Saturday, September 3, 2016

De Blasio ok with hiring illegals

From Crains:

In a radio interview Thursday, Mayor Bill De Blasio cheered a Brooklyn supermarket owner who acknowledged hiring undocumented workers.

“Of course you’re running a business and if someone’s willing to work hard for you, you’re going to hire that person,” de Blasio told the caller, who was identified as Thomas in Brooklyn. “And you’re giving them a job that they get to feed a family on, and I thank you for that.”

The caller told the mayor he owns a supermarket in Brooklyn. “A large number of my employees are undocumented workers and, you know, I have to say that, you know, they are hard workers, they do get paid well,” he said. “Just as a businessman I’m caught between having these undocumented workers, which I’m not supposed to employ,” and the benefits of doing so.

De Blasio said neither the business owner nor the employees should be penalized, calling the current rules governing immigration “ridiculous."


Anonymous said...

There's no such thing as illegal immigrants. Only in the rarest instance does an illegal get deported from nyc. Deportation is likely to happen if there is a serious violent crime or a heavy drug offense but other than that they're here to stay REGARDLESS of which politician, at any level, is in office.

Anonymous said...

I hope this is broadcast to the whole city. I wonder what the African American community thinks about DuhBlaz thinking its a great idea that 'good paying' jobs go to illegals when the unemployment rate among African Americans is so high.

Another example of our lawless mayor.

(sarc) said...

Or as the Democratic Party likes to call them:

"Undocumented Democrat Voters" !!!

Anonymous said...

This is suppose to be news? I would like to see mayor dumblasio's kids get turned down for jobs because of an illegal or outsourced out of a job. Let's see what him and his ugly lesbian wife have to say about that if that ever happens.

Anonymous said...

Duh Blasio's wife must be giving him his cues.
Or his son, Dante, his chief political advisor.
When you break a law it is said that you committed an ILLEGAL act.
WTF is wrong with calling people who enter this country ILLEGALLY, anything but what they are...

Anonymous said...

Hang in there folks.
Dumb Blasio is strictly a one termer.
He will become history shortly.
His rating went from being in the toilet,
to flushed into the East River.

and we all thought that Bloomberg sucked dick!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute... So, this business owner is "caught" between doing something illegal (hiring undocumented workers) and the benefits of doing so? What does that mean? The "benefits" of hiring off the books are $ - and it's called TAX EVASION.

I'm also a small business owner in this city. I own 2 salons. Unlike MOST of my competitors I do NOT hire undocumented workers. It is so hard to find licensed, documented manicurists that I literally have a BOUNTY for anyone who can find me one. It is very difficult for me to compete because the city AND the state look the other way.

When the NY Times did their expose last year I was shocked - not about what was reported but by the shock of the readers. Did anyone actually believe that paying $7 for a manicure meant that their technician was legal and earning minimum wage?

If there are no repurcussions for breaking the law then there is no incentive (outside of integrity) to follow it.

Anonymous said...

It makes me very angry that illegal aliens have more rights to Civil Service jobs than American citizens born in NYC. Why doesn't the mayor care about the people who voted for him?

Anonymous said...

De Blasio said neither the business owner nor the employees should be penalized, calling the current rules governing immigration “ridiculous."... If a business owner does not have to obey the law on not hiring illegals because he thinks it's"ridiculous", can he also not pay his taxes and numerous fees because they are "ridiculous". After being in business more than 30 years I find each year is becoming increasingly more difficult to compete with my competition who have no problem hiring illegal aliens. Like a schmuck I play by the rules. After all these years in business I now have to 'work like a Mexican' just to cover my expenses and make a couple of dollars. Those who hire illegals do not pay a fair wage, do not pay unemployment, do not pay workers comp, do not pay disability,do not pay benefits and all the little taxes and fees that go along with running a legitimate business. Let's be honest, the business owners who use illegal labor just want to put more $ in their own pockets.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope every business owner in NY heard the mayor say it's OK and he is fine with hiring illegals,sky high unemployment will anger Americans and drive them to the polls.

Anonymous said...

this system is sooooo rancid.

the lies to truth ratio is 90-10.

this will not end well.

here is a poem I stumbled upon that is on the world bank website.

seems this all leads somewhere.

End the Federal Reserve. That is all !!!

Anonymous said...

DiBlasio a one termer ? NEWS Flash,NYC residents addicted to entitlements vote and some more than once outnumber Long Islanders who work for the city and cannot vote,DiBlasio wins in a landslide and I'm willing to bet my low income,rent controlled apartment on it.

Anonymous said...

This mayor makes me want to vote for Trump.

Anonymous said...

DuhBlaz a one termer?

Someone still has to beat him, even if its a primary and I don't see anyone stepping up.

For the illegals working (and not paying taxes) all I can say is Donald J. Trump is coming and doesn't want to hear your sob stories.

Anonymous said...

It makes me very angry that illegal aliens have more rights to Civil Service jobs than American citizens born in NYC. Why doesn't the mayor care about the people who voted for him?

Because most of the people who voted for him were illegals or have family that are illegal here.

Gary W said...

Unfortunately what needs to happen is someone or someone's family member is a victim of a violent crime committed by an illegal alien. They will need to sue, sue, sue the Mayor and every city agency that this illegal immigrant had contact with.

Anonymous said...

What about hiring all these out of work New Yorkers??? Give these people a job!! Amazing

Anonymous said...

You watch. This hump of shit will be elected again.

Salon owner: I would love to be your customer. I'd gladly pay more for a pedicure from you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It makes me very angry that illegal aliens have more rights to Civil Service jobs than American citizens born in NYC. Why doesn't the mayor care about the people who voted for him?

Because most of the people who voted for him were illegals or have family that are illegal here.

Source please? Example? It's one thing to know crap like this article is going on, it's completely different to make a statement like this that is completely unfounded.

Anonymous said...

If out of work New Yorkers need to work so badly why aren't they soliciting for jobs outside Home Depot with the undocumented workers ?

Give me a break people . You live in NYC . You have probably hired an undocumented worker at some point. Do you know how many documented workers I've had for "low skilled work" willing to do good work from 7am-5pm reliably ? Zero . Low skilled American workers suck . Everyone in the service industry knows it

Stop acting all indignant

Anonymous said...

A big problem is when you hire a US citizen you must provide health insurance, paid maternity leave for both males & females with no guarantee they are coming back.
This system in place by these Obama socialists is so hostile to small business hiring illegal’s off the books is the only way they can stay afloat.

Own a food store ? Just try and hire an American kid and say "last warning put down the iphone and unload & stack that truckload of 50 pound bags Carolina rice outside" They walk right off the job even if the pay is high.
Partly our fault for raising a generation of useless spoiled brats only interested in art and instant gratification without earning it.
All a bunch of pussy's afraid to break a sweat or fingernail yet expect $40 an hour. Can you believe I saw both a young man and a girl waddling out a nail salon in red flip flops and cotton balls ?.

Anonymous said...

"Low skilled American workers suck . Everyone in the service industry knows it"...You are full of shit! I run a service business and hire only Americans or legal immigrants (some of whom have become American citizens) and it's people like you who are the problem for those of us that are legit. What's the problem, don't want to cut into your profits?

Anonymous said...

"I would love to be your customer. I'd gladly pay more for a pedicure from you." Hurrah to you. Most people would rather save a dime and take advantage of illegal workers than do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

"Because most of the people who voted for him were illegals" Not yet but keep putting 'progressives' into office and it won't be long.

Anonymous said...

To anyone who hires an illegal immigrant to do work for them, I hope they get hurt and sue the shit out of you. And yes they can do that.

Anonymous said...

Work off the books and you get no social security.
Double edged swords can cut double deep.
But, of course, we are talking about illegal immigrants.
One way or another the hard working stiffs will be paying their bills,
In the ER or welfare.

Anonymous said...

Actually, now check your facts, there were more illegals deported under Obama than George W. Bush.

Anonymous said...

Every body bashes Obama for being weak against terrorists.
Yet, he scored the highest kill ratio, beginning with Osama Bin Laden and about 4-5 other Islamic terrorist big wigs during his administration.
George Bush went and hid after 9-11. Big , brave Texas ballyhooing wussie.

Anonymous said...

If out of work New Yorkers need to work so badly why aren't they soliciting for jobs outside Home Depot with the undocumented workers ?


Because legal workers have to be paid minimum wage, and suffer witholding at mutual levels of government. The employer is additionally on the hook for FICA. Having a social security number is a legally enforced competitive disadvantage for low skilled American workers.

I can't believe you really were unaware of this.

Anonymous said...

Legal unskilled residents can work under the table and collect cans , do manual labor jobs and get paid cash . How many high school and college kids that do babysitting report their income ? Probably very few. Unskilled Americans can also take migrant farming jobs but they don't . Undocumented people's are not taking jobs . Americans who are unskilled should not be and if they are they should be taking any job. Car wash , stripper , collect cans. If you were born here you should have a skill and an education .

Anonymous said...

Look at the City of New York, Illegal Aliens have more rights to jobs than American citizens. The black Caribbeans control many NYC Agencies and have extreme hostility towards Americans, forcing them out of jobs, even if they do get hired.

The black mafia runs HRA/Welfare, the commissioner Steven Banks knows this.

Look at the MTA same crap. 85% of MTA employees are from the Caribbean, why? This is criminal.

Anonymous said...

Legal unskilled residents can work under the table and collect cans , do manual labor jobs and get paid cash . How many high school and college kids that do babysitting report their income ? Probably very few. Unskilled Americans can also take migrant farming jobs but they don't

You're saying the solution for unemployed legal residents and citizens is to work under the table so that both they and their employers can break the law and pay no taxes? Somehow I don't think you're not going to make the economics Nobel prize short list this year.

Anonymous said...

No, illegal aliens do not have more rights to jobs . What does that even mean?

Anonymous said...

Because most of the people who voted for him were illegals or have family that are illegal here.
Source please? Example? It's one thing to know crap like this article is going on, it's completely different to make a statement like this that is completely unfounded.

I just go to the polls and see who is voting! Foreigners who don't speak a word of english! That's how I know that most of them are either illegal themselves or have illegal family members here! Maybe your should go to the polling booths in jackson heights sone times and take a good look!

Anonymous said...

The black Caribbeans control many NYC Agencies and have extreme hostility towards Americans, forcing them out of jobs, even if they do get hired.

Funny because I feel the same way about the usps and all the asians they hire nowadays. Last time I heard, there was a wait list for government jobs in this city. Yet, it seems like the asians are all over the usps in this city.

Anonymous said...

All of the sudden DeBlasio is a libertarian?

Anonymous said...

All Baby Huey sees are "future democratic voters"

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