Sunday, September 11, 2016

Never forgotten


(sarc) said...

Today is also another Anaversary;
May we also never forget Four Americans that died FOUR YEARS AGO in the 2012 Benghazi attack:
Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen "Bub" Doherty and Tyrone "Rone" Woods, both former Navy SEALs.

Fifteen years ago so many brave souls ran to help those in the burning towers!

Four years ago when our diplomatic compound was burning, the telephone at The State Department went unanswered!

There were a few that did the right thing and saved countless lives!

Kris "Tanto" Paronto
Mark "Oz" Geist
John "Tig" Tiegen
Jack Silva
And a few names that are still classified as "Top Secret".

Please also pray for these heroes and souls as well on this day of Reverence and Remembrance.


Anonymous said...

I will never forget all those Brave Football Players running into the Towers risking Thier lives to save others and hoisting the NFL Jersey up the pole as a sign of Unity.
The NFL is banned in my home until they apologize for the disrespect of the Flag of the United States.

Anonymous said...

'I will never forget all those Brave Football Players running into the Towers risking Thier lives to save others and hoisting the NFL Jersey up the pole as a sign of Unity.'

Don't be silly. It was the politicians who ran into the buildings and saved people. That's why they keep getting raises!

Anonymous said...

My fear is that, in a couple of years, it will just become another day and some will even say, "Happy 9/11", like some stupid politicians do when marching in Memorial Day parades ("Happy Memorial Day").

Anonymous said...

I can never forget 9/11. I was teaching in a Brooklyn school. Through a third floor window, a colleague and I had a perfect view of the Twin Towers. The second tower was on fire, and then we watched it collapse. I realized at that instant that I was watching thousands of people die. We grabbed each other and hugged as if to crack each others' ribcages. I walked around the halls with tears streaming silently down my cheeks, a river that would not stop. A union chapter leader gruffly told me to stop crying, it would "disturb the children". I had just watched thousands of people die. This had really happened, although no one would want to wrap their mind around such a horror. If it "disturbed the children", maybe it was time they looked up from their frivolous daily activities and appreciated that there was truly evil in the world, bigger problems than what to wear to a friend's party or whether one's boyfriend was stepping out on you. No, I could not stop the tears. They had a life of their own. All the way home that day, I saw what I thought was gulls fluttering around in the sky. No. As they drew closer to my car, I saw it was xerox paper from boxes broken open in the Towers. There was also a blackest-of-black column of smoke reaching, it seemed, to the heavens, a black such as only burning aviation fuel could create.

And when I got home, I turned on the radio to hear of the Shanksville, PA heroes who brought down their passenger plane before the hijackers could get it to DC. More tears. My body was absolutely racked with tears and grief. I couldn't even stand up any more.

For an entire year after this, I kept coughing up chunks of solid green mucus. But our government had told us that the air quality was fine! Try that line on my lungs. The minute the last of the Twin Towers was razed, my coughing stopped, like a light switch.

I will never forget 9/11. I will never forget who did this. And I will never forgive either them, or the quintessentially evil Obama who wants to bring 10,000 more of them over to our country, to lie in wait for their next opportunity.

Anonymous said...

The Man In The Red Bandanna - another incredible story about 9/11 that most don't know! Lives saved! A must watch

Anonymous said...

Remember this too.
It was under President Obama's administration that Osama Bin Laden was finally dealt with.
May he not rest in paradise with any virgins!

Anonymous said...

AS a City Council member, Melissa Mark-Viverito would refuse to stand during or recite the pledge of allegiance, because what she claimed our refusal to grant Puerto Rico independence.

Anonymous said...

I've seen lots of the 911 conspiracy theory articles and videos, many seem credible to me.By now I would think if there was any truth in some of the theories it would have been exposed to everyone by now. Either way I still don't trust governments.

Anonymous said...

I remember the posting of dozens of pictures of the destruction at Ground Zero within 24 hours by a Japanese photographer (I recall a woman) which were taken down under order of the FBI (or some other like agency in a day or two) who also seized her camera.

They were never reposted. That gallery was the most gripping portrayal of the pile I have ever seen. I wonder when they will release those images.

If anyone knows her name much appreciate.

Anonymous said...

My fear is that, in a couple of years, it will just become another day and some will even say, "Happy 9/11", like some stupid politicians do when marching in Memorial Day parades ("Happy Memorial Day")

Memorial Day was a political designation for a general remembrance of those lost in all wars, which is essentially a 150 year old holiday. 9/11 was a specific day of tragedy. It's a wee bit different, don't you think? You don't hear anyone saying "Happy Pearl Harbor Day" on December 7th, and you probably never will.

Anonymous said...

Given enough time, everything is forgotten or dulled to a haze in distant memory.
Only the slogans survive. "Never again"....."Remember the Maine"...."A day that will live in infamy".
Notes or footnotes in history books.
What should be remembered is our inadequate government which allowed this to happen

Anonymous said...

maybe hillery get a visit from the ghost of ambassador Stevens at ground zero

Anonymous said...

"You don't hear anyone saying "Happy Pearl Harbor Day" on December 7th, and you probably never will."... Most people under 50 don't even know what Pearl Harbor Day is.

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