Thursday, September 1, 2016

Crowd turns their backs on DHS Commissioner Banks at shelter hearing

From PIX11:

On Wednesday night a spirited crowd with sharp verbal jabs came out to a Community Board meeting that started with the crowd of nearly 1,000 turning their backs on Commissioner Banks.

"It's a travesty what these politicians do and get away with without having public opinion, that is why we all stand here with our backs to him," said one attendee.

Commissioner Banks took very few questions. He primarily sat in his suit, tie and loafers. The only movement on his body was the slow twitch of his fingers.

His body language did not sit well for many at the meeting.

"He is so ice cold. He sued the city for the last thirty years, reaping our tax dollars. He is insensitive to he whole thing, the man should get kicked out and De Blasio should get a new commissioner put in."


Anonymous said...

God bless the hardworking and concerned taxpayers of Maspeth. All NYC communities should follow their lead. It's time for us to rise up against the political machine .

(sarc) said...

Sounds just like the Obama administration, "The most transparent administration" in the history of the world...

JQ LLC said...

Credit is due (shockingly considering it's PIX) to Mario Diaz and Jay Dow. Prior to this segment, they made (shockingly considering most of their reports barely crack a minute) a few 10 minute reports on the citizens, homeless families and the stealth machinations of this actual yet manufactured and monetarily exploited crisis.

But mostly to the actual people of Maspeth, rising up against the unconstitutional practices being executed by this corrupt mayor and his spineless lackeys and those motherfucker false non-profits getting these fat contracts and not providing security and health safety for the people they pretend to be concerned and care about and of course the people they are trying to obfuscate their agenda from.

This machine must die or be imprisoned...

Anonymous said...

WTF does this have to do with Obama, you diminished idiot?
This is a LOCAL MAYORAL CITY COUNCIL ETC. issue not a national one!
If you love transparency, how come you sign anonymous?
Hmmmmm! Another general malcontent.

BRAVO TO MASPETH CITIZENS! Keep the heat turned up.
De Blasio is a train wreck and must learn that in Maspeth ,
you DO NOT try and pork its residents without suffering the consequence!
Watched this clip live on TV last night. BRAVO, once again!

Anonymous said...

Next time bring air horns to mimicking farts, when you turn your back on a political hack.

Jerry Rotondi BFHA member said...

Good job, my Maspeth hearties!
Would that my "fraidy cat" northeasterner neighbor's would show such gumption when their REBNY
stooge councilman Vallone shows up.
Here, they kiss butt hoping for a few crumbs tossed their way.
As long as all the front gardens of the district look nice, and the lawns are trimmed to perfection, all is well.

Anonymous said...

30 years suing the city must have made him rich,thank you mayor Diblasio for not even trying to hide your contempt for the working class taxpayers by hiring such a man and others like him,with your reelection time approaching I say it is time to fan the flames of Hatred and throw the Flaming Race Cards against the police and white working class with how they plan to target your most loyal voting base,unleash the BLM Dogs and Occupy Wallstreet Thugs,shut down commerce,bridges,roads and highways on election day in majority white neighborhoods so they cannot vote,the party will reward you with a High Post in the new Clinton Politburo

Anonymous said...

>shut down commerce,bridges,roads and highways on election day in majority white neighborhoods

That doesn't work well in a place like the city where most people walk to the polling place.

Anonymous said...

Not if they can't get home from work.

Anonymous said...

Great job and great idea turning their backs on that terrorist Banks.

Anonymous said...

That Arcuri board member that ran the hearing was a complete ass. How do we remove this arrogant ass?

Anonymous said...

I didn't see anyone turning their back, guess I missed that.
check this out on WPIX. They busing the Crap to Manhattan. Watch how the assistant DHS commissioner screws himself by not speaking to the reporter.

JQ LLC said...

Last anon:

I know that hotel, it's on 24th street, what's interesting about that block is that the buildings on the east side of the block are on 23rd st. and as the report states the hotel was a seedy sex worker hotel, which I didn't think existed anymore. There is also huge city run homeless shelter a block away on 25th street. I guess with all those new towers there on 6th avenue they think none of the new money residents will notice.

What our idiot mayor is doing and how he is operating the DHS (and this is his show, Banks is just a patsy figurehead in addition to being a poverty profiting worm) is plain twisted and it's all to keep the overlords at REBNY mollified so they can continue their dispicable quest for luxury waterfront and Brooklyn tower building and fabricating the deranged overvalued market rental rate. De Faustio knows this, because this will be the only he keeps his position in addition to hoping the voter turnout remains low.

Mario Diaz is doing a bang up job exposing these weak bastards, but he has to go after REBNY too. They are more concerned for their own massive wealth accumulation than for the desperate and impoverished and even the people that actually build their buildings.

Mario's son and the Albany hacks are complicit in this homeless gerrymandering too. Thanks to their stingy fund distribution towards the 5 boroughs. A state tradition still ongoing since the Pataki era.

Keep fighting these motherfuckers:
Crown Heights
South Bronx
Sunset Park
And all of the Dirty Southeast of Queens, notice all these hotels rising, we are next.

Joe Moretti said...

The AWFUL system of this city and administration in their dealing with the homeless such as warehousing them in sub-par places, hotel rooms, shelters without the proper security, sticking people from the Bronx all the way out in Jamaica Queens, shows just how little they care. YET when hard-working residents who do not want to see their communities go down the tubes, quality of life issue rise and property values go down because of constant dumping of sub-par homeless shelters, they are then called racists or have no heart. BUT is is the city and this administration who are racists and have no heart the way they are handing this situation while making BIG MONEY off of this. ALSO NYC should NOT be a "right to shelter" city, which then allows people from other states to come here with no money, no job and then the city has to house them courtesy of us tax payers.

Queens Crapper said...

I just realized I had the wrong video posted. It's correct now.

Anonymous said...

When I was homeless I was never put up in a hotel!

But then I didn't have any baby or child to work the system with.

You have to ask yourself - why are all these black families relying on the welfare system.

To quote what a welfare worker said to a friend when he was applying for a back rent grant. "Welfare is for black women and their children".

Anonymous said...

It might be worth reminding the public about how DeBlasio got elected in the first place:

Middle Villager said...

The article referenced above is a must read for those in Maspeth,and elsewhere, who don't realize what they are up against fighting these homeless shelters coming to their neighborhood. Every 'non profit' in this homeless industry is equally as dirty.

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