Sunday, July 10, 2016

Not what we crave

This one is just over the county line in Brooklyn, but it's a pretty good example of the nutty overdevelopment going on across the city. Naturally, there is a partial stop work order.
The building here is bringing 80 units of housing where there was a fast food restaurant, which means a huge tax on infrastructure. It sits above a "major road" which is down to one lane in each direction at this particular spot. And it's going to regularly send hundreds of people onto the L train, which will be going down for an extended period of time.

What could possibly go wrong?


Anonymous said...

They slid this one into that "slider" icon, without too much grease...uh...except greasing local pols to allow it.

Anonymous said...

"huge tax on infrastructure"

pols don't care.

they just want the huge tax money they can get from the development.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh!!! Brooklyn's using Queens' playbook???

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify,

these aren't the same intersection? The second one is in Brooklyn and is now a high rise, the first is on Bell Blvd and up for sale?

Is that the connection?

Sorry for the ignorance,

Anonymous said...

So glad I moved out of Bayside and NY,I have good memories of a time that north east Queens was safe,clean and solid middle class,times change and good neighborhood's fall,that's life,staying one step ahead of politicians destroying good areas with low life's and poverty is like playing chess,
Either you make a move or concede defeat and watch your hard earned wealth and security vanish.
Politicians bribe the uneducated to hate and envy you and it works
5 dead Dallas Police is all the proof you need,yes there are some bad cops and the system should root them out But we lowered the standards so even punks qualify to be police,I'm sure many more police will die this summer and Hillary is right,It's all White's peoples fault.

Queens Crapper said...

They are before and after of Humboldt Street and Metropolitan Ave in Brooklyn. There are no photos of Bayside here.

Anonymous said...

The dozens of kids that will be living in that new building, do we have seats for them in the neighboring schools? Do we have enough power in the grid to supply the dozens of air conditioners in this new building??

Anonymous said...

White Castle is going into bankruptcy . Only a few stores left..

(sarc) said...

Such a shame.

I would occasionally frequent that eating establishment in my travels.

I imagine that my wife is pleased, since I now rarely am affected with bouts of severe flatulence...

rikki said...

the problem with the L train is the same with the 7 NYC is the most congested 9-5 M-f place i ever lived, its amazing if you can reverse commute on the 7 or EF to kew gardens or work 2nd 3rd shifts, weekends and holidays plenty of seats and great air conditioning, bet its the same on the L

So if you want to live and commute like sardines and pay dearly for it....its your choice.

JQ LLC said...

I remember going to white castle in my misspent youth with great frequency. I ate those succulent little imitation cow (maybe horse) meat with those little instant onions with such fervor that my pals thought I was going to turn into a dog. One would proceed to jump off his seat and stand on it. Hopping up and down and barking to illustrate his point, much to the chagrin of the other patrons.

This and a lot of rampant overdevelopment has occurred in the areas around the L train line, even after Sandy and the MTA decided to wait and drop the bomb of service suspension. But it seems like they are still stalling, so more of this profitable pestilence can continue.

I don't you have to worry about schools, because the people that will be living in these hastily built apartments will be the frivolous spending and smartphone distracted throngs of generation gentrification. Who are too obsessed with social media and status to procreate. But it will definitely be taxing to the electrical grid, and the especially the livelihoods and tenant rights of people in real and existing affordable housing.

Anonymous said...

Hipsters on the "L" train. Half of China on the #7!

Anonymous said...

What was the dinner next to old RKO?

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