Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Dumb de Blasio statement of the day

From the Daily News:

Mayor de Blasio won’t be using the Second Ave. subway for his daily commute because it’s not as convenient as getting to his Brooklyn gym in his taxpayer funded NYPD SUV, he told reporters Monday.

“Think about the route to Brooklyn [from Gracie Mansion], then to City Hall,” de Blasio said when asked about his subway habits.

He added, “I'm going to be doing exactly what I’m doing — going to my home neighborhood [Park Slope] in the morning, and then going to City Hall from there.”


Yes, indeed. Think about that route when you could be attending a gym on the upper east side or even install one inside Gracie Mansion.

And this is all you need to know about the logic of the Dope from Park Slope.


Anonymous said...

Imagine big bird Bill riding the subway with all of his constituents who dislike him?
I would be concerned with security issues if I were him and opt for an armored car.
Remember the guy who threw a pie in Bill Gates face?
LOL! Somebody might shit pie the big dope.
Regards to Mack Sennett!

Anonymous said...

Why would this person take a subway when he has a driver??
This man does not realize this subway was much needed and really does not have the city at its best interest.
You rather have a trolley. I can not wait for election time to vote this dope from park slope out.

JQ LLC said...

Mayor Big Slow De Faustio wouldn't have a problem commuting from Gracie and ride the subway like the proletariat does everyday if he didn't have to make excursions to fucking Brooklyn first and then to city hall. But we all know why he prefers the confines of his beloved Park Slope, so he can wheel and deal with the predator developers and their worm tongue lobbyists since he can't have them loiter in city hall anymore, sans the BQX meetings of course.

I can't wait till he gets indicted. Despite how grim it seems lately with his blatantly arrogant and egregious behavior.

Sure he has his own police detail, but it looks like he won't ride it just to spite Mario's son.

Anonymous said...

After yesterday's subway meltdown (3+ hrs from Queens to Manhattan) no wonder he has a driver taking care of his commuting needs. Don't you people love these limousine (sorry SUV) liberals?
Now the bigger question is where is all the revenue/money going from taxes, fines, grants, licenses, tolls, etc, etc.

The public transportation system resembles something out of Mumbai.
The best corruption money can but I'll say.

Anonymous said...

All those drugs he took while at Columbia have taken their toll on this mayor.

Anonymous said...

Read it and weep!


Gary W said...

I love moments like this, when they slip and reveal how much they despise us proles.

F this guy, where is the indictment!!!

Anonymous said...

When is the last time you saw a Queens politician on the subway or riding a bike?

Anonymous said...

I live in California so while I do follow NYC news I'm not there.

I read the comments from JC LLC but can anyone tell me the "official" reason that De Blassio goes to Park Slope every day? That does seem to (kind of) justify the car and driver but makes no sense. What is he doing in Park Slope every morning?

Of course, If he didn't go to Park Slope every morning then the subway would be the obvious choice.

(sarc) said...

Vision ZERO (Miles Per Hour) is working perfectly as designed, creating more and more misery to motorists.

One example are the recent stories of how people are leaving New York for better places with lower taxes, less fines, no surcharges, simple & effective laws, common sense rules, fewer insane regulations, welcoming business environment, and an overall lower "misery" factor.

And to think that our Comrade mayor campaigned on "The tale of Two New Yorks".

His New York is seen through the dark tinted windows of his SUV motorcade, and we can see ours standing outside in the wind, snow, and cold NOT being able to see what is really going on inside his world.

I think not.

OH! by the way, where are the indictments? Have they not the evidence required? Or is the system truly rigged and broken?

And the story of HiLlEry Diane Rodham Clinton running for NYC Mayor is merely a ruse to discourage others from challenging our Comrade mayor.
Why would The Madame Secretary want to deal with the minutia and piddly problems of this disaster of a City? And how much influence would that have in the world stage? We know she cannot truly influence world politics & policy for significant contributions to her money laundering, so called "foundation" slush fund as a lousy mayor!

And The Comrade will be reelected.

Anonymous said...


Don't forget dark tinted windows for the rest of peasants is a ticket, courtesy of his Comrade in charge tax collection agency the NYPD.

They call it Vision Zero because they have none :):)

Joe Moretti said...


And the story of HiLlEry Diane Rodham Clinton running for NYC Mayor is merely a ruse to discourage others from challenging our Comrade mayor.
Why would The Madame Secretary want to deal with the minutia and piddly problems of this disaster of a City? And how much influence would that have in the world stage? We know she cannot truly influence world politics & policy for significant contributions to her money laundering, so called "foundation" slush fund as a lousy mayor!

Now I am not into this whole "fake news" bullshit, but all the media reporting on Clinton running for Mayor was just that, made up. She was never running for Mayor and why would someone of her stature and just coming off the presidential election campaign want to be a fucking mayor and a mayor of this shit hole story.

Exactly just another distraction. The news media that reported on this should issue a complete apology for something that never had any basis.

Anonymous said...

He won't live in Gracie Mansion, but:

1. Had an against-code fence erected there (to hide his wife and son's pot smoking from the public eye...allegedly).
2. Complains about Trump not living in the White House and what it will cost the city, while doing exactly the same thing himself.

Liberal hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous from California.....he goes to a gym in Brooklyn in the morning when he should be taking care of city business. Not that when he dies work it does the city any good.

Anonymous said...

Bill Dumblasio is the worst Mayor NYC has had since that worthless piece of garbage John Lindsay who drove the city bankrupt, worthless progressives, this charlatans whole mission is to turn NYC into that unholy hipster/progressive crap hole known as Portland Oregon, I hope the feds indict him asap

JQ LLC said...

California anon, if you follow a little harder you will find how stubborn this mayor is when it comes to transparency, and how the majority of his donors, who he was still actively soliciting while running the city for 2 years, own developments and towers around park slope and in the surrounding vicinity, and that his idiotic daily commute pattern and schedule got so overwhelming that he was taking a police chopper to his favorite haunt.




Frankly, I would like to trade places with you right now, for I am sick of this unfair unaffordable shithole city.

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot he's still mayor. The city is in such bad shape that it may as well not have a mayor at all.

Anonymous said...

Do as i say........

Anonymous said...

To the two who responded to me (I'm from the San Francisco area)...

Thank you. I still love NY and am no fan of DeBlassio. I do follow much, especially the helicopter and no subway issue. I used to live midtown on Second Ave. I hear it's crowded but can't wait to see the new @nd Ave Line.

I truly hope someone will run against the dope from Park Slope. If he's going to the Gym every day in the morning as one of you stated, Holy Cow is that pathetic. I have to believe there is health equipment at Gracie Mansion.

The only saving grace is that at least NY wasn't stuck with the John son-of-a-bank-thief Liu.

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