Friday, September 2, 2016

Mosque variance going to court

From the Queens Chronicle:

The Kissena Park Civic Association and state Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside) are considering filing an Article 78 lawsuit over a controversial plan to build a mosque in Flushing at 46-05 Parsons Blvd.

The group behind the plan, Masjid e-Noor, sought approvals for variances from the Board of Standards and Appeals, which has not yet published the resolution that includes the waivers and conditions for the project. All of the waivers sought were approved, according to BSA spokesman Ryan Singer.

“They got what they were asking for,” Singer told the Chronicle.

The site is a small, unusually shaped lot at the corner of 46th Avenue and Parsons Boulevard.

The lawsuit — which would aim to overturn the BSA’s decision — has to be filed within 30 days after the agency publishes its resolution with the waivers and conditions for the project, which it will do early next week, according to Singer.

“The Board of Standards and Appeals approved the applicant’s request to waive regulations pertaining to maximum floor area regulations, front yard and height and setback to permit a house of worship to be built at 46-05 Parsons Blvd in Queens,” Singer said in an emailed statement. “The building did not change during the hearing process although waivers were added to accommodate the proposed dome.”

The variances sought were for parking, floor area ratio, sky exposure plane, side yard and other construction regulations. Community Board 7 rejected the plan after members of the board tried to get the applicants to consider another site.

Singer insisted that the proposal was considered as any other would be.

“The Board treated this application with the same rigor as any other before it and found that it met the findings for a variance,” he said.

“We have a situation where the city is letting this particular group and this mosque go forward by waiving the building codes applicable to them,” Carsten Glaeser, the vice president of the KPCA, said.

The civic association, he added, is “trying to come up with money” for representation in court. According to Glaeser, other civic associations might get involved with the lawsuit.


(sarc) said...

I wonder how tall the Minaret will be.

It will be lovely hearing the muezzin calling all to prayers five times each day.

It has been said by our current president that “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer".

Why are you people so hateful? Are you racist?

The deal is done because we are told "You must embrace diversity, it is our strength".

Do you all feel empowered and strong with all the diversity going on?

Anonymous said...

This is a very congested intersection.
The BSA has gone forward with one of its usual zone busting approvals in spite of this.
It stinks from top to bottom.
The BSA is the the zone busting partner of developers in NYC.
Screw the neighborhoods but reward the builders.
WTF is zoning for if it can be busted?
It used to be that a citizen or group of citizens could challenge a BSA ruling without the expense of hiring a lawyer to represent them.
But that was too just and a roadblock had to be thrown in their path by being forced to go through an expensive legal process.
Democracy was gutted. REBNY rules. The BSA is their partner.
Why do we even need these toy government community boards anyway?
Their votes are purely advisory....window dressing.

Anonymous said...

This group had better be joined by other civic and homeowners' associations.
If they wind up building here, this can happen anywhere.
Your....what you think is your iron clad protected neighborhood (even with preferred R1-2A zoning)
will be compromised. That will open it up to future zone busting by the BSA.
There goes your investment in your home and quality of life.

Anonymous said...

This nabe is being raped by the BSA.
Bend over. You are next if you do not join the fight!

georgetheatheist said...

Christopher Hitchens (Peace Be Upon Him) explains why ISLAM is the most STUPID religion of all.

Check it out HERE.

Anonymous said...

The full article claims that "the BSA hired a company to do a parking study which found adequate parking in the area". Since when does a city agency perform its own study in support of an applicant's position? Isn't the burden on the applicant to submit all proofs necessary to persuade BSA? If a traffic study was warranted, shouldn't it have been done and its costs fully paid by the applicant? Why does this applicant get the benefit of a BSA traffic study, paid by taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

The full article claims that "the BSA hired a company to do a parking study which found adequate parking in the area".

Since when does a city agency perform its own study in support of an applicant's position? Isn't the burden on the applicant to submit all proofs necessary to persuade BSA? If a traffic study was warranted, shouldn't it have been done and its costs fully paid by the applicant? Why does this applicant get the benefit of a BSA traffic study, paid by taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

We at CB7 are very fond of our heads being attached to our bodies therefore we give this future mosque our blessings to build as high and ugly as Allah would have it
Community Bourd 7 members vote unanimously to approve.

Anonymous said...

The Parsons bus route will have to be relocated to accommodate the overflow of worshipers and Thier rugs who will take over the street for prayer otherwise you will need a snowplow to clear the street 5 times a day.

georgetheatheist said...

"It has been said by our current president that “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer."

The sweetest sound I know is a fife and drum playing Yankee Doodle.

Anonymous said...

It is like WRONG IS THE NEW RIGHT! Anyways, I think Avella and his supporter should do all they can to stop this mess of a project. What infuriates me, is they get their shit approved but still use the "Islamaphobia" term....I mean maybe you should shut your mouth for 10 seconds considering the whole area is against it. Flushing is the New Jamaica now....nuff' said! Anyone please let me know what we can do to contribute to the lawsuit. Thanks

Anonymous said...

They are only waiving building codes because the city loves to cater to third worlders.

Anonymous said...

condolences to the muslim family of the 60 yr.old woman stabbed & killed in Jamaica this week.I hope that the killer is caught quickly ,before the Dem/Marxist radio-news ECHO CHAMBER causes a disturbance among the ethnic groups .It is sad that the echo chamber has to blame the g.o.p candidate for president,& connect his name to a HATE CRIME.Cannot reasonable people wait till the NYPD does its job ?

Anonymous said...

What's the point of having Community Boards if their decisions are never respected or taken into account by the city?

Anonymous said...

New poster here. I"m appalled at the hateful talk against Muslims by people who obviously haven't read the first amendment and therefore are unqualified to proclaim themselves patriots.

Anonymous said...

It's really interesting to look at the article on Queens Chronicle and ponder the photo they used to show the site in question. Compare it to how it actually looks on Google Maps, and ask yourself why they intentionally cropped it in such a way as to make it look like a vacant, overgrown lot.

Anonymous said...

If that's the corner that I'm thinking of, then it's not only congested, it's dangerous because 46th Avenue doesn't line up with Holly Avenue as it crosses Parsons - and Parsons is angled in different directions north of 46th and south of 46th. Add to that a church across the street, bus routes, and now potentially a mosque - it will be a major car/bus/pedestrian accident waiting to happen.

Anonymous said...

New poster,maybe you haven't read the first amendment,it's about Free Speech and I'm sorry your appalled at the things posted here about moozes,so my I suggest next week on 9.11 you are free to go to any mosque and stand with the peace loving religion that murders gays,stone women to death and hate non moozes and make sure you wear a gold Star of David so they know exactly wear to seat you.

Anonymous said...

New poster don't worry about the first amendment (freedom of speach)as I'm sure you new that cause you read it and are a patriot,that is sarcasm incase it goes over your head,Hillary will rid us of that pesky amendment so everything that gets posted is in line with your ideology

Anonymous said...

The whole process was rigged from the beginning. The Kissena Park Civic Association and community never had a chance. The BSA 'coached' the other group through the whole process. It really has nothing to do with religion but with protecting the single family home character of the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

F**K Sharia Law.

we don't need more mosques, look at Woodside, Nice two family houses made into mosques. and their business's. You ever notice how many business's are attached to mosques and Korean churches in Queens. There's a tax preparer, language school, tutoring and computer service at the mosque that used to be a nice two family house with a dentist office in the basement. 39th Avenue and 62nd Street. horrible nightmare.

(sarc) said...

Anonymous said...
"New poster here. I"m appalled at the hateful talk against Muslims by people who obviously haven't read the first amendment and therefore are unqualified to proclaim themselves patriots."

For your information:
The amendment as adopted in 1791 reads as follows:
Congress shall make no law RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION, OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The framers expected everyone to understand that The Bill of Rights is a negative declaration of rights for the GOVERNMENT! Things the government cannot do such as take away your rights. So long as your exercising of rights does not violate and other laws.

Remember the court said regarding you First Amendment right of free speech, "you CANNOT yell fire in a crowded theater" that is NOT on fire! And YOU CANNOT HAVE A HUMAN SACRIFICE! We, in a civilized society, call that MURDER! HEY! "it is your turn to be ON the altar."
It may be practicing your religion, BUT sorry that is not what the courts decided, and rightfully so.

The framers did not think about the lack of common sense and STUPIDITY that would overtake this country. (Well they actually did - it is called the SECOND AMENDMENT).
Writing, reading, time and ink were at a premium at the time of the founding.
The founders did not think they had to put a clause in for the following:

Child brides who die of internal injuries after being married off to men twice their age.
Sexual slavery of the women and children taken captive.
We fought a war and lost over one half MILLION souls abolishing slavery.
Woman used as gifts given to ISIS members over the age of 35, girls 9 years old or less.
Christian girls who are only meant for one thing: the pleasure of Muslim men."
Honor Killings
For not following the faith being "buried alive, beheaded, drowned, burned alive, stoned to death, raped, hung, tortured, sold into sexual slavery, disembowled and blown up"
Suicide Bombings.

Oh, and let us not forget female genital mutilation.

Sharia law sounds so wonderful, why do you not move to the Arabian Peninsula.

Thomas Jefferson knew!

The Tripolitan War was fought between the US and the NW African Berber Muslim states known as the Barbary States. President Jefferson refused to pay the high tributes demanded by the Barbary , they were seizing American merchant ships and enslaving the crews for high ransoms. It was the first declared war the US fought on foreign land and sea.

In 1786, Jefferson and Adams met with Tripoli’s ambassador to Britain. They asked why they attacked US ships and enslaved citizens and why Muslims held such hostility toward the new nation. The answer was quite revealing.
The ambassador said that Islam:
“Was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

The US paid ransoms to these terrorists for the next fifteen years.
Then Jefferson became President!
Tripoli sent a demand to Jefferson for immediate payment of $225,000 and $25,000 per year. Jefferson refused! They declared war on the US. Jefferson sent the Navy to the area & the US won the war. That is why “to the shores of Tripoli” is in the Marine Corps hymn!

"Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it."
Winston Churchill

Anon, I hope you learned something...

Anonymous said...

In the end, the Muslims will have their way, one way or another.
The Mormans are having there way off of Parsons Boulevard with their huge church plans.
Isn't Flushing the birthplace of religious freedom? LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Winston Churchill also said, "If you're going through hell, keep going"!
Never give up a fight until you are pushing up daisies! That's the ticket!
Blast the BSA with everything you've got!
They are the silent partners of NYC's real estate gangsters.
Lose this battle, and other nabes tumble down the slope!
If you think that yours is immune. Think again! This is but the beginning of an onslaught
to devour your low density zoned neighborhoods and permit large footprint building.
Love that bulldog Churchill! He stood up to those Nazis. Now you have to stand up to your despots!

Anonymous said...

The issue is congestion and BSA corruption...NOT RELIGION!
CB7? A total joke on us all!
Chuck Apellian has served....rather served himself...TOO DAMN LONG.
Dump him.
He's got more connections with shady politicians, like Paul Vallone, and his deveoper pals to remain on the board.
Where is the FBI?

former CB7 member said...

Better to hear a call for prayer than attend a CB7 bull shit meeting.
Reverence to the Creator is better than filling your pockets with a developer's cash.

Anonymous said...

Now go catch your breath, sarc.

Anonymous said...

The issue is congestion and BSA corruption...NOT RELIGION!


All the local Civic associations, (KPCA, etc.), CB7 and the Queens Boro Katz ALL wholeheartedly rejected this over-sized building. It's the BSA that reversed the will of the majority!

The new owners/buyers bought a property that was way too small for their needs. Now thanks to the BSA, the entire community will pay for the buyers mistake.

Anonymous said...

"The new owners/buyers bought a property that was way too small for their needs."

they planned on playing the hating on muslims card

Anonymous said...

The BSA got paid off.
That is why the community will be paying for their shady decision.
Abolish the BSA.
Every request for a variance should have to go before the entire city council.
Yes...they are a little shady too. But at least everyone can hold their local council member responsible for their vote.
There are no checks and balances with the BSA, just expensive legal bills if you want to challenge their decision.
Taxation without representation was tyranny?
So is a BSA ruling without representation?
But that's what REBNY wants. Challenging a BSA decision could have been done in the past without hiring a lawyer.
The law was changed to require the hiring of one to speak for you at the BSA.
Tell me that this wasn't a deliberate road block set up by the real estate industry owned council members?
This way, if you want to challenge BSA, it is gonna cost you plenty, thereby discouraging protests by intone without money.

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