Monday, June 13, 2016

No, it's not that people hate you

From Yahoo/AP:

After months of searching to find a home for their mosque, a Muslim group settled on a century-old, three-story Tudor in a leafy neighborhood of a New York suburb, a fixer-upper they say would be perfect with the right renovations.

But not long after the sale went through last year, neighbors thought it was perfect just the way it was. A neighborhood group filed an application to have the building designated a city landmark and won final approval last month, meaning any exterior renovations will now have to go through a time-consuming permission process.

While city officials insisted the landmark status wouldn't prevent the home being used as a mosque, the Muslim organization saw something more sinister.

"We feel that we are being targeted," said Arshad Shariff, chairman of the Islamic Community Center of Mid-Westchester. "And unnecessary obstacles and hindrances are being placed because we are Muslim."

No, it's because you were planning to fuck up an historic house that people in the neighborhood are attached to and admire. Get it?


Anonymous said...

That's their MO. They get a piece of property and wave their "religious right" in your face. Then they start taking over the community.
Just take a look at parts of Brooklyn and Queens. It took only 10 years for them to take over.

Anonymous said...

“When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” Quran 9:5

(sarc) said...

The First Barbary War (1801–1805) also known as the Tripolitan War or the Barbary Coast War, was the first of two wars fought between the United States and the Northwest African Berber Muslim states known collectively as the Barbary States. These were the Ottoman provinces of Tripoli, Algiers, and Tunis, which were enjoying a large autonomy, as well as the independent Sultanate of Morocco. The war was fought because U.S. President Thomas Jefferson refused to pay the high tributes demanded by the Barbary states and because they were seizing American merchant ships and enslaving the crews for high ransoms. It was the first declared war the United States fought on foreign land and seas.

In 1786, Jefferson and John Adams met with Tripoli’s ambassador to Great Britain. They asked this ‘diplomat’ by what right his nation attacked American ships and enslaved her citizens and why the Muslims held such hostility toward this new nation, with which neither Tripoli nor any of the other Barbary Coast nations had any previous contact. The answer was quite revealing. Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja (the ambassador) replied that Islam:

“Was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

Learn history or be dammed to repeat it...

Anonymous said...

Shariff said the group never planned major changes to the exterior of the $750,000 home to make it a mosque — no minarets, no loudspeakers issuing the call to prayer. It primarily wanted to add an entrance ramp for handicapped visitors and another entrance, and some kind of signage indicating that it was a mosque

This is minimal, and the zoning board will probably approve. So they have to wait until the paper work is processed and pay for compliance? Tough - everyone has to do this, regardless of religion. What a cheap shot to play the anti-Muslim card.

Anonymous said...

While this is an emotional time I feel I have to take what is likely to be the unpopular viewpoint.

They bought this house with the idea it would be a mosque.

The fact that it was then unilaterally designated with landmark status when the owners weren't looking for the designation is shitty, whether done to prevent a mosque from being built on the site or prevent a new homeowner from changing the house to his liking.

The fact that this was pushed through so quick just reeks of religious intolerance. If they are anything like Queens it takes years to get such a designation.

They need to hire a bulldozer and bring the house down on a weekend as soon as possible.

If you like the house and its beauty so much get off your ass and buy it. Otherwise you have no right to a viewshed of pretty homes to look at. Clean up your own dump if it is so important you have nice things to look at. How many people who supported this designation live in brick box or steel and glass monstrosities? Probably quite a few.

Anonymous said...

You would think this group would double check the limitations on the land after the last fiasco which cost them tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars.

Queens Crapper said...

" If they are anything like Queens it takes years to get such a designation."

That's a great point. Nowhere in this country is like Queens. And that's a good thing.

It's telling that you think people who want to preserve the nice aspects of their neighborhood live in shitboxes and dumps themselves. What a sad soul you are.

Joe Moretti said...

DAMN RIGHT, FUCKING GET IT. And you know what, after the Florida incident of radical Islam terrorism, where 50 people where killed and countless others were injured, you all might want to keep a lower profile and follow the FUCKING RULES. You cannot claim “racism” to try and skirt the law and do whatever the fuck you want. This is not a Muslim thing, this is a keep a nice neighborhood intact without fucking it up, in other words, FOLLOW THE FUCKING RULES.rules Besides HOW MANY FUCKING churches and religious

Anonymous said...

The relion of myopia and destruction!

Anonymous said...

The same thing is happening right now in Flushing on the corner of Parsons and 46th Ave.

Anonymous said...

I live in Queens Village. For years, it was a nice, quiet place. People went to Schul on Friday and Saturday. People went to Church on Sundays. The carrillion in the churches announced Mass at noon. Now the Mosques announce call to prayer 6 times a day with a loud speaker system that wakes the dead and can be heard for miles.

It is no longer quiet and every day, 6 times a day, call to prayer. Well, you say, you have church bells on Sunday why can't we have call to prayer? Believe me, if we started ringing church bells, every day, for every hourly Mass in every church in Queens Village, no one would sleep.

Why can't call to prayer just be sung from the minaret? Why do we need loud speakers? Moslems know when they need to be praying but why does the whole world need to know?

Call me racist but it has destroyed the quiet enjoyment of my residence. If you are driving by on the Van Wyck -- you can hear the call to prayer very clearly even with all the traffic AND over the roar of the jet planes.

Had I known this Mosque would come to my neighborhood and take away my peace and quiet, I would have sold years ago. A few more years and I will sell and only rent because we are expecting another 100,000 more and mosques will be everywhere. Earplugs anyone?

Anonymous said...

The problems, as most, are stemming from the politicians.

The know that the strongest thing that can stand up to them is collective action, and one of the strongest ways that can happen is with a strong unified community.

By dividing us up into ethnic groups, sexual identity, you name it, they artificially divide people creating differences that should not be there. Who cares what sex you are, or what language you speak at home if everyone in a community have a lot more in common if everyone's kids go to a sucky school, have sucky sanitation, have sucky community planning, and have sucky neighbors who are encouraged by the pols to destroy a community.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting how right after 9/11, the Muslims started pouring in to the U.S. Anybody curious ? Anybody asking questions?

Anonymous said...

Its the realtors and the local politicians who f'ed this up. Why are we only discussing this after it has been sold? Is this area zoned for a mosque? Were there hearings for the neighbors to express their opinions? Whatever city government covers this dropped the ball. More likely because they were holding the donation check from the mosque group.

I know that sounds racist, but you can change it to church/synagogue/temple and I would feel the same.

How about the f'in realtor? Just wanted to cash a check! would sell to anyone! So much for the making a neighborhood tagline they used to have.

Did this home really go for 750k? What a steal!

Joe Moretti said...

I wonder if the comment about the "call to prayer" is legal and if that would be consider a noise issue. I live near a mosque and they certainly do not do that, neither do some of the other mosques in the area.

That is FUCKED UP. This is not the Middle East.

I hate organized religion.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problems, as most, are stemming from the politicians.

The know that the strongest thing that can stand up to them is collective action, and one of the strongest ways that can happen is with a strong unified community.

By dividing us up into ethnic groups, sexual identity, you name it, they artificially divide people creating differences that should not be there. Who cares what sex you are, or what language you speak at home if everyone in a community have a lot more in common if everyone's kids go to a sucky school, have sucky sanitation, have sucky community planning, and have sucky neighbors who are encouraged by the pols to destroy a community.


DAMN, you hit the nail on the head hard with TRUTH. I have said this many times, people have so much power, but they pit us against each other.

chico0100 said...

Right next to neighbor is selling their house for $888,888.00. Want to guess why?

Anonymous said...

If we don't give them what they want they will get angry and go on killing sprees,don't mess with them or anger them,I say we do the Liberal Progressive thing and just apologize and surrender,
Alau akbar.

Anonymous said...

Arizona largest LGBT GROUP just threw Thier support to Trump

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arizona largest LGBT GROUP just threw Thier support to Trump

I mean really do you think whinny little bitch Trump would handle this any better, please.

Our Democratic elected officials do need to start calling it Radical Islam, but if you think a Republican will make us safer, let me remind you who was in power during 911 and who was in office when IRAQ was invaded, which caused the rise of ISIS.

Joe Moretti said...

PS the Arizona LGBT group is Republican by the way.

Joe Moretti said...

One more PS:

In regards to the Orlando shooting, a big problem is people being able to buy assault weapons like the AR-15. Assault weapons should be illegal and banned period, there is absolutely no reason for these weapons and who cozy ups to the NRA on this............

Anonymous said...

"Right next to neighbor is selling their house for $888,888.00. Want to guess why?"

That's how much it appraised for?

Anonymous said...

Hey asshole,ISIS was created by Obama and Hillary trying to remove Syrian leader Assad,spout your BS hatred of republicans to your mom collect your cookie and warm milk and go to bed,Jerkoff.
I don't generally get angry by stupid comments but really how funding dumb are you?

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey asshole,ISIS was created by Obama and Hillary trying to remove Syrian leader Assad,spout your BS hatred of republicans to your mom collect your cookie and warm milk and go to bed,Jerkoff.
I don't generally get angry by stupid comments but really how funding dumb are you?

No Republican bashing. Nothing like completely ignoring facts and history. Do your homework. There are intelligent people on this site, then there are, "jerk-offs" like you.

Anonymous said...

There was a ban on assault type weapons. It expired thanks to the GOP and the NRA!
There will continue to be more blood until this nation wises up.
And stop shoveling the shit that an AR15, equipped with a 30 (whatever) round magazine is a target weapon.
Maybe so, on second thought, innocent civilians being the multiple targets!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Trump is right....a moratorium on Muslims!
For years politicians have been sucking ass to get votes by pandering to this and that group and ignoring common sense and desires of their constituents.
The backlash has mounted. Trump COULD just win!
Then it's YOUR fault , you crooked pols. And both parties, Dems and GOP are to blame.
Politics should NOT be a perennial career. It should be a term of service. Speaking of which...TERM LIMITS UP AND DOWN THE LINE!

Anonymous said...

I am a registered Republican.
Sorry Joe...then you can say that the whole situation was created by the Bush family.
BTW...granddaddy Bush did business with Nazi banks.
YOU had better review some history yourself!

Anonymous said...

Are we still talking about the JV team? About the group that BHO said was 'contained' on the same day they bombed Paris?

Blame whomever you like for starting this group. These people don't need a reason to hate and destroy. If we weren't in Iraq in 2003 it would have been something else.

You do have to see how the current regime of BHO and former SofS HRC did absolutely NOTHING to combat or even gather intelligence on this growing deadly threat.

That is the way of the Democrat Party. Be proud, Joe Moretti! Go stick pins in your GWB doll.

Anonymous said...

I may vote Hillary just to see the country collapse so Hillary can blame Bush

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Right next to neighbor is selling their house for $888,888.00. Want to guess why?"

That's how much it appraised for?

Wrong...thanks for playing....

The answer is...

Joe Moretti said...

Amazing, that some of you just avoid facts and history, nor refuse to place any blame on the dumb cowboy, George W. Bush. Again, who was President of the US, when 911 happened. It was Georgie. Who invaded Iraq based on the lie of weapons of mass destruction and Saddam's link to Al-Qaeda. It was Bush. After the invasion of Iraq, ISIL arose. Who was president and put the created that donut hole in medicare causing major money problems for senior citizen's with prescription. It was Georgie again.

Sure other president including Clinton had issues (the mass incarceration of black men & NAFTA was under Clinton), but at least own up to what Bush did.

But why let facts get in the way folks. Amazing.

Old Lefty said...

RIF Joe...Reading Is Fundamental. Started in 99 under Bill Clinton. Screw the Bushes and the Clintons.

Anonymous said...

Reading his comments would make someone think Joe Moretti was black.

Remind me who wasn't for the mass incarceration of criminals in the 1990's? The fact that a majority were black wasn't the law's fault. Or Bill Clinton's.

You old farts remember when there were 7 murders a day in this city? Every day! The NYPost had a running tab. Most of the victims were black. The main cause of death in the black community was another black person.

How was locking them up a bad thing? Of course Hillary apologizes for it now. They should be proud and explain the black community was desperate for protection.

Only now with the murders in NYC being under 2 a day can we sit back and criticize those days.

Don't let the facts get in the way!

Anonymous said...

Joe,there is help for Bush Derangement Syndrome,those with BDS usually don't know they have it,first sign is people avoid those who have it,Joe have you seen friends or family cross the street when they see you coming?
Has your phone stopped ringing? Does the dog avoid you? If any of this is happening then you have BDS,seek help,were here for you.

Anonymous said...

In a way, although I think that Donald Drumpf is a spoiled adolescent, I hope he wins. Then you will see what the real collapse of America is all about. He has no clue, no real workable business plans to run the country...just anger and an insatiable terrible twos ego. As far as Hillary is concerned...if it comes to it I prefer a capable crook who know how to deal with Congress...rather than a spoiled Drumpf brat. "Wah, wah, wah...I gotta get my way or else!"
Or else what, Der Fuhrer? Let's suspend our Constitution and adopt a fourth Reich.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, who was President during the 1993 WTC bombing? Ever hear of the Crusades? Face it, Moslems don't like Christians or Jews or Gays or...

Joe Moretti said...

I should not be surprised how some of you just deflect from certain issues and act like the whinny little bitch Trump.

Yes, the 1993 World Trade bombing was during Clinto, BUT the towers coming down and killing thousands of people was during Bush, it that so hard to say a simple fact.

No one is saying the violent offenders, murders, rapists should not be in jail, but under Clinton "mass incarceration" program, way too many non-violent offenders (some for having pot on them) were locked away for long periods of time. Do you know how much it cost to house a prisoner and who ends up paying for this and do you realize that if you are non-violent offender how the prison system can then turn you into a major criminal and more than likely violent.

I criticize Democrats and liberals all the time and of course I criticize Republicans and conservatives, but it seems if one is one one side, that side can do no wrong. But Republicans tend do the more stupid shit, like allowing the assault weapons ban to expire, under who, yes BUSH.

Anonymous said...

If the city wants to preserve a historical house or the neighborhood wants to preserve a historical house then they can buy it.

Otherwise, if someone buys the property before it was designated as historical, then they should be able to do what they want with it, in the confines of the zoning laws.

Anonymous said...

'If the city wants to preserve a historical house or the neighborhood wants to preserve a historical house then they can buy it.

Otherwise, if someone buys the property before it was designated as historical, then they should be able to do what they want with it, in the confines of the zoning laws.'

Amen. Common Sense. Enough of people finding bogus 'history' to justify harassing someone who has bought a property.

If the neighborhood zoning allows for a Mosque to be built they should be allowed to go forward. Take up any problem you have with the local zoning board and your local representative.

Queens Crapper said...

Aaaaand the Supreme Court says the both of you are wrong. Good luck with that propaganda, though!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe since you hate Bush so much I feel I must tell you that I loaded hundreds of tons of bombs that rained on Iraq,am I a murderer now?
Even signed my name on dozens of them and I'd do it again.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Joe since you hate Bush so much I feel I must tell you that I loaded hundreds of tons of bombs that rained on Iraq,am I a murderer now?
Even signed my name on dozens of them and I'd do it again.

I never said I hate Bush. Do some of you folks know how to read and then actually comprehend what you read.

JQ LLC said...

Enough with the establishment repugnicans and democruds. Isis is a creation of revenge against the Iraq invasion and the security contractors and energy companies plundering their sources and the drone attacks from an executive order kill list by Obama, possibly on advice from chickenhawk Hillary Clinton (would like to see if there is any email correspondence involving these attacks) and that bag of dicks Patreus. It's possible a lot of these Isis terrorists probably got disillusioned with the Arab Spring style protest via social media and the ensuing murderous oppression that was laid upon them.

Anonymous said...

"Take up any problem you have with the local zoning board and your local representative"

You mean REBNY? It's the same thing.

Anonymous said...

For me the big problem with mosques (especially in the once quiet suburbs) is that effing call to prayer. There is a mosque that is quite a few blocks from where I live (I reside in Queens but I believe it is in Brooklyn) but I still hear it almost every morning if my windows are open. I pity the neighbors! I am not intolerant of religions until I get woken up at the butt crack of dawn. FYI I believe that religious institutions get a free pass when it comes to noise laws in the city.

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