Thursday, October 13, 2016

Democratic election commissioner thinks "there is a lot of voter fraud"

From the NY Post:

The Manhattan Democratic representative on the city’s Board of Elections was caught on a secret video slamming Mayor Bill de Blasio’s municipal ID program as contributing to “all kinds of fraud” — including at the polls.

“He gave out ID cards, de Blasio. That’s in lieu of a driver’s license, but you can use it for anything,” Commissioner Alan Schulkin said in the undercover video recorded by a muckraker for conservative nonprofit Project Veritas.

“But they didn’t vet people to see who they really are. Anybody can go in there and say, ‘I am Joe Smith, I want an ID card,’ ” he said in the bombshell tape.


JQ LLC said...

That veritas organization has the biggest bunch of millenial morons, which includes that douche bag James O'Keefe. That girl conducting the interview doesn't help her story much by claiming that people will get a burka and claim that they're muslim to vote.

But, this video is quite the eye opener, and it should confirm how, like everything else run by this corrupt mayor and his corrupt stupid administration is shoddily run and almost set up for abuse. As if the inherent corruption, nepotism and cronyism accused at this department isn't enough

I despise that worm O'keefe but because of him, ACORN (at least under that name) no longer exists.

Whoever wins, whether it's that stupid lech Don Worthless (he's been enabled enough, and those Howard Stern interviews are coming back to haunt him) and Manifest Hillary, the lunatic fringe- left and right, media and finance, have taken over all aspects of political discourse.

(sarc) said...

I saw this posted as a comment yesterday and I am appreciative that the Crapper is highlighting this story.

However it is a very sad state of affairs when our elections are even more of a sham than we had always thought.

This goes to show what a tyrannical self serving so called government of the people a one party system can become.

The Wikileaks document releases are shedding a bit of light upon the arrogance and utter contempt and hatred that the HiLiErey Clinton campaign has for the voting public.

Just wait until Madame Secretary HiLiErey increases refugee imports by over five hundred percent.

I'm sure that will greatly improve the homeless problem we are facing and add even more votes against our few legitimately cast ballots.

Vote them all out before it is too late!

As Jefferson said:

John Van Buren said...

Vote early and vote often!

Anonymous said...

After watching the debates I saw two people that I do not want to see as the president.
Both lie. Both will not bring an end to the racial problems here in America. I just see a big divide.
May be its time for a change where they put the other two candidates in the mix because these two are nothing special to brag about.

Gary W said...

Wait a minute how can this be??, the Dems and the left have assured me that any voter fraud is a complete fabrication and purely the product of right wing imagination.

But wait there's more!! Hillary being fed questions before a debate, D-bag "newsman" bragging to the DNC how they tripped up Trump, State Dept. and the Clinton Foundation coordinating Haitian relief efforts.

If you love living in a one party city, you are gonna love living in a one party Country!!

Anonymous said...

The Muni ID card statement is untrue. They require a certain amount of 'points' such as a driver's license, passport, etc. But it is true that the people inspecting cant tell a real ID from a fake.

Anonymous said...

From the homeless issue to election fraud. Whats next??

Anonymous said...

Gary W

and remember
if you like your doctor. you can keep your doctor

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
From the homeless issue to election fraud. Whats next??

WWIII with the Russians

Anonymous said...

Muni IDs DO require ID - I know: tried to get one for my son, born at NYU; I'm American Indian (Hunkpapa Sioux) so neither of us is an illegal. Reality check!

Gary W said...

Speaking of WWIII look at what your tax dollars just bought

What a fantastic deal that Iran deal was.

Joe Moretti said...

You do need plenty of other ID before you can get the Muni ID. Don't know really how much voter fraud there really is, but there certainly is much voter suppression though that has been documented all over the country, including gerrymandering.

Anonymous said...

You need to be an American citizen to register to vote, but there are no requirements to show proof of citizenship.

Anonymous said...

"Muni IDs DO require ID" But what kind of ID? I went to the website and after reading what you can bring in as ID, I left with he feeling that anyone can obtain one. If a person has a NYS Driver's License, for instance, then why get one of these? You can get one with a foreign birth certificate and no photo.

Anonymous said...

Why do they call them a 'muckraker'?

If it was a Republican or Tea Party scam they were exposing they would be hailed as 'investigative journalists'.

Nothing to see here!

Anonymous said...

Your vote doesn't count anyway. The electoral college puts whoever they want in office and sadly I am afraid that person this year is going to be this crooked Hilary person who has done nothing useful in her entire political career. She sucks as Secretary of state and she sucked when she was a useless senator in ny here.

Anonymous said...

>May be its time for a change where they put the other two candidates in the mix because these two are nothing special to brag about.

Look up Governor Gary Johnson and Dr. Jill Stein. Two choices for President unconnected to either of those jokers. Don't waste your vote on a major party candidate!

Anonymous said...

post a voter fraud watch car at the p.s.polls<p.s.130Q,p.s.158Qfl
ushing ,bayside etc & observe the Asian vans w.multiple illegal voters entering to vote.

See:judicial watch .org

Anonymous said...

I vote at MS 67 in Little Neck. Asian ballots and signs. Asian interpreters. Who knows what is going on. There is also a group home for adults nearby and the residents are brought in to vote. Most of them appear to be unable to dress themselves let alone know what voting is about. Sad.

Anonymous said...

"The Wikileaks document releases are shedding a bit of light upon the arrogance and utter contempt and hatred that the HiLiErey Clinton campaign has for the voting public."

I'm hoping the rumor is true with Anonymous and Wikileaks dropping major stuff come the beginning of November that shows just how corrupt our government and media are. These leaks supposedly aren't the real bad ones.

"There is also a group home for adults nearby and the residents are brought in to vote. Most of them appear to be unable to dress themselves let alone know what voting is about. Sad."

It is sad. Every election "our" politicians show up and throw them a bone of lunch and then tell them the evil bogyman is going to stop SS and medicare.

Still voting Trump here.

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Anti-asian racism? Some of these comments make me wonder why I read this blog...

WW2 ended a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Your taxes are paying for the new Undocumented Dem. Voters,that are now taking P.S.seats @ a cost of $20,000 Ea.,from your residential community P.S.

See:Judicial Watch .org FAMILY UNITS" entering U.S.via Mexico doubles,UIC up 52%

UPS pilots report Syrian Refugees entering on UPS planes ?Dallas,Tex.

Anonymous said...


You may dislike James O'Keefe and likely Wikileaks you need to realize they are opening the door on the political system. It is corrupt and it needs exposing.
And it's time to show the media for what it is a wing of the Democrat party.

Without Trump, none of this would have happened.
He's the only one to bring up immigration (legal and illegal) as problem.

JQ LLC said...

I like Wikileaks. If Manifest Hillary and her abject deniers felt that their ideas and ideologies are right, she should have released the transcripts. Frankly, the HRC campaign showed absolute hubris from the start of primaries with all those super brownnose delegates going with HER from the start

I don't like O'keefe because he is an incompetent boob who imitates the Old Daily Show correspondents and is not funny though he thinks he is. I gave Veritas props here because this issue is valid and the behavior and attitudes displayed by today's establishment elected dems are very obnoxious, secretive and elitist. And their tactics are no different than the gerrymandering bullshit that the republicans did in the late 20th and early 21st century.

I don't endorse H-> by the way. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

M.S.M. did not interview any of the Bubba &HRC victims ? Why not? a double standard?
Herman Kane was demonized by the leftwing also, till he quit running.So was Sen. McCain.

see:drudge report for more truth.

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