Saturday, January 21, 2017

Inaugural bible came from Queens church

From CBS:

Something President Donald Trump has held onto for decades was with him as he took the oath of office on Friday.

It came from Jamaica, Queens when he was a young boy.

As CBS2’s Erin Logan reported, there’s one bible that President Trump has referred back to since he got it from a Jamaica, Queens church in 1955.

“He had it with him. He showed me the copy,” Rev. Patrick Hugh O’Connor said.

The president had it with him while he was sworn in as the nation’s 45th president. Rev. O’Connor — of the 325-year-old Presbyterian church — said he heard all about the bible that the president got while in Sunday school. The two met for the first time in person on Wednesday at Trump’s office.

“He shared how fundamental his time at the church was,” O’Connor said.

Not only was the reverend impressed that President Trump kept the bible from the church for over 60 years, he’s also happy to hear that someone from the church made such an impact on him.

“The Sunday school teacher who is now 96-years-old, who had helped to shape his journey,” O’Connor said.

He even had a letter for her.

“The letter said simply to her, ‘thank you very much for your support,” he said.

The reverend described his meeting with the president as pleasant. The main purpose was to pray with him as he took on the most powerful role.


JQ LLC said...

Very admirable, humble and nice. The most nicest thing he's done. the most admirable thing anyone can do and of all time. The greatest. Maybe with this gesture, he will steer some federal dollars to the borough to fix the broken roads and build much needed but in scale affordable housing.

But don't believe a word.

The president of the United States of America is where he's at because of his silver spoon and daddy's loans, mob connections, contractual and legislative loopholes that enabled his success, 421a, and thanks to his TV show, the extinction of creativity in the medium, and through his campaign the death of shame and truth and the political polarity of the masses.

Anonymous said...

Great distinction.
Visit the church where young Trump worshipped.
His dad was arrested for participating in a Jamaica KKK March....I believe in the 1920s.
Sieg heil!

Jerry Rotondi said...

Maybe the Queens Historical Society can put it on display.
It would beat some of the lack luster exhibitions they have offered.
And you never know. Buttering up the Trump family can lead to some financial support.
It beats begging for pennies.
I know. I served on their board of trustees, how difficult it can be.

georgetheatheist said...

I just came back from the Women's March in Manhattan. 1000's and 1000's and 1000's of people- all "bit players" who performed today for free. With placards showing Hitler, vaginas, and pigs. Over and over again. Ha-ha-h, s-o-o-o creative. Ya know what? Queens born and bred Trump doesn't give a shit. This whole affair was a theatrical production of the highest magnitude for him validatibng his existence. He narcissistically laps it up. The more press the better. Just spell his name right. The man is a show-boating genius.

D.J.Trump = P.T.Barnum to the 10th power.

The Audacity of Rope-a-Dope.

Anonymous said...

all of you snowflakes get over it -- Trump won -- Hillary should be in jail along with Obama -

Anonymous said...

Trump is a bible packer ?
As in one of those who quotes 'welcome the stranger" like the Pope
SHIT, Oh my god NO! NO! If he back pedals on illegal immigration from huge Christian country's like Mexico that have HUGE HUGE family's and refuse to use birth control we are doomed just as bad as Obama or Clinton.

OMG, we may be Effed for good !!

Anonymous said...

Anyone knows which of our Queens Congressional delegation boycotted the inauguration?

(sarc) said...

A simple story of our new president meeting with the Pastor of the Church of his youth.

Remembering Queens and a historic Church.

And all the comments are nasty, hateful, and divisive, just like the claims against our newest President.

Let he who hath no sin cast the first stone...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anyone knows which of our Queens Congressional delegation boycotted the inauguration?


Anonymous said...


I agree with you. Most of the people are so stupid that have no clue the so called "protesters" were paid for by George Soros, who also financed many of the so called "women groups".
Losing billions of dollars on Hillary will do that.

The rest of the"progressive" people should be ashamed of themselves.
What's wrong with America first you morons?

Anonymous said...

And his blatant disregard and irreverence towards a free press suggests he's more thin-skinned and insecure about his self-esteem and the legitimacy of his victory despite winning the electoral collage.

What a stupid, idiotic and ignorant statement.
Mr. Trump insecure of himself? That will be the day!
Hahahaha, free press like CNN and MSNBC? Or BBC?
You people need to get real, pronto.

We have a true American for President and the globalist shills going crazy!

Here are your women groups funded by George Soros:

So that you all understand, regardless what happens in the future, Mr. Trump took out the traitors of this country from running (and further ruining) the country.
That in itself is a major accomplishment.
Well done DJT! You gave hope to the people.

Anonymous said...

Here is Gloria the CIA agent! Some resume for "women's rights fighter"
The big organizer!

Anonymous said...

10 years, $250,000 - I'd say send them to North Korea for 6 months, will bet dollars to donuts they will kiss the ground once they come back.
Stupid communists!

GaryW said...

Thank your Trump, did you see the size of some of them women? Keep making them march Trump some of Dem ladies need it.

Also they should take their show on the road, particularly to any of the wonderful countries that practice Sharia law. I'm sure the authorities will be real tolerant of your actions.

Oh and next time clean up after yourselves!! Slobs.

Anonymous said...

It's so ridiculous how people find god right before running for office .

GaryW , Trump is quite fat himself .

Anonymous said...

GaryW , a lot of people are trying to defend Trump and Republicahs as not being xenophobic and mysogonist and then people like you have to make it harder to do so .

Ned said...

"some of Dem ladies need it"

Id say Trump's healthcare fix may already working !!! Trump motivated more slobs to get outside and exercise in ONE day than then that Marxist Wookie achieved in 8 Years.
What was the total 500,000 in US and 1.5 million in Europe ?

BTW George Soros should be charged with terrorism because his is funding & using internet, cellphone traffic across state lines to organize these federal crimes.
Burning limos, expensive cars, store fronts and assaulting people who don't join you is terrorism, no different then ISIS.
Many of these snowflakes belong in federal prison -That criminal sociopath George Soros included !


JQ LLC said...

"And his blatant disregard and irreverence towards a free press suggests he's more thin-skinned and insecure about his self-esteem and the legitimacy of his victory despite winning the electoral collage."

Hey, I wrote that, there was more before that! Did it fall in the memory hole?

Anonymous said...


Agreed 100%.

The left lost. Lost big! They control nothing.
Mainstream media now discussing George Soros and his involvement in all the protests, riots.

Now how is that for conspiracy theory (as they used to say)?
Soros works for the Rothschilds. He is a nobody. A butler really.

America First! There is nothing wrong with that statement!
Whoever disagrees they can all leave now.

Cities like LA, Chicago, NYC were trashed by the so called neoliberal progressives.
They have any credibility left? Corruption, crime, more corruption, degenerate laws - that's their hallmark - people need to wake up and take these cities back ASAP.

Anonymous said...

It depends how you interpret this statement.
What does that even mean? Does it mean, bomb countries you don't like?

If actions of America are helping 1% of the American population but hurting 90% of the another country, is that really a policy we should have?

What happens if everyone has the policy "my country first, right or wrong". We all live on the same planet. How would anyone be able to work together? You can't be a super power by walking on the backs of others. We have a responsibility to help raise everyone up. By helping others you help yourself and by helping yourself you help others.

>> America First! There is nothing wrong with that statement!

Anonymous said...

**Does it mean, bomb countries you don't like?**

You poor liberal shill.
Obama the Nobel Peace Prize winner did that already.
Including African countries.

**If actions of America are helping 1% of the American population but hurting 90% of the another country, is that really a policy we should have?**

Same thing. Ask all the super rich Hollywood elite, the bankers, the top CEO-s how did globalization made their lifes better.
Obama, Clintons and their crews are in the 1%!
$24 million on a $400,000 salary x 8 years?
Do you even think before you talk, write?

**We have a responsibility to help raise everyone up.**

We have a responsibility to our people and our country.
Also the mutual respect for other countries and nations. Globalism=Communism=Socialism - we all know how that worked out.

**How would anyone be able to work together?**
Guess what? It worked pretty well in the past.
Under the political correctness we had destroyed countries like Libya, Iraq, Syria just to name a few.

These sanctimonious liberal elites think we are all stupid serfs.

**By helping others you help yourself and by helping yourself you help others.**

Only if is not to the detriment of your life, your family's life or in this case to the detriment of our country.
Charity starts at home my liberal friend.

Anonymous said...

If you can't have a conversation without being insulting, don't have one.

He should not have gotten the peace prize. That was dumb
>>Obama the Nobel Peace Prize

I vote republican fyi.
I'm only opening asking questions to have a discussion.
>>Charity starts at home my liberal friend.

If every country only bought products their own country made then Apple and Facebook and Amazon could never survive. They would have a customer base of millions vs a customer base of billions. I work with a group that sells software around the world. It's bad business to insult these markets. Globalism is not communism. That's just inaccurate.

It only worked well in the past when we didn't have an internet and products moved slower.
We also didn't have as many emerging markets.
>>Guess what? It worked pretty well in the past.

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