Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Our next president comes from Queens

Holy cow. Watch out, world.


Anonymous said...

Jamaica Estates is not a part of Queens that most people from here have anything in common with.

Anonymous said...

In your face Blasio, you SOB

JQ LLC said...

A reality show host, a predatory developer, an opportunist tax cheat, a trust fund baby, a swindler, hustler, rip-off and bullshit artist is now the figurehead of our nation. With the help of an arrogant woman candidate and her delusional sycophants and celebrity and plutocrat friends and donors.

Everyday after Jan. 1 in DC is going to be an episode of WWF Raw and Smackdown

Normal is fucked.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Syrian refugee terrorists, goodbye illegals. I hope he keeps his promises though that's the next step. How many of them actually keep their campaign promises?

Anonymous said...

Dont mess with queens!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't trump's son express a desire to run against DeBlasio?

JQ LLC said...

The one bright side is that Preet keeps his job. And Manifest Fail Hillary cannot protect Cuomo and even The Blaz (I think she was gonna throw him under the bus anyway, re: douchebag Podesta emails)

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe we are stuck withere Schumer.....another career politician :( I voted against him this election and we still hAve that good for nothing grace meng too. NY still has it wrong.

(sarc) said...

We the People have SPOKEN!

Time will tell.

Perhaps Humma and Wiener will now have time to work things out.

At least Hillary's housekeeper no longer needs to printout copies of Top Secret CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS.
(Another FEDERAL CRIME - Arogant or stupid)

And has anyone read the wikileaks?

Hillary's policies of higher taxes, endless immigration, TOTALLY open borders, US interests for sale to the highest bidder at the Clinton foundation, doubling insurance premiums, will be put aside for a few years.

Today we will begin to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

Gary W said...

Hillary and the DNC had to cheat Bernie to get the nod, and old broke down communist. The DNC should have known they were in trouble and yanked Hillary as a candidate.

Oh well, how bad could he be after 8 years of a community organizer.

Lets hope the Don gets the autopen fired out and start striking down some of these ridiculous Executive orders the O man signed.

Looking at you Iran deal.

Joe Moretti said...

The people have spoken fair and square, no matter what one thinks and I know this is hard from the Democratic Liberal NYC folks (and I am one of them)since many of them live in a bubble that many Republicans live in. USA is not NYC (hell NYC is NOT NY) and NYC is NOT the center of the universe. And speaking of Queens, if Democratic rule was so good, why has so much of Queens turned into a shit hole third world country, I mean they have been in power for decades, Southeast Queens being a perfect example.

Sure I wanted change via Sanders, but between the choice of an actual adult (with issues of her own) and an dangerous egomaniac who probably does not know there are two Paris cities in the world, I choose to go with the status quo adult. Yes, Donald was half right, the voting system was not rigged, but the political system has been rigged for decades by the likes of dynasties like the Bushes and the Clintons, where good paying jobs went to other countries, Wall Street tanked an economy and still got bailed out and not one head honcho went to jail, in fact no one did. And so the majority of people spoke up, especially the white working class, that included both uneducated and educated white people.

The talk over the years about jobs being shipped overseas, many of that from Bill Clinton's disastrous NAFTRA, the barrage of illegal immigrants, the many new immigrants who just refuse to assimilate to this country and feel that the country needs to assimilate to them (nowhere more apparent than voting polls with so many damn other languages or Hillside Avenue, which resembles a dirty third world country). This all pisses people off big time, especially when those people have lost jobs, homes, etc., while the rich (ironically like Trump) get richer and richer.

While I was shocked about the results last night, I can't say I was surprised or did not see it coming. People wanted to blow up a system that had failed them for decades, even if that meant voting for a demigod. Originally coming from the Steel Town of Pittsburgh and watching my small hometown I grew up in go from a thriving small town USA where people without a college education could get a good job working the steel mills (many of my family & friends), buy a house, a car or two and put their children through college if they choose to and then slowly watching it by the early 80's becoming a depressed ghost town and seeing some of those working men in their 40's & 50's working at a 7-11. And this was a narrative all over this country.

You can only push people down so far and eventually there is a limit and we saw that limit last night.

Both Republicans and Democrats will pay the price for letting a huge majority of people down for decades.

Now what happens if Trump does not do good on his word of "Making America Great" again. He is a wild card and we still do not want his actual policies are, who exactly he really is (I mean he was a Democrat and Pro-Choice not that long ago).

We have entered new and uncharted Territory and only time will tell, if this is what needed to happen or not.

As Betty Davis said, "Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.” OR a bumpy new era in the USA.

Anonymous said...

This will not turn out well. A year from now, a lot of those out in the "heartland" who voted for him will begin to be bitterly disappointed.

-His promise that coal miners will 'work their ass off" will come to naught. The coal market is in longterm decline both here and in Europe. This was offset for the last two decades by massive growth in coal consumption in China and India. Both of those are now converting to less polluting sources of energy due to the health problems brought-on by air pollution.

-This idea that there will be some mass deportation of "illegals" is also fantasy. Here, the opposition will come from both Democrats and Republicans. The reason is simple; most of this labor is used by small-medium business (Trump included -visit one of "his" locations). These employers like the cheap, docile workers who are unlikely to unionize.

-His proposals for "reforming" the ACA will not work. There is no way a two-bit insurance co. in say, Alabama, will want to cover patients in States with much higher healthcare costs. One of the few points to his credit, trump has in the past expressed approval for a sort of single-payer (Medicare buy-in) plan and that is what things will eventually come-to.

About the only thing he will accomplish is getting stoneheads on the Supreme Court who'll cut back abortion rights and lead women back to the abortion butchers.

Great "legacy".

Anonymous said...

Let the movement continue with voting out DeBlasio and Crowley. Finally someone who listens to the forgotten people. It always comes down to the VOTE! We the people have the spoken! Let the change begin...long live the movement!

Anonymous said...

Long live the movement
Dump the swamp

Anonymous said...

"Everyday after Jan. 1 in DC is going to be an episode of WWF Raw and Smackdown"

Don't you mean January 20th?

Joe Moretti said...

One more thing. Trumps win is also due to third party candidate, Gary Johnson. If there were no third party candidates, no doubt Hillary would have one. I mean at last count she still won the popular vote, although not by a huge margin.

Middle Villager said...

The big question for NYC is what will DeBlas and the City Council do when Federal funds get denied for Sanctuary cities? Will these hacks see the writing on the wall or stick to their misguided beliefs and slit the City's throat?

Joe Moretti said...

And let's not forget the racism element in this election as well, it cannot be overlooked.

Anonymous said...

"Trumps win is also due to third party candidate, Gary Johnson"... poetic justice, Bill Clinton got in because of Ross Perot.

Gary W said...

Well, I was waiting for it, surprised it took so many posts. But the race card has been played. Well done Joe. I guess all the voters who voted for Obama twice and now voted for Trump woke up and became racist.

Emmanuel Goldstein said...

The coal market is in longterm decline both here and in Europe.

VanEck Vectors Coal ETF KOL:US - Up 123% YTD
Cloud Peak Energy Inc CLD:US - Up 270% YTD

And let's not forget the racism element in this election as well, it cannot be overlooked.

The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who's winning an argument with a liberal.

Anonymous said...

Will Huma Abedin have to get a real job now? Or will Clinton Inc. take care of her for life? Maybe they'll put her in charge of recruiting interns to give Bubba foot massages in the penthouse apartment above the Clinton Library. (Who came up with the brilliant idea to give Bubba a bachelor pad on the top floor?)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is it not funny that all the 'marginalized' groups - that is the Democratic party darlings of immigrants, gays, etc are in fear. They have no reason too.

This all happened nearly 100 years ago when even larger groups of non-WASPs were successfully integrated into this country - right after the doors to immigration were closed.

The point is that the vast majority of Americans were being marginalized, and judging from reports this morning, still are by the elites in politics and the media.

This is their revolt. They are just getting started. And they all know that 50 years of misguided policies will not be corrected in 50 months.

The white working people are fading because of government policies bringing in docile immigrants who will work for peanuts, are needy, and the perfect peons for the elite. Native Americans birthrate has fallen because they cannot start or sustain families. Many are so depressed they are part of a raging drug epidemic eating our the heart of our nation.

Trump is a pretty savvy fellow - successful businessmen usually are. The Democratic hacks that have hijacked government are exposed for the hollow shells that they are.

This Revolution is just getting started. This government will support the needs of the American citizen above all else, no matter whose scared cows are being stepped on.

This election shows the strength of our system.

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget the racism element in this election as well, it cannot be overlooked.

You mean, the whole 5000 KKK members in the U.S., or the millions of people whose reasonable views were silenced by the fear of the Scarlet Letter of racism by people whose identity politics kept them beyond reproach for that social bullying?

Anonymous said...

>One more thing. Trumps win is also due to third party candidate, Gary Johnson.

Why would you think that? Johnson almost certainly took away more votes from Trump than from Clinton.

Anonymous said...

"The big question for NYC is what will DeBlas and the City Council do when Federal funds get denied for Sanctuary cities? Will these hacks see the writing on the wall or stick to their misguided beliefs and slit the City's throat?"

This will not happen. See the post above regarding trump's future accomplishments. Many red states need funds for their citizens. Blue states have very high GDPs. Do a google search to see who much the states in the NE and west coast contribute to the national GDP as well as how much federal taxes their residents pay.

Anonymous said...

Joe Moretti said...
And let's not forget the racism element in this election as well, it cannot be overlooked.

God, blaming Hillary's loss on 'whitelash' is galactically stupid.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous Gary W said...

Well, I was waiting for it, surprised it took so many posts. But the race card has been played. Well done Joe. I guess all the voters who voted for Obama twice and now voted for Trump woke up and became racist.


Again, people do not comprehend what they read. I was not using the race card (you mean like how Trump used it), I just stated that there was a racism element to this election that appealed to some. I mean your man, Trump, was the one who started with racist remarks. But never the less I did not say that all Trump supporters/voters were racist. I mean I am sure some of Trumps more despicable remarks appeal to some people. which that cannot be denied.

Please comprehend what you read.

Gary W said...

Yeah put the blame on Jill Stine, 64,000 votes in FLA, 48,000 in PA and and another 40k in OH.

Anonymous said...

as someone said, at least Preet will keep his job. i'm pretty center on a federal level and while i would not vote trump i also wouldn't vote for someone who was going to blow up the only chance the state has to start making meaningful reform. wrote in giant meteor.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the biggest third party candidate to wreck an election: Ralph Nader in 2000. He saved us from the Gore Presidency! God Bless Him!

kapimap said...

What ever donald the comb over does, just dont jack up gas prices, or piss the economy off. Good luck richie rich! god help us!

Anonymous said...

"I just stated that there was a racism element to this election that appealed to some."

And those same people were certainly around in 2008 and 2012 but they didn't manage to keep a black president from winning, the titanic demographic shifts in this country toward hispanics, and the gains made by women, non LGBTQ people, and every other stride in civil rights. Please - enough already, Joe. You're smarter than that unthinking reflex. Over the long arc of American history, racists have been in slow and steady retreat for decades. Trump was probably no more helped by racism now than other non-Dem presidential candidates.

Anonymous said...

So, what does our crooked mayor 'Shit' Blasio have to say? The friendly robber expressed his grave disappointment with a Trump presidency——a feigned reaction that was most assuredly because Trump is readying to pulverize this voracious, predatory thief to smithereens in short order!

So, save your bad breath, shithead: Your days are numbered even greater than your equally crooked, corrupt and disgraced pal, $hitlery, where, along with yet ANOTHER criminal sociopath named 'O-BOMB-A, you BOTH now DEVALUE all honesty itself——to pathologically high treasonous, traitorous and tyranical effect!

And, when you are FINALLY IMPEACHED, then I would banish you from a lifetime of public service for whom you never served anyone but yourself in the first place (not to mention your intensely incompetent administration, all of whom are an embarrassment to primates)!

Anonymous said...

Am tired of the anti white, anti American movement where all whites are evils and villains and must be unemployed or underemployed. Thank you Mr. Trump for going the distance, you've done Queens proud.

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone just assume that donald trump is a racist? If you don't recall that back in the day he was heavy into the sports and he bailed out many athletes out of jail. ARE you assuming that he is racist because he wants to deport the illegals? It's not his fault that most of our illegals are from south america actually new facts show that the asians are now outpacing the south American and Mexicans as the most illegals in this country. I want all illegals deported. However, why is he automatically termed as a racist just because he wants this country to follow the immigration laws? EVERY country has immigration laws and those laws should be upheld. Would it be fair of me to go to china and overstay my visa and then get pregnant there and demand That their government pay for my child? I doubt that if that happened, the liberals in this country would protest on my behalf, they would probably send me a bunch of letters telling me that what I did was unfair and that I should leave china. The liberals in this country are anti america if you ask me. These liberals want to ruin this country because whenever we do something it's inhumane but if other countries do it to us, it's not a problem to them.

Anonymous said...

Some of you really need a reality check.
Trump is golden compared to the Clinton crime family.
Ask the people of Arkansas they know.
Scandal after scandal, oral sex, Whitewater, talk about reality show!
I for one hope that Trump will do well, we do have more important issues than who is using what bathroom. For all the "race card" folks, just remember we are human beings first and foremost. In this country we are all Americans, regardless of color, creed or sexual orientation.
Congratulations Mr. Trump!

Joe Moretti said...

I will agree with the one comment. I also don't believe that Trump is a racist, yeah he has said some stupid shit, but not a racist. I think he is just from a certain older generation and we all know some of these folks, who don't always say the "nicest" things about people, but is he a racist, no. I mean in his day in age anytime you say anything, people want to call one a racist. Did he when this election based on race, no, but, yes, there was still a racism element from some of his supports but not all.

So I will just wait and see how The Donald fares and if he doesn't, there will be another election soon before you know it.

Anonymous said...

Great release! So happy..

Anonymous said...

That SCUMBAG PUNK isn't Queens. Step to me on Roosevelt Ave.

Brian F. Will said...

God help us.

Why do I bother? The comments above are truly: Racist, sexist and hateful. Maybe we really deserve our duplexes and concrete zoning changes. Maybe or legacy is really not worth saving.

I used to long for the preservation of our Queens legacy. Our beautiful, unique culture. We introduced diversity to the U.S. in Flushing - and we were proud of it.

But is this it? The comments above? Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

They voted for Trump,not the Hump!

Anonymous said...

Now, let's look at what this 'great agent of change" has in-mind for Cabinet;

- Forrest Lucas, the 74-year-old co-founder of an oil products company for Interior secretary.

-Goldman Sachs veteran Steven Mnuchin as Treasury secretary ( the same co, he criticized Clinton for being too chummy with).

The other names are just the usual retreads that surface whenever the gop gets power: Gingrich, Corker, Giuliani, Sessions and Chris Christie (if he avoids indictment).

So, we have Trickle Down v.3 along with a little more rape of the environment.

So much for all that 'change" he promised the suckers.

Joe Moretti said...

By the way, American actually said they wanted Clinton, she did win the popular vote, the electoral college put Trump in office, so the majority of Americans wanted Clinton.

By the way for all the Trump voters out there who now have health insurance due to the ObamaCare, when Trump and the Republicans repeal it (if that happens, those folks will be with no health insurance (since Trump and Republicans have nothing to replace it with). And if you folks have pre-existing conditions like cancer, good luck, because you will need it. And if you are living at home and are 26 and under, good luck too.

Was that even thought out or did you just believe every single word the demagogue said and never thought out about the consequences and there are plenty of Trump voters on Obamacare.

Anonymous said...

Joe, might I remind you that obamacare is unaffordable for most people. I like the concept of haVing health insurance for every LEGAL (not anchor babies or illegals) citizen in this country but I think there should be a better way of going about it. Maybe we should do what Canada does and charge a higher tax on things that people buy. LAST time I went to Canada 7 years ago, their sales tax was 12 percent. Why is it that the government has no problem paying for an illegals baby but yet we can't even pay for our own vets and elderly? Medicare premiums are going up again next year another 20 percent. How do you justify that compared to an illegals sick zika baby? The baby was not even born here, can probably never work a day in their life as they get older but yet the government is willing to pay for them over an elderly person who worked all their life and paid into the tax system all that time. It's not justified, there is no justification to that no matter how you slice it.

Anonymous said...

God help us.

Why do I bother? The comments above are truly: Racist, sexist and hateful. Maybe we really deserve our duplexes and concrete zoning changes. Maybe or legacy is really not worth saving.

I used to long for the preservation of our Queens legacy. Our beautiful, unique culture. We introduced diversity to the U.S. in Flushing - and we were proud of it.

But is this it? The comments above? Jesus Christ.

First of all flushing is NOT diverse. A neighborhood is not diverse when you only have 2 races living in it, asians and illegal hispanics. Secondly what is making these comments so racist to you? WHY does everyone think it's so racist because we want people to follow the law? Is it ok that I go to china and oversTay my visa and then fly there when I know I might have a down syndrome child and then demand that the Chinese government pay for my down syndrome child? WOULD you back me up if I do that? OR if it made it to headline news would you just write me hate mail and tell me to leave china because it is wrong for what I did? Do you write every month to the European governments and tell them to stop building fences against those Syrian refugee? I bet you don't! Because you are a liberal anti american. Just like all the other liberals who came before you, you are the Same type of person as those draft dodgers when the Vietnam War hit. My father was in Vietnam and he didn't appreciate you idiot liberals back then and he don't appreciate you idiot liberals're all just anti American crying that everyone is a racist. I am not a racist and have many black and hispanic friends and I have known them for 30 years and I love them like family!

JQ LLC said...

Gary Johnson would have actually ruined Trump. He was the populist candidate that almost had enough of a percentage to qualify to the bipartisan fueled discriminatory debates.

Then he said "What is Allepo?" and that support vanished. If he was more knowledgeable about world affairs and crisises and didn't have stupid plans to eradicate major government offices like the IRS, Education, and his stance against any types of regulations and accountability, he would have thwarted Trump like Nader did Gore.

But mostly if the DNC weren't run by clueless, cliquish, arrogant morons, they would have waited before all those stupiddelegates threw their support pre-emptively to the Manifest Failure Hillary. And of course the sell-out news media. Oh, also Neoliberalism.

You want proof and delicious irony, Trump won Michigan and Wisconsin to clinch it. Those were the states Bernie won in the Primaries.

Yes it's january 20, my mistake.

Anonymous said...

To all those drivers who leave the minute I get to the bus stop, this Trump's for you!
TO all those teachers who want to teach cursive instead of calculus, this Trump's for you!
To all those slumlords weasels living off disability, this Trump's for you!
To all those leaches who think only government work matters, this Trump's for you!
To all those professors who think you can redefine reality, this Trump's for you!
To all those blatherers who will pay an ink tax bill for every polysyllable, this Trump's for you!
To all those drug fried hippies begging on the streets, this Trump's for you!
TO all those librarians who think we show up just to lobby on your behalf, this Trump's for you!

Anonymous said...

for all the people claiming Trump is racist because he wants a better way to vet people coming into this country and that just because you're fleeing Syria shouldn't allow you to skip the line in front of people that have been waiting years for amnesty, i call you attention to the following facts:

It seems that the selective immigration ban is already law and has been applied on several occasions. Known as the McCarran-Walter Act, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 allows for the "Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by president. Whenever the president finds that the entry of aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

The act was utilized by Jimmy Carter, no less, in 1979 to keep Iranians out of the United States, but he actually did more. He made all Iranian students already here check in, and then he deported a bunch. Seven thousand were found in violation of their visas, 15,000 Iranians were forced to leave the United States in 1979.

Anonymous said...

When Trump assumes the White House,
And we get back all our cars,
Then Ed Meese will guide the jurists,
And Jove breed steers in the stars,
This is the death of the age of Aquarius
Nefarious! Contrarious! Aquarius!

Alexander Fleming said...

Thanks for the advice on health insurance!

Whenever I need advice on important topics, I always look to the comments section of blogs for wisdom!

Anonymous said...

If you have a $5k annual deductible you really don't have insurance. Please don't defend Obamacare, which was set up to fail and usher in socialized medicine.

Anonymous said...

She had a small majority because the dead vote democrat. Stop your whining. If she got in the country would be run like NYC.. we were headed ass backwards,the cops were the bad guys and mutts with 27 arrests and 10 years in and out of prison was the good guy. Hopefully he will appoint John Bolton and you can see a real Sec of State......

Anonymous said...

In my opinion...Obamacare forced people to get health insurance...mostly people in their late 20's and early 30's...usually the healthiest segment of the population...all this did was funnel cash to medical insurance companies...helped increase there profit margin.

America is FED UP with politicians...this is why WE elected TRUMP.

In the 8 years since Obama has been President. Race relations are worse...he is the person who sets the tone...everything with Obama was about pervaded every aspect of his Presidency. American People have moved beyond that...they just want to live and be happy...not constantly reminded that your held down because of your skin color. Which in this day and age is utter and total bullshit. Everyone has ONE vote and equal opportunity.

WE THE PEOPLE Elected lets give TRUMP a chance...

Joe Moretti said...

Really, in this day and age, you think that people in their late 20's and 30's are so healthy. Never heard of people in that age group with cancer and other illnesses, you realize what would happen without health insurance, no I don't think you thought that out. What happens, you fall in your apartment and break a bone, etc, a trip to the doctor/hospital can cost a pretty penny. And who do you think pays for all those hospital visits for people who don't have health insurance, the tax payers, so it is better for people to be insured than not. Obviously people who think otherwise, never heard of someone having an emergency, like the example I used or appendicitis, etc. Sure Obamacare isn't perfect, but it sure beat want was there before. Every try back then to get insurance when you had a per-existing condition like cancer, plus the cost of health insurance back then was out of control. AND answering that like Trump did, "we will replace it with something good" without any explanation what that something is, is crazy.

And for the person saying "America is FED UP with politicians...this is why WE elected TRUMP." Who the hell do you think is going to be in his cabinet, elves.

We are really a country split down the middle and you know what, the government LOVES that, because when we are all split, we are not so powerful as when we are united and so politicians and people like Trump and other elitist can do whatever the hell they want.

Joe Moretti said...

Anon said America is FED UP with politicians...this is why WE elected TRUMP.

Not that feed up, most of the incumbents in Congress and the Senate were re-elected. So really how fed up are the people really.

Joe Moretti said...

Maybe one of you unlighted ones on here can answer a question that has not been brought up anywhere. For months and especially leading up to the election, Trump clearly stated that the election system was rigged. So now the he won, did it all of a sudden become un-rigged or was that said in case Clinton won.

It takes a yes or no answer, not a ton of bullshit. Simple question, simple answer. Was it rigged like he said many times on national TV, twitter, newspapers, etc.

Alexander Fleming said...

We are really a country split down the middle and you know what, the government LOVES that, because when we are all split

New York City isn't split, it's a one-party town.

Where are my rainbows? Where are the unicorn rides?

Gary W said...

I'll feed the troll...

Yes Virginia, when members of the media hand debate questions to a favored candidate it's rigged. When the media ask the DNC for a list questions to ask members of the opposing party it's rigged. When reporters ask for clearance to write a story it's rigged When one political party send agitators to an opponent's rally to incite violence it's rigged. (Google Robert Creamer his name is probably not mentioned on the lefty blogs you read.)

I'm sure there are more.

Joe maybe you should go back to whining about all the "third world ghetto trash" that live in the ghetto you moved to. Seriously you are worse then the guy who moves to the airport and complains about the noise. SMH

GaryW said...

Oh and one more, when the spouse of someone under an FBI investigation tries to meet secretly with the US AG, you bet your third world ghetto trash it's rigged.

Anonymous said...

Ok people we sat through 8 years of what? Did we protest? Did we burn the flag? Did we burn or loot our own neighborhoods?
No we came out during this election and voted for a change!
Now let's us not forget this let's use how we feel now and vote out DeBlasio. Let's take back our neighborhoods! Hopefully we can and if Trump creates more jobs and gets rid of the sanctuary cities maybe just maybe the homeless crisis will end.
Yes many are angry that Hillary did not get in. I for one is very happy she did not get in! Let's give Trump a chance! He just might surprise you.
Let the government know the little people are important not just the elite.

Anonymous said...

Joe...sorry if I touched a nerve...but you need to read with care...I said ..."usually the healthiest segment of the population".

If you go to the emergency room because you break a bone or appendicitis ...they treat you...even without health insurance!

You seem to have all the answers to your own go ask yourself and then listen to your own repetitive diatribe.

And yes...I believe that AMERICA is fed up with Politicians...and that is why TRUMP is President Elect.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous Gary W said...

I'll feed the troll...

Yes Virginia, when members of the media hand debate questions to a favored candidate it's rigged. When the media ask the DNC for a list questions to ask members of the opposing party it's rigged. When reporters ask for clearance to write a story it's rigged When one political party send agitators to an opponent's rally to incite violence it's rigged. (Google Robert Creamer his name is probably not mentioned on the lefty blogs you read.)

I'm sure there are more.

So since you are saying exactly what Trump said that the system is rigged, why did he win and Hillary lost, I mean you are agreeing on the so-called "rigged system". You know it can't go both ways, either it is rigged or it is not rigged, period.

Anonymous said...

>Why do I bother? The comments above are truly: Racist, sexist and hateful.

Endlessly calling simple disagreement racist is one of the things that cost Hillary and company the election.

It's like the boy who cried wolf. When the real racists come around, no one will be listening any more.

Anonymous said...

Yes the system (process) was rigged in favor of HRC and yes DJT won in spite of it.

Anonymous said...

No, its rigged. Trump's supporters were able to beat Hillary AND the media. That is his mandate.

After the wall goes up the next step needs to be voter ID.

Anonymous said...

"It takes a yes or no answer, not a ton of bullshit. Simple question, simple answer. Was it rigged like he said many times on national TV, twitter, newspapers, etc."

Give it a rest already: who cares at this point? It was a calculated statement to cast himself as an outsider. Probably no one who hadn't made up their mind by that point cared if it were true or not, or even remember he said it if they did, and the election is over. Just pray that the bluster was all showmanship, and that he can switch off candidate mode and do a halfway decent job now that he got the satisfaction of winning its prize, and that the next challenge his ego has framed for itself is to actually do a good job in the eyes of all Americans.

a patriot said...

I's over folks.
Now let's see if the checks and balances system , that our country's founding fathers have put into our governmental system, works.
They prevent tyrants, from hiding in the folds of our American flag. "It's folds project no tyrant crew. It's red and white and starry blue are freedom's shield and hope"
ONCE AGAIN, if you all had participated in the affairs of your local governments, none of this could have happened.
How many voted? How many complained about local conditions but did nothing?
Armchair liberals and conservatives are to be spit upon for non participation.
God bless America! Trump's victory might prove to be the best thing for the long term health of our republic.
He sure shook up both lazy political parties.
American politics, has just gotten a good enema! Clean out you local lazy, complacent shit!
I do mean your shady city council members!
Think nationally, but act locally! Drain your political swamps in your nabes.

Anonymous said...

Trump trumped the system, and deserves a lot of credit for that alone.
His wife, an ex model, parlayed her "charms" into becoming the First Lady.
I would say that is the quintessential Horatio Alger American success story.
In America, we get the government we deserve.
If the system was rigged, we were the enables.
Now, stop being cry babies and wake up.
If you sit in the back row, you will have no control over your destiny.
I'm sort of sorry I even voted for Clinton.
She was a loser from the get go.
Hillary could not connect with the people like Bill did.
Trump connected. That's why he won.

Joe Moretti said...

PART 1: While I did not vote for Trump and cast my vote to Clinton (I like many others wanted Sanders in that position), just because I felt he was not qualified for the presidency and used my brain to vote as opposed to my heart & emotions, the bottom line is that Trump won fairly & squarely (as opposed to Bush against Gore). And while the popular vote went to Clinton, we have to accept the system in place of the Electoral, which it is time for that archaic system, which is a way to control elections, to end. Bottom line, Clinton lost, because she has never really been able to connect to working class people like her husband did (or Obama), not enough Clinton voters either did not come out to vote or voted for third party candidates or voted for Trump. Trump, even though he ran a campaign that included way too much hate and idiotic things, he ran a better campaign that reached and touch the majority of people, especially the non-college white working class people who were Democrats for so long but felt that the Dems tossed them away.

Yes, people are angry, people are upset, people have no idea what will happen now. And yes it is totally legal to protest (PEACEFULLY, not like some third world country), but what exactly are people protesting, a fair and honest election, no they are mad because it did not go their way (especially the young and the millennials), but you know what, that is how life goes, which many of you will find out as you get older. Save your protests for when Trump is actually in office and attempts to repeal Obamacare with either no plan in place or a worse plan in place, protest when he attempts to waste time and money deporting 11 million illegal immigrants (who should have never been in this country in the first place), BUT at least wait to see what happens so your protest will actually have a focus or some legs to stand on, not because boo-hoo, my feelings are hurt and I did not win. Just wait. And you know what, Trump will be my president, even though I did not vote for him and think he is unqualified, just like Obama, Bush 2, Clinton, Bush 1, Regan, Carter were my presidents, even though I did not vote for some of them. This is how Democracy works, there are winners and there are losers and the more you accept that, then you can move on to the next phase and do something to see things change. Things like, run for local office, a very important first defense in many communities, many of you can start in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Staten Island, where seats are filled with tons of do nothing and crooked Democratic (and Republicans) elected officials and I use Jamaica & Southeast Queens as an important example. I mean look at the conditions in SE Queens for not just years, but decades, under Democratic rule by do nothings and crooked folks, who could care less about the people and community they serve ( Meeks, Cook, Scarborough, Wills, Huntley, Smith, Comrie, Miller, Springer, Flake, etc). A community of garbage & homeless shelters on every other block, crime, shootings, killings, unemployment. I mean with York College right in the community, you would think these elected officials would work with the college to come up with some type of training program to put people in good paying jobs and then place them in the community (if any of you would attract companies, like what should have happened with Jet Blue which went to LIC) where they can help better it and their lives. But these elected officials in this community and other similar communities seem to be more interested in keeping people down and dependent on welfare, food stamps, etc. So young folks, especially people of color, toss your name in the hat against these dinosaur elected officials who have become so out of touch with the people, which brings me to my next point, Trump in Part 2

Joe Moretti said...

Part 2: Trump is a successful businessman, yes he has had failures, but overall he is a successful businessman and a shrewd one who does know the “art of the deal”. So let him take a shot at it. He likes to build things and create, let him loose and see. From the shitty third world airports in the country, like LaGuardia, to the horrendous hell hole rat like basement Penn Station to the falling apart roads and bridges to the slowest train system (Amtrak) in the world. Other countries have high speed trains that get you from one place to another in no time, while one can actually die taking Amtrak from New York to California. I mean no where do we see the screwed up, deteriorating infrastructure but in the richest city in the country, NYC, and supposedly the finance capital of the world. The infrastructure here SUCKS. Do you realize how many good paying jobs a project like this can create, do you know how much better off many of those people’s lives would be with those jobs, you know how much better off our communities will be. Crime is not an issue but a symptom to a bigger issue, the lack of good jobs and proper services in communities. When everyone is working (well most everyone) and working good paying jobs that allow you to own a home, own a car, put your children through college, etc, these people are happy and don’t have to rely on “handouts”, the communities thrive, the economy does well for everyone (not just a few) including the rich. We become a better society when everyone is working good paying jobs.

So Mister Trump, BUILD, BUILD, BUILD like no other person in that position has done before and make the Republican controlled government do it. I mean most of the Republicans have you to thank for putting them into office, otherwise, many would have been kicked out. SO BUILD, bring our country together for a common goal.

And young people, do more than protesting, put yourself in elected positions in your communities. You are the future of the country. So you want a better country, become a true public servant, where you can actually make change. Toss out the dinosaurs, the elites, the do nothings, the crooked, the lobbyist ass kissing politicians. BE BETTER.


Me personally, my own life does not change if Trump is in office anymore than when Obama, Bush2, Clinton, Bush 2, Regan were. If the country and the world falls apart in the future, I will more than likely not be here for that. BUT, you young folks will be. AND some of you out there, your children and grandchildren will.

Anonymous said...

Look I did not vote for Obama and I did I go crazy? NO gave him a chance and when he got in for another term I was like oh boy four more years of nothing. So after 8 years I knew a change was coming. I voted for Trump and proud of it. I am not a racist or bigot and I respect every single person of color and their beliefs. Give him a chance. If Hillary got in that is what I would have done.

Anonymous said...

The Trump win is good for American citizens !
But how he hell did Joseph Crowley win 82.6% to 17.4% ?
We need term limits because the same "crap" almost always gets re-elected.

Anonymous said...

the new SCOTUS(CONS>)wil protect your extended families from the nutty Marxist opinions of the Constitution.President Trumps judgeswil keep the court on a direct course for 50 years. I.C.E. will function & "SANCTUARY CITY/COUNTIES" are gone quickly.


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