Sunday, September 25, 2016

De Blasio sends crew to film protesters; makes propaganda video

As previously reported here, there was a joint protest held among Maspeth people and Bellerose/Floral Park people yesterday. We'll get to that soon, but in the meantime, we thought you'd like to know that the mayor spent your tax dollars to send a camera crew to the protest to film his constituents exercising their constitutional rights. They then took this footage and incorporated it into a video that exploits homeless children to make the mayor and DHS Commissioner Steven Banks look like heroes when in reality, they are warehousing women and children in hotel rooms without kitchens or access to public transportation. Unless a subway line in Bellerose opened that we weren't made aware of.

If this isn't the epitome of "fauxgressive" behavior, then we don't know what is.


Anonymous said...

Sniff! Sniff! Sniff! I smell impeachment! Buh Bye Dumblasio, You've got to go!!!

(sarc) said...

Dis-information, emotions, "the children", a willing and Participatory main stream media propganda office, and too many useful idiots working to ever Obfuscate and divide us.

All of this will insure that the comrade WILL be re-elected

Anonymous said...

Sniff! Sniff! Sniff! I smell impeachment! Buh Bye Dumblasio, You've got to go!!!



Anonymous said...

In the early 80s they're were only 2-3 homeless shelters per borough. No one wanted to live there. It was the last resort. Back then there was also section 8 which made living in NYC more affordable. There was also rent controlled buildings - affordable housing.

Since then NYC has cut back on section 8. Building owners have removed tenants in rent controlled apartments and rent has skyrocketed.

When the city fails the lower income, this is the result. The city needs better solutions.

Anonymous said...

How about the real story be living in city shelters really are! Living in hotel rooms with no kitchens. The conditions of them? How long these people are waiting for affordable housing?
Mr Banks instead of giving them a trip to a museum how about you find them affordable housing?? Give these people a home.
All I got out of this commercial was how you use taxpayer money to exploit these people. I saw how the promise of DeBlasio for affordable housing was just a campaign ploy for votes. This city should be ashamed of themselves. These people deserve better. Stop showing the protestors as heartless. They are not. They are calling you out on your failed promises and wearhousing these people is not the answer.

Anonymous said...

They will ALWAYS go for the emotions and sensitivities angle, and sadly, they will always win.

Turn the story into a meme/viral sensation, where people put 5-10 seconds of brain power into the issue (which, as this site has repeatedly shown, is a money laundering scheme masquerading as homeless outreach), and that's all the public needs to cry NIMBY and "Trump supporters."

It is sickening, but it's the way things are now--the media divides public perception along very flimsy ideological lines, and keeps people in their little Balkanized zones, when they should be on the same side, fighting a common enemy--money, greed, power, racism, influence, nepotism, etc.

Continued props to the folks of Maspeth and greater Queens, who fight to protect their neighborhoods from the greed and corruption at the heart of all of this. It's sad to see this gross manipulation of the truth under the rubric of cultivating false sensitivities.

Former Elmhurst Resident

Anonymous said...

Just when you thought you had heard the last of Communist propaganda. It's back!

JQ LLC said...

What a dispicable, nauseating video and desperate tactic by the Lord Dope of Park Slope. Such naked aggression towards people exercising their constitutional right to assemble and speak.

A pox and swift indictments on this administration and whatever agent of the city produced this manipulative heinous video. It's all about divide and conquer.

Especially weasel Banks. He has no idea how the optics of this is going to turn out, or too arrogant and stupid to care. Especially since his fucking big slow boss did not even have the courage to appear in it or even at the town hall at the knockdown center warehouse, he basically threw himself under the bus without the Blaz trying. He has become the pariah and scapegoat in this, And what the fuck is the point here. Are they living in the museum now?. What expression did that little girl have when the day was over? and how did the adults like it there, Was it catered, since as shown and mentioned in the video, they prepared for the legal protest, I think that would have been a better use of our tax dollars if they kept it rolling for a bit.

georgetheatheist said...

Sociologically speaking: All the homeless shown in the video are black women with black kids. Where were the black men in the video - save for one alte grandfatherly-looking type wearing a white hat?

Anonymous said...

Next a film from this mayor showing 2 police officers being Asasinated in Thier car having lunch by a Black Lives Matter thug with the mayors voice in the background saying,we understand your anger and stand with YOU.

Anonymous said...

We're the homeless paid for this expo,do they belong to SAG or are they scabs? Will playing the RACE CARD win him another term?
Will these PAYBIES IN THE FILM grow up like their mothers,pregnant on drugs sucking at the taxpayer teet for life in between prison sentences blaming whites as their brainwashed to do?

Anonymous said...

If I was the mayor I'd of photoshoped some Klan Members with ar15s leading the protest,come on Mr mayor,you thought about doing it,we know,too soon?

Anonymous said...

Did a protester really get punched

Anonymous said...

With so many shelters in NYC...why is there so many living in the street or sleeping in the parks?
When winter comes why are so many refusing to go to these shelters?
Some say they are dangerous,dirty, over crowded and the city feels great about boasting how they are handling the homeless.
deBlasio you can have shelters all over the city but you are not keeping your promise about affordable housing.
When you run out of hotels and overcrowd communities what will you do next?

JQ LLC said...

Check out when weasel banks makes his patronzing and malignant comment. When he says explain, it's spelled Explan in the subtitles. They must have shat this out in a hurry.

They even insult the deaf.

R.I.P. Radio Raheem

Anonymous said...

Won't somebody think of the children?

Anonymous said...

Most of the museums in NYC are pay as wish. they could give a nickel or a penny to get in. What is stopping their parents from taking their children to a museum any day of the week?

But the big bad nanny state mayor and buddy welfare commish are dragging the most photogenic to a museum. how nice. they're so considerate. Where are the white or Asian homeless mothers and children in this propaganda piece? Did I miss something?

No one asks where the black children's fathers are. That's a big secret. Why are all these women having children out of wedlock? So they can get more welfare money and get housing subsidies. It's a like a job. Find a sperm donor but he doesn't need to take any responsibility. No need for a father. If you can't afford a child don't bring them into the world putting the burden on the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Get on that bus to the museum or you will lose your bed at the homeless shelter. No, not you and your ugly kids. You don't photograph well enough. Only the model homeless must get on the bus.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Banks stop exploiting these people. A trip to the museum. Really?! I think you would be looking for affordable housing for these people.
For a solution to why there are so many homeless people. How you can help these people stay in their homes. How your agency can go to these owners of these newly built luxury apartments and turn them into affordable housing. You know these luxury apartments are going up all over the city.
Do something for these people. Those little kids and some of them babies will never remember the trip to the museum.

Anonymous said...

Why are there no film crews showing the way of life in these New York City hotel shelters? How they must go out for food. How they can not cook in their rooms. One hotel I want to see aired is life at the Met Motel on Queens Blvd. Show me how homeless families with kids are living there as the hookers are there with her clients. Now don't tell me this does not happen. As a Queens resident we all know what happens there. We remember when the neighborhood was taking pictures of the men with the ladies of the night.
Why did you not take a film crew there and take those people out to the museum?
Mayor de Blasio and Banks you are just putting a bandaid on this problem.
When I become homeless can I request a place? I think I would love to go to Windsor Terrace.

JQ LLC said...

I think those homeless are actors. The subtitles did say that they were prepared for those meanie protesters.

Apologies for any latent xenophobia towards the truly less fortunate


Joe Moretti said...

How do you explain to kids that this asshole hypocrite Mayor and stooge Banks are putting you into hotel rooms without kitchens and pretty much treating you like nothing and then creating the worst type of propaganda video exploiting children who will then go back to their kitchen-less hotel room. Explain that Mista Mayor. Did you also handpick who was going to be in your propaganda video which included cute black children as opposed to the residents of El Camino shelter in Jamaica who hang out all day on the sidewalks making noise, drinking and causing problems on that block, how about showing those residents.

On a side note, if you cannot financially provide properly for a child or children, including proper shelter, DON'T have kids that tax payers are then forced to take care of. LEARN TO BE A RESPONSIBLE ADULT. Also where are all the fathers of these children, you know the person who planted the seed. WHERE? This whole thing is a travesty brought to you by Mayor Big Dumbo, DHS and that major asshole Banks.

By the way Banks, how many homeless shelters are in a five block radius where you live? HOW MANY?

What an exploitative video to completely take away responsibility from the Mayor and all his cronies, including DHS who are involved in human warehousing of the underprivileged, all the while making certain people rich in the trafficking of homeless.

Anonymous said...

Any hotels in Windsor Terrace? City not looking at them? Wonder why? Double standard.
Come on Banks you know there are hotels there.
Wonder how your neighbors would feel if the city approached them or because of your position in this administration your area is not considered.
Come on now. Fair is fair. You want to overwhelm the communities of Queens and parts of Williamsburg and Bushwick but your tony area is overlooked? Is it an oversight?

Anonymous said...

What happened to Desani Coates and her family?

Anonymous said...

To quote Laura Ingalls Wilder "Home is the nicest word there is".
These children need a home. Hotel rooms are not a home.
Mayor deBlasio promised more affordable housing. Breaking a promise to a child is terrible.

Anonymous said...

Homeless person deciding to have an (obviously) young child equals an (obvious) bad decision on their part. Why should a working person schlepp to work every day, deal with taxes and traffic, pay for their own families food and pay deductibles and copayments after paying for medical insurance? There aren't many Mother Teresa's around to have to compensate for their bad choices in life. BTW - Donde esta the wee one's padre?

Unknown said...

I think Robert L shoukd do A documentary on the deplorable conditions.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of these homeless are coming out of NYCHA. There are mothers with 5 or 6 kids being kicked out of NYCHA housing for a number of reason. Drugs, violence, and unemployable. It's a vicious cycle . Soon these hotels will turn into housing projects , replete with all the probkens that come with them.

Gary W said...

Wonder if they got consent forms to film these minors? Pehaps a FOIL request will answer that.
Leni Reifenstahl they are not.

(sarc) said...

Oh yes.

Some Anons are asking about affordable government housing.

We have tried that.

It is called "The Projects".

Tell me, how did they work out???

M. How said...

TO ANON who said: "In the early 80s they're were only 2-3 homeless shelters per borough. No one wanted to live there. It was the last resort. Back then there was also section 8 which made living in NYC more affordable. There was also rent controlled buildings - affordable housing.
Since then NYC has cut back on section 8. Building owners have removed tenants in rent controlled apartments and rent has skyrocketed.
When the city fails the lower income, this is the result. The city needs better solutions.

MY RESPONSE: How is it Governments can find REAL fully furnished housing for 80,000 refugees, BUT only dirty, bug infested, dangerous shelters and hotel "rooms" for AMERICAN CITIZENS?

Why has no one even asked this question of Mayor Slow? Well, I'm asking!

Additional questions:
1. Where they are warehousing apartments for refugees?
2. Why no one except the Department of Immigration knows where they are?
3. How Immigration can pull them out of a hat for everyone in the world
4. How the City can afford $3,500 a MONTH for these shelter hotel rooms?
5. Why can't the City afford to pay $3,500 a month to a private landlord?
5. Why is the Department of Buildings authorizing all these potential shelters?
6. Who is sponsoring/building these potential shelters?
7. Who in the Department of Buildings is authorizing all these potential shelters?
8. Who is "donating" to whose political campaign? IN ENGLISH: Who is getting kickbacks?

Sorry to be so politically incorrect but someone has to be profiting from this scam and
we peons -- who pay taxes -- are all entitled to know who, what, when, where, why.

Anonymous said...

Why show a black mother and child? Why not Hispanic or white! Why not a mother, father, and child ? Easy answer: He's pandering for votes using the down trodden to his advantage.

JQ LLC said...

Well it looks like a video has to be made to counter this warm and fuzzy agitprop, and show how the destitute are being exploited to enrich certain scoundrels

May I suggest a clip...

Jerry Rotondi said...

Is Mayor Duh Blaz going to forward the images to homeland security , for any possible anti government activists, who might pose a danger to his rackets? LMAO!
It is every American's right and duty to protest any injustice. Farming out the homeless to benefit hotel owners facing vacancies, is unjust!
Solve the homeless problem for real, instead of hiding them from view in Manhattan, the tourist corridor.

Anonymous said...

Hey, mista mayor, send a film crew to repair the broken streets near Willets Point.
Get the point, you shady bad ass?

Joe Moretti said...

I also suggest this clip:

Anonymous said...

Nice clothes, jewelry, hair, and tattoos....

Anonymous said...

They spent their $ on tattoos instead of things they actually need.

Anonymous said...

I definitely think we should have more abortions, but people do end up homeless AFTER they have the kids.

>>Homeless person deciding to have an (obviously) young child equals an (obvious) bad decision on their part.

I agree we should legalize prostitution so this doesn't happen.

>> As a Queens resident we all know what happens there. We remember when the neighborhood was taking pictures of the men with the ladies of the night.

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