Friday, January 13, 2017

CB7 approves huge Whitestone development project

From the Queens Tribune:

Community Board 7 approved a plan to build 21 single-family homes fronting on a street not legally mapped by the city, which will be built by developer Tim O’Sullivan as part of the project.

The project is located on the plot of land between Powell’s Cove Boulevard, 150th Street, 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue—part of the land that once held the Cresthaven Country Club, which closed in 1989. O’Sullivan purchased the six-acre plot in 2015. The project, called The Bridges at Whitestone, calls for 45 single-family homes. The homes are all in keeping with the zoning of the neighborhood, but part of the project places 21 of those homes along Sullivan Drive—a street not mapped by the city that will be built by O’Sullivan through the middle of the site. That element of the project needed to be approved by the Board of Standards and Appeals, which includes the community board’s opinion in its decision. On Monday night, Community Board 7 voted unanimously to approve the project, setting the stage for its completion.

Approval from the community board has been pending since September, when the proposal was first introduced at a meeting. As part of the Board of Standards and Appeals process, O’Sullivan needed the street to be approved by a number of entities, including the community board, the fire department and the Department of Transportation (DOT).


Anonymous said...

That seems like too little space for 45 single family houses.

Anonymous said...

Future slums don't need much space. The only ticket here is making money.

Back in the day they would have made this a park.

Anonymous said...

Google maps is outdated here. There are already 11 homes up and the lots are actually LARGER than they have to be by law. This approval is for an interior road that will run through the middle of the property and be privately maintained.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It will increase the cost of properties in that area, it may increase property tax when assessments are performed in the future and it surely will increase the area's vehicular traffic with mostly Asians that won't stick to the community rules.

In overall, it won't be a positive effect for that area in Whitestone which is still has a kind of pastoral feeling. American pastoral that is.

Anonymous said...

The CB unanimously approved this because the developer is building 44 homes where they could've built way more (The last people that owned it had plans for 55 homes!) Doesn't seem like maximizing profit without regard to the community to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked there are no comments about how the Irish are destroying the neighborhood.

Camel said...

Someone's math is wrong here. 45 homes on 6 acres comes out to somewhere around 1/8 of an acre per house and thats without subtracting the land lost to the road. As a basis for comparison a 60 x 100 lot is about 1/4 acre. So these homes will have less than a 30 x 100 lot? That is not the character of that neighborhood. That is the character of a densely packed shithole, over priced, future slum that will drag down the character of Whitestone. If the sheeple keep slowing this crap to happen the sheeple will be left someday soon with undesirable shit.

Anonymous said...

How the hell can you fit 45 homes on 6 acres let alone parking spaces and septic systems ?
Perhaps they talking about the pre-fabricated converted shipping containers or 22 or so duplex boxes ?

Anonymous said...

"I'm shocked there are no comments about how the Irish are destroying the neighborhood"
What's to complain about ? Single family unattached homes not apartment buildings or the cheap shit fedder homes on Union Street in Flushing.

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked there are no comments about how the Irish are destroying the neighborhood.

Stick to Falasheng punky, the real destruction is over there.

Anonymous said...

How much money does councilman Paul Vallone make from this?
This mafioso has got to go!

Anonymous said...

Irish fleeing Whitestone & Bayside are now destroying blocks in Manhasset
They put tents with toys inside them in the driveway, bar, darts game tables in the garage and stick all the cars in the street then bitch & petition the town the parking laws should be relaxed because they have a hardship with 7 kids, a live in nanny's 2 barking dogs and 7 SUVs and a $2500 a month mortgage payment .
Horrible slummy homeowners, I would gladly rather have the Chinese any day over these slobs. These Queens Irish are no prizes, the only people who like them is the St.Marys church on Northern Blvd !!
You can bet it wont be Irish getting into hock to buy those tiny boxes, Whitestone R.I.P is in deep shit !!! !!

Anonymous said...

Irish fleeing Whitestone & Bayside are now destroying blocks in Manhasset

Too much sake punky?
Or just really down on your chips in Falasheng?

Anonymous said...

Whitestone To Be Re-Named "Whinestone." The world won't end because as-of-right homes are being built. And the racist/anti-ethnic comments are pretty gross, too. Shame.

Anonymous said...

Who's the moron that does know how big acre is? Who is the moron that doesn't know how to use a calculator?

FYI: An acre is 43560sqft

Do the math, lots average over 5000 sqft

Sullivan should be applauded for cleaning up that eyesore. I bet that these morons don't even live in whitestone.

Go back to your computer and complain about Steinway Mansion, lol.

Anonymous said...

"Go back to your computer and complain about Steinway Mansion, lol."

Don't even go there - the whole world is laughing at you on that one - everyone knows about the brand of 'Steinway' and the faster Queens cuts its ties to that Astoria clique the better for all concerned. You can't believe what people are saying about the black eye the Chamber gave the borough for that award.

Let that Astoria clique hang themselves. They are well on the way without any outside help.

Anonymous said...

Who's the moron that does know how big acre is?

Some sorry ass from Falasheng who never ever seen an acre in his life.
Don't blame the guy, 32,000 people/square mile does that to one.
Before that he lived on a fishing boat in the harbor with his 10 siblings.

Anonymous said...

"FYI: An acre is 43560sqft"

Wrong, that's square counting feet 12 inches high.
When applying to footprints and plots its Length X Width (the 12 inches of height is excluded).
That 43,560 becomes a 4,356 SQ foot footprint meaning high density garbage is coming !! Where did some of these people and politicians go to school ? Nevermind--apparently this seems to be the new math code, new way to lie and pull the public's chain. This to keep them calm and avoid massive fallout like them angry Maspeth people caused over the shelter ?
You know each house will be filled with 30 off the bloat people named Lee who claim to all be related and pooled their money to come over. Just spend $500K and everybody gets green cards with no relation verification in place.
Oh yes look it up !!

Anonymous said... the angry, mathematically-challenged, racist poster: the lots are larger than they need to be by zoning law. Re-read that a couple of times until it sinks in, if you need.

And you sound really jealous. Upset much that foreigners can hustle and buy a home that you couldn't dream of? Maybe you retired too early.

Anonymous said...

Chuck ....follow the buck.... Apellian is getting his cut from this too. That shady rug head CB7 perennial has got to go.
Marilyn Bitterman got out just in time.
Maybe the FBI is on all their tails and she might have been subpoenaed. She know where all the bodies must be buried.
Happy retirement, Ms. Bitterman.
Maybe now CB7 will get a DM with a higher IQ than dirt.
Dump Apelian! What is Gene Kelty doing these days?

Anonymous said...

Cut of what? This was a straightforward approval of a non-controversial road in an as-of-right development. Sounds like someone has been reading too many John le Carre novels and pretending that this is more "exciting" than it is.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to suspect that some commenters here will bitch no matter what is built. If they had their way, they'd be the only people living in Queens.

Anonymous said...

It looks like somebody is kissing Chuck Apelian's hemorrhoids!
You are certainly up his ass deep,enough.
And Chuck is as shady as they come. It's night time that CB7 got flushed clean by the FBI.
They give away land like a candy store. So they must be getting something from this.
No, I am not hooked on Le Carre. I am a former CB7 board member, from way back, and know too well the lay of the land!
And Paul Vallone is nothing less than a pol-mobster.
He's in bed with all the goombah developers!

Anonymous said...

It's private land - not theirs to give away.

Maybe you should turn your focus to crop circles, UFOs, who shot JFK, etc. etc.

Seems like you just use this site to troll a certain few. *yawn*

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