Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Undocumented impact on NYC

This short Seth Barron piece in City Journal is the best essay I have seen thus far on illegal immigration in NYC. Give it a read.


(sarc) said...

How many times has it been said that they do not want to know?

They keep records and documentation on EVERYTHING but this.

It is all about undocumented democratic voters...

Anonymous said...

Trump likes them too. Who built his tower?

Anonymous said...

Everytime I see a foreigner in the hospital I work in, they are always requesting a translator and are on medicaid! Does anyone have any idea how much these illegals are actually costing our systems? Overcrowded schools, esl teachers, translation services, forms in the government printed in more than one language, free english classes, medicaid, foodstamps, social security fraud. Who do you think pays for all these services? Hint, it's not the illegals because their non taxed money they earn goes right back to their motherlands via Western union.

Anonymous said...

Both restrained and evidence driven, Seth Barron as ever shows he's the preeminent New York City journalist not sucking on City Hall's teat by softening stories to advance his career. Make City Council Watch part of your regular reading.

Joe Moretti said...

For all this Go Trump bullshit, Trump is one of the biggest employers of illegal immigrants.

Excellent article and the way journalism should be. KUDOS!

Anonymous said...

From the article:
In a city budget of $82.2 billion, that $2.5 billion represents a significant piece of the pie. Mayor de Blasio says that New Yorkers are happy to shoulder the cost of caring for their unlawfully resident neighbors, and maybe they are.
I'm not. Are you? I don't want to give illegals a single dollar when our police aren't paid fairly, and I have to spend $100 to buy school supplies for my child in public school, including paper towels and trash bags, because the city can't afford the simplest sanitation necessities.

Anonymous said...

DeBlasio is happy that illegal immigrants have jobs but he looks the other way when American Citizens are forced out of Civil Service jobs by illegal immigrants employed there.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it illegal Portugese immigrants who built Trump Tower?
Didn't he and his father use a thinly coded "C" , denoting the "colored" applicants for their apartment buildings, who were subsequently denied those apartments?

Der Fuhrer is Der Donald! Der New Age is here!
You voters shall be his enablers, God forbid!

Just like in tempest torn , economically depressed post WWI Germany, the seeds of fascism can take root right here in America.
The soil conditions are perfect. Water with anger, hatred and loss of jobs, then tell us it ain't so.
Beware, my fellow U.S. Citizens!

Anonymous said...

Since we are discussing statistics, or the lack of them, what is the cost of deportation and jailing illegals?
Last time I heard, jailing ONE SINGLE inmate ran about $50,000 per annum,
Multiply that by the number of illegals NYC is claiming to,be here.
Simple mathematics are the answer to much of which we can afford as individuals or government.

Anonymous said...

City Hall lies!
So , WTF is new about that?
Too bad these illegals cannot vote.
Next we'll see a law allowing just that.

Anonymous said...

read Ann Coulter's Book:
Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole
she goes over all of these things and then some
everything is footnoted and referenced

Anonymous said...

>Didn't he and his father use a thinly coded "C" , denoting the "colored" applicants for their apartment buildings, who were subsequently denied those apartments?

Meanwhile, his opponent, Hillary Clinton, couldn't figure out that "C" on her memos and emails meant "classified".

Two C-list candidates for President. Time to vote third party.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
DeBlasio is happy that illegal immigrants have jobs but he looks the other way when American Citizens are forced out of Civil Service jobs by illegal immigrants employed there."

You keep making this ridiculous statement every time illegals come up, please supply your source other than "I see them voting" or "I see them working" or "I hear them talking with accents/a foreign language."

Statements like this do zero to help the cause of curbing illegal immigration. When you continue to make ridiculous statements like this, people no longer listen to you, because you have nothing valid coming out of your mouth.

Anonymous said...

American Citizens are forced out of Civil Service jobs by illegal immigrants employed there.

Look, we're all tired of the illegal alien burden, but will you give it a rest already with this lie? Rail on about the handout programs and the machine politics, but please keep it in the realm of sanity: the NYC payroll is extremely well scrutinized and audited, and no one without a social security number is being paid wages. Outlandish claims like this without proof just reflect badly on the website.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
DeBlasio is happy that illegal immigrants have jobs but he looks the other way when American Citizens are forced out of Civil Service jobs by illegal immigrants employed there."

You keep making this ridiculous statement every time illegals come up, please supply your source other than "I see them voting" or "I see them working" or "I hear them talking with accents/a foreign language."

Statements like this do zero to help the cause of curbing illegal immigration. When you continue to make ridiculous statements like this, people no longer listen to you, because you have nothing valid coming out of your mouth.

It's actually the opposite way around. They are creating more civil service jobs that us taxpayers are paying for. They create more trash, more overcrowding in schools and now they are all over the dmv trying to get their "municipal Id cards". Us, the taxpayers are paying for more teachers, more translation services, More trash pickup, more policemen, more welfare workers. They are making us create more and more civil service jobs that the taxpayers foot the bill for. And FYI, they are voting at the polls if you Do not believe it, go to Jackson heights if you want to see it with your own two eyes! That's why this government made these stupid municipal id cards!

Anonymous said...

Creating jobs by eating up infrastructure, sure - but that isn't the same as "American Citizens are forced out of Civil Service jobs by illegal immigrants employed there." That simply isn't true. Nor is it true that "they" are at the DMV to get their NYC ID card, because that isn't where it's available.

As for voting, I'm not so sure. You don't need an ID to vote, so your point about the ID cards is irrelevant. You must be a US citizen to register to vote, and if you truly believe non-citizens are voting and you want to do something about it you call the Board of Elections and report it, and if you don't believe they'll do something about it, call the office Assistant United States Attorney responsible for overseeing the handling of complaints of voting rights abuses and election fraud for the Southern District of NewYork. Make yourself heard instead of making things up.

Anonymous said...

The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole

Illegal immigrants and convicted felons are protected employees at NYC Agencies. they have Civil Service jobs, American Citizens do not. Look at who is working at the agencies. You will be dealing with a heavily accented individual who has hatred for Americans.

The hostility towards American citizens in NYC agencies is alive and well, the employees constantly complain and complain even though they do the bare minimum of work.

Anonymous said...

Pols got clever ruse: undocumented push up census, allowing for "minority" districts of people who largely don't vote, so contacting those who do vote in a "minority" district is five times cheaper than a "regular" one.

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