Thursday, October 20, 2016

Elizabeth Crowley knew about Maspeth shelter in JUNE, told no one

Something a bit earth-shattering - at least if you live in Maspeth - happened last night at Borough Hall. As you are likely aware, DHS Commissioner Steven Banks gave a presentation to the Borough Board. He also took questions from the board members. Elizabeth Crowley got into it with him. He then responded by stating, "When I met with you in private in June and explained to you what our plan would be, I never said any of the things that you said." You can hear the exchange yourself by downloading the file from here. The exchange begins at 0:56:06.

So, despite what Crowley, Addabbo and Markey would like everyone to believe, this was known about long before that secret Maspeth Library meeting where she acted surprised and outraged in front of members of the community board and the community at large. And why would she meet with Banks privately, if not to make a deal?


(sarc) said...

If you like your homeless shelter, you can keep your homeless shelter...

Anonymous said...

Anyone who votes for these bottom feeders needs to have their head examined. Markey's out, Addobbo's next and Crowley better get her resume ready because she's out next year.

Crowley's engaged and doesn't live here anymore, so she has that in her favor.

JQ LLC said...

Enjoy your last year in office Lizzie, at least you have your PHD from your fashion college to fall back on.

Anonymous said...

Of course she and the others knew. We are always the last to know and look Lizzie never went to any protest or rally. Just like Katz.Well Markey you saw by not standing along side of the very same people who voted you in what outta here! In time so will the others!
Never saw such liars and thanks to you all the everyone is getting screwed...the homeless who need a stable home environment. The mentally ill ones who need help and along with the drug addicts. The children who are caught up in this and shuffle along from hotel to hotel. You really came through for them. Just another broken promise. For us the people of Maspeth and the other communities you represent you show us you have been in this job way to long and we need a change. We need someone who does not forget where she comes from and helps her people out. You lied and never had our best interest at heart. You want nice neighborhoods to look like flop houses with the crime and quality of life creeping up. My biggest concern is the crime and quality of life issues. Safety.
Forget about property values...people already saying " got a shelter there"...that is a given. This area is already tainted. The surrounding communities too...Elmhurst and Woodside. Who wants to spend good money when crime,quality of life issues and safety are at stake?
So Lizzy come next election time you will not get my vote and it's just a matter of them you will see what your actions caused here. Do not blame low turn out.

Anonymous said...

Quit voting for this pos and her crooked cousin and vote Trump dam it

Anonymous said...

Good bye Lizzie....thanks for nothing

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

She blocked me on twitter re 911 tech corruption. I testified we need a criminal prosecution and I also wanted answers on Mark Carson's ambulance response time because I was told by witness the ambulance was delayed.

Crowley said she would get back to me she never did and she no comment for me on why PSAC2 Second command center for 911 tech was so many years late quest so much money we don't have answers and I want to know is it up and running yet or are back up phone call still being rerouted to 1 Police Plaza if there's an emergency and PSAC1 goes down.

911 tech corruption aka as ECTP remains the biggest corruption ever New York City government history to date bigger than CityTime.

Rose Gill Hearn party to protecting crooks that to date have only paid back $60.5 million a pittance.

Anonymous said...

Corruption at its finest.

Middle Villager said...

Hate to say this but, I TOLD YOU SO. Please keep this in mind for her next election bid.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Elizabeth Crowley for selling us out.
I think this homeless hotel situation will reveal more than record high numbers in homeless but it will reveal how corrupt these politicians are. Everyone involved doesnot benefit from liars and corrupted politicians. Everyone and everything suffers at the hands of corruption.
Do you live in the community you represent?

Anonymous said...

Crowley and Adobbo should have been out of office last time, but people keep voting them back in.

Anonymous said...

Dizzy Lizzy...far too busy s-----g dick, as usual, to ensure her job security.
Meanwhile she shafts usual!
I hope her lip service skills are better than her political ones.

Anonymous said...

Truth comes out!
Who pays for this?

Anonymous said...

Is there a process where you can impeach a City Council member? Our tax dollars are paying her salary, yet she never gets back to her constituents on serious matters. She lied about the shelter. She clearly does not represent anyone but herself. Why should she continue to get paid for a no show job? There must be a way to replace her asap.

Anonymous said...

Well folks, what did we tell you.

If you act stupid when they walk in the room and you get a pat on the head, a hillary smirk, and if you are really lucky and unctuous maybe even a script to read and a smirking order to trip up a citizen that that has had enough of their antics.

Grow a few people of Queens and you will discover a great new world out there.

Sure, Trump is a bully and an oaf, but he hit the nail on the head: Americans should never accept crocked politics.

Anonymous said...

Let's see...who should I vote for? Ah, there's a name a that I still recognize. Let's try that one...again.

Anonymous said...

and don't forget, they just voted themselves a pay raise

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anyone who votes for these bottom feeders needs to have their head examined. Markey's out, Addobbo's next and Crowley better get her resume ready because she's out next year.

and what about all the drones and union slugs that will just fill out all the dots straight down under the big D.
and these are the same ones that ask why nothing ever changes.
are you people reaching out to your friends and neighbors and getting them out on election day?

Anonymous said...

The Case of the Duplicitous Dolt

(apologies to Earl Stanley Gardner)

Anonymous said...

People we have a major problem here, NYC homeless population is ever increasing.
Liberal crazy politicians cannot create jobs, the economy is stagnating, jobs are being outsourced so this situation will get much much worse.
Dumping people in middle class neighborhoods via back room deals is clearly not the answer.

Anonymous said...

Where have all the good guys and gals gone in politics? All corrupt liars with their own adgendas and screw the little people? The very same taxpayers that pay your salaries?
Look at the mayor his lateness is inexcusable. Any working person being late like that at their job...where would you be? Go try to collect unemployment. Like Donald Trump would say "you're fired "!
Then this transparency bs still waiting to see it or is it another lie?
Then Markey you never once appeared at any protest and Crowley you too. You both knew what was going to happen yet you act like you did not. Liars there.
Melinda Katz the no show QBP. What the hell do you do? How about show some face and try not to lie to us. You knew all about this too.
Yet you thought Maspeth was just going to take this? You were wrong! I have been living here since 1960. Came from the Lower East Side. I wanted my family to have a better life. Maspeth was our choice. Living on the Maspeth Plateau we had everything we needed and really never once went to the Avenue. It beat life on the LES but my parents and children were not exposed to the things you saw on the LES. It was like the country here. Do I want to see my beloved Maspeth turn out that way NO! Yet you politicians with your lies and corruption and such disregard for us is pitiful. Come Election Time you will see what your corrupted little lies did when you are out of office.

Anonymous said...


The Case of the Duplicitous Dolt

(apologies to Erle Stanley Gardner)

Anonymous said...

One good thing about this particular presidential election is the exposure of how dirty democrats are and how deep in collusion the media is with them to protect them.
Really disgusting stuff. Worthy of a RICO investigation.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that I have finally retired. I am in western Pennsylvania right now. As a middle class retiree, I'm realizing that there is nothing in NYC that can keep living where the crime and violence is out of control. The rents are to dam high. The politicians are all dishonest. The city is a major terrorist target. The mayor is full of soup and homelessness is out of control.
I'm looking to buy property where people act and treat each other like human beings.

Anonymous said...

No shit...didn't some other stealth bullshit happen with a church.

Why is this mouse afraid to stand up to crooked government, DO HER JOB and represent her own people ! This instead of putting on knee pads every time a mayor or developer comes a calling.

Joe said...

"western Pennsylvania"
With the cows? And having to warm up the car drive 4+ miles to buy a lousy bagel, 6 pack or snacks when it 30 degrees outside. No "walk to" local pub ?
Jeez, as New Yorker that's would be jail and Id honestly rather kill myself or live in Elmhurst then suffer that.
Your a very rare individual

For many of us New Yorkers living in some Boonsville would kill us faster then anything these scumbags deBlasio, Clinton & Obama can throw at us.

I been to places like Lancaster, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Baltimore, Oakland even places in London and St.Croix Virgin Islands. Real shitholes WORSE then anyplace in Queens or possibly Beirut NO THANKS !!!!

Anonymous said...

It often takes quite a long time to realize, understand,and admit to yourself who your master is and that you are a slave, bound and shackled.

Anonymous said...

queens needs a WIKILEAKS operation fast.

Anonymous said...

Is there a process where you can impeach a City Council member?

Term limits - she'll be gone soon, but she can still do more damage before then.

You would think Lizzie has a lot of experience with under-the-table deals. Oh, wait - her experience is with under-the-table jobs...

Anonymous said...

Notice the old routine:

1. Thank God I am moving to the middle of nowhere.

2. Throw the bums out!

3. Our lives are hopeless.



Anonymous said...

Y'all don't know how to get Lizzy's attention. First thing you need to do is fly a Confederate Battle Flag.

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