveway; we don’t want anyone to get hurt.’”

But when the Chronicle went to the location on Wednesday morning during the time of the food pantry’s operation, an entrance to the community driveway was blocked by a number of people waiting in line.

The rabbi added that the synagogue being in the area has benefited it in other ways.

“A house of worship and especially a synagogue in the neighborhood has raised the values of homes tremendously,” he said.

The Board of Standards and Appeals issued a variance for the building to be a synagogue with an accessory apartment for the rabbi in 2007 on the condition that it get a new certificate of occupancy reflecting the usage, according to the agency’s executive director, Ryan Singer. The certificate was necessary for the variance to legalize the building’s usage as a synagogue. The building did not have one by 2011, the deadline to do so under the conditional variance.


Anonymous said...

Imagine having to live next door to this crap!

Anonymous said...

What a shithole!

Anonymous said...

Plenty of funding....Kehilat Sephardim ...

Joe Moretti said...

So much of what passes for journalism today is a fucking joke and the so-called reporters could not get a job for a local high school paper: misspelled words, incorrect facts, wrong photos for the story and a lack of any type of reporting knowledge, not to mention how so many of these local rags are just an extension of the local government or real estate developers, never really reporting IN-DEPTH on major issues in local communities from local government corruption, especially in the SE Queens area or the major amount of quality of life issues that either don’t get reported or just get glossed over, but one media outlet is actually above the local rags and that is the Queens Chronicle which has focused on quality of life issues and problems and goes more in-depth than most and actually does follow-up pieces.

I know personally, Queens Chronicle has done many stories on problems in Jamaica.

Here is another great bit of reporting brought to attention by Queens Crap. Another problematic religious institution making problems for the community they are in. Amazing what these charlatan snake oil places get away with, including not paying any damn taxes.

georgetheatheist said...

If the Queens Chronicle did not exist, there would be a void in competent press coverage in Queens. It is the sine qua non of local journalism; the epitome of epistolary excellence.

Anonymous said...

These so called "Churches" are getting away with a loop-hole that needs to be changed !

Anonymous said...

they think they are always above the law NOT -

Anonymous said...

Animal House style. LOL!

JQ LLC said...

I have been reading the Queens Chronicle all my life, even back when it was simply called "the Paper", I think (I may be wrong, and if I am correct me). It's a major relief that it's easily available at banks and libraries and free. GTA is correct about it's significance in the boro and in this era of stenographic and sponsored news, it's indispensable

Anonymous said...

Now, I am sorry to burst your bubble, Joe Moretti and georgetheatheist, but the Queens Chronicle is a tainted rag that serves as an openly practicing mill for worthless political hacks like Joe Addabbo, Mike (the 'Blob') Miller and incompetent tween, Eric Ulrich (still praying for independent brain cells to prevail--and to finally hit puberty)!

Serious journalism this is not, dear audience, and the paper's staff is governed by an unresponsive tyrant named Mark Weidler (all taters, no meat)! You should see the fear and paralysis that is evident from the moment one walks in to this cheap trailor park of an office (actually, a trailor park would be an upgrade).

Worse, when one of their former 'yellow journalists' named Ana Gustafsson met me (and a witness), for a story that was supposed to be published (as a continuation from a previous story that had already been published by Bryan Yurcan at the Chronicle a year earlier, regarding my evidentiary complaints against Addabbo, Miller and Ulrich), she told me that the story would appear in the following week, and when it didn't appear, then she continued lying to me for three solid weeks before their toothless bulldog of an editor-in-thief, Peter Mastrosimone threatened me with violence (you heard correctly!), which compelled me to file a police report against this lowlife thug--and, all in the name of protecting some of Queens County's most corrupt, arrogant and dishonest bureaucrats--a testament to why I wouldn't wrap FISH in this dirty, immoral rag. They all need to go back to elementary school to finally enroll in that civics class in which they all skipped (not that it would help--they are entrenched in apathy and Queens County, low level thuggery for life)!

In fact, the stories on the front page of the Chronicle (and the fillers inside), are the distractions that divert attention away form what these nutless wonders DON'T want you to see, much less cover. They DEVALUE all honesty itself!

(sarc) said...

And does the majority of the rabble congregating here actually need these handouts?

Or are there perhaps many leeches???

Anonymous said...

A schande vor de goyim

Anonymous said...

I worked on a political campaign in Kew Gardens and people that I came into contact were not registered to vote, they were from Uzbekistan, places near Russia or that used to be Russia. They were extremely rude and impolite. To say that they had a bad attitude is putting it mildly. They were very uptight and it is MHO, my humble opinion, that the sooner they are back in the shtetl, the happier everyone will be.

It's probably these folks who are going to the food pantry to supplement the government benefits that they get as refugees.

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