Thursday, October 6, 2016

Glass box for Flushing non-profit

From Curbed:

Housing non-profit Asian Americans for Equality are set to open a large new community and entrepreneurship center in Flushing, Queens that will be located at the corner of College Point Boulevard and 39th Avenue. The seven-story structure will span 90,000 square feet and is being designed in collaboration between JCJ Architecture and Leong Leong.

Plans so far call for an outdoor plaza on the ground floor that will connect to a 5,000-square-foot public market. The second floor will be configured in such a way that it can be used for a variety of events, meetings, exhibitions, and performances. This floor also comes with a large terrace. The third floor will house a business incubator that will provide the neighborhood’s businesses a co-working space, and an area to collaborate. Floors five through seven will offer additional office space.

The architects have also designed a three-story staircase that starts at the base of the structure. This creates a seating area for the market on the ground floor, and on the second and third floor, it can be used for events, performances, and screenings.


(sarc) said...

At least it will not be a hotel, I mean homeless shelter.

Not yet...

Anonymous said...

When refugees of the Hong Kong turnover funded the rebuild of the subway and library it was nice. There were advanced journals in the library. Now the homeless have taken over both. Including the woman at the subway who squawks like a duck.

Anonymous said...

that woman in the subway is not squawking like a duck. she is asking for "one dollar"

Anonymous said...

Wasn't John Choe connected to this group?

Anonymous said...

A public market?
Drive those nice elderlyKorean ladies trying to get by in life selling questionable produce away from Union Street?
Not very nice.
Asian Americans do not see their own subgroups as equals.
Koreans and Chinese dislike each other. So WTF does Asian Americans For Equality stand for? LMAO!

Anonymous said...

True. Chinese and Taiwanese have driven Koreans off of Main Stret decades ago.
The remaining Union Street enclave will be gone soon, driven east.
Check out Crain's Business Weekly....about 30 years ago.....where they state that e last Kotean business left Main Street.

Anonymous said...

They must be making a hell of a profit to afford this building.
Face it, Flushing is one of the epicenters for colonization.
Nobody in Flushing ever did anything this grand for its old African American community, which has suffered far more assaults to their equality.
Why do the Asians get carte blanche?
Because they fund politicians campaigns and most "Blacks" couldn't put two dimes together to buy even one community board member.
Money talks. Cash buys politians.

Anonymous said...

Much less ugly than the run down one-story buildings and parking lot that's currently there.

But if there's one thing Flushing doesn't need less of, it's parking.

Anonymous said...

Forgot Chinese Exclusion Act, Japanese American internment? Asians fund politicians? If so where are the Asian version of a Trump, Bloomberg, etc?

Anonymous said...

Why don't they put in a large food court with lots of comfortable seating that serves coffee all day long so the elderly Asians will stop taking over the McDonalds and other fast food places and have a place they could be welcome to sit in and talk for as long as they want. You would think with all the Chinese churches that one of them would build a place for these senior Asians to hang out. Does this place include space for that????

Anonymous said...

"Housing non-profit Asian Americans for Equality" -- When I see the words "non-profit" the first thing I want to know is how much taxpayer money are they sucking down? State, city and Federal funding? The "La Raza" organization gets millions of Federal dollars to help (facilitate) Hispanics buy houses. Some of these millions are spent on mortgage counseling and teaching clients how to tap into various gov't programs that will subsidize their home purchases. All done under the guise of serving minorities who have the deck stacked against them when buying a house. And there's lots of gold in them thar hills in being this kind of poverty pimp.
I am obviously saying that this Asian outfit is copying La Raza.

Anonymous said...

In the early 70's there were a few nice old houses in this location as well as a small apartment building.One of the homes was for rent and an old woman living in one of the homes told me that the Lawrence Family had a home on Lawrence Street now College Point Blvd.They had two homes built on 39 ave. for their two daughters.
I couldn't locate the landlord and in the mean while squatters moved in and destroyed the interior and then there was a fire, soon after the house was torn down.
Back in the day this location probably had a great view of Flushing Creek and it could have been an area where a prominent family would live.Any thoughts?

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