Wednesday, May 11, 2016

It's all about the revenue

From AM-NY:

Transit advocates and local politicians rallied on the steps of City Hall Monday in support of bringing more school-zone speed cameras to New York City.

“We should not have to worry about a child crossing a street. That shouldn’t be matter of life or death,” said Public Advocate Letitia James at the rally. “And we know what the answers are. We have solutions.”

Safe streets advocates are pushing for the state Assembly to pass the “Every School Speed Safety Camera Act,” which would allow the city to install thousands of additional cameras near schools.

Under current state law, the city can place a maximum of 140 speed cameras near schools. Those cameras must be located within a quarter mile of a school entrance. And they can only be operational during school days for 12 hours each day.

The new bill, introduced by Manhattan Assemblywoman Deborah Glick this April, would remove the restrictions on the number of cameras and those hours of operation in New York City.


Anonymous said...

Who was the idiot who came up with a 140 Max number of cameras when there are over 1,000 school buildings throughout NYC? So a school in Queens Village has cameras while a school in Bensonhurst doesn't . Makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile I see people still getting hit by cars every single day here. I thought these were suppose to stop people from speeding along with lowering the speed zero is just a delusion the idiot dumblasio made up. He only did that to generate money....corruption at its finest. If someone is going to speed like a moron, they will speed regardless of the speed limit or camera because like I said....most of them are morons to begin with.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is, indeed. The cost of these cameras, including installation and maintenance, can run into thousands of dollars, each. The city has to recoup that somehow.

Anonymous said...

Since they want the cameras 24/7 it is obviously not 'about the children'. School saftey is a cover for Big Brother.

Anonymous said...

Parents should stop being "Buddies" and start teaching their children essential life skills, like, Don't cross against the light, cross at a cross walk, look both ways before crossing. Don't cross from between cars. Jesus Christ it's not rocket science! You don't teach these kids this stuff you're enabling Darwin's law...

Anonymous said...

Oh BTW it IS all about revenue. The kids are an interesting side effect,

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately we live with people who don't value life and drive on our roads committing vehicle homicide almost on a daily basis here in the 5 boroughs. These cameras can make a difference and save lives by changing the way people drive. You don't want to pay the fines then stop spending and drive safely.

(sarc) said...

This is just like the lottery and crack cocaine - very addictive!!!

Once the politicians find a way to fleece the public, they cannot STOP!!!

Anonymous said...

A lot of Vision Zero is stupid, but I'm sorry - I don't buy the popular narrative here about the cameras being a "trap": slow the @#$% down and you can completely avoid this fine. If the zones are not well-marked with signage, that's another story.

Joe Moretti said...

Politicians either do NOTHING or CHEAT & STEAL or do things half ass. Well considering the majority of these overpaid fools are asses, this should come as no surpise.

Local politicians and Letitia James want more cameras in school zones. “We should not have to worry about a child crossing a street. That shouldn’t be matter of life or death,” said Public Advocate Letitia James at the rally. “And we know what the answers are. We have solutions.”

But shouldn’t children not have to worry period no matter where they are, including residential streets where large dangerous trucks drive while there is little lack of enforcement with a law on the books. What, it is okay for a kid to get hit by a vehicle if it is not in a school area.

Christ, these folks can never do anything right. Damn, doesn’t any of them have the balls (or ovaries) to stand up and do the right thing for a change.

Anonymous said...

govt are a bunch of pick pockets

Anonymous said...

Its all about the cars running down people while they repress the increasing carnage to the public and those hipshit maniacs on bikes.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with safety. Taking a road that was designed to have cars travel at 40-50 mph safely (like a service road), making it an absurdly low 25 mph, and then ticketing drivers when they safely go 36 mph is just another way to get money from the poor and working class who are just going to work. You notice they place cameras not in front of local roads in front of schools but on some large street no where near a crosswalk or school entrance? Its all about banging out money from the drivers, and getting people so frustrated to drive that they stop driving all together.

Its getting out of control with all the new taxes and fees they are passing. We need to remember who passed these stupid laws and vote them out come election time.

Anonymous said...

Its for the chilluns.

I for one welcome our new Police State Overlords.

Anonymous said...

Joe moretti brings up a great point. I think that trucks off truck route is a lot more dangerous to kids and pedestrians than a car going a bit over the speed limit. We should install truck route cameras instead of speed cams

Anonymous said...

Dam people are so stupid,the cameras are privately Owned,the city's leases them,my friend is a major owner of the company and his team service them and they get a percentage of each ticket,he asked me to invest,correction,told me to inest in this Gold Mine and I didnt,Huge Mistake,each camera averages
2000 dollars a day,why didn't I invest?,he told me black areas destroy the camera's same day they go up so I thought it would never work when people found out its just for making money in white areas,worst financial blunder I ever made.

Anonymous said...

What a blatant lie. They say they want to "protect the children", yet the point of the bill is so that you can get a ticket at 3AM for going over 25mph on streets designed to drive at 40.

Anonymous said...

Of course schools need the cameras up 24/7 they will protect all the children that will be crossing the street at 1am in the morning. The mayor is a dumbass and I am so sick of the 25 mph driving. It has caused more accidents from frustrated drivers who can walk faster than driving on the New York City Streets.

Anonymous said...

Most pedestrians are hit by TURNING vehicles. Cars turn without looking at the people in the crosswalk. Speed cameras won't help with this at all. Also there is a speed camera on francis lewis blvd near PS 130(?), a major road where the traffic usually moves faster than 25 mph away from the school. Same with the speed camera on the service Road exit off the LIE, near St. Francis Prep. Traffic exiting a major highway just isn't going to realize that there is a school there and to slow down to 25 mph. How about making it a finable offense to cross the street while talking on your phone and not paying the slightest bit of attention to your child.

Anonymous said...

This is THE issue I'll be voting on next election. If this passes, it's a huge step towards life being unlivable in the outer boroughs. If my Assemblyman votes for this, I'm voting against him, despite all the good he's done. This is a step way to far.

Anonymous said...

They also have about 40 mobile units. They don't need to be near schools either. It's legit if they are near the new signage that clearly stes speed checked by radar. I think the problem is on the highways. Recless driving ,texting speeding......need moer highway cops.....

Anonymous said...

"cameras are privately Owned"

Yep. And the owners get a large percentage of the fines. Totally illegal racket, some states shut down this ripoff scam.

"Unfortunately we live with people who don't value life and drive on our roads committing vehicle homicide almost on a daily basis here in the 5 boroughs. These cameras can make a difference and save lives by changing the way people drive. You don't want to pay the fines then stop spending and drive safely."

Great grandstanding, but in reality has nothing to do with what is going on everyday in the city.
Hit and run, drunk driving, driving under the influence of drugs are major issues.
The cameras are catching speeding incidents "AFTER" the fact.
So one gets a ticket "AFTER" the speeding incident, weeks later.
They are revenue generating scams with private corporations running the program splitting the fines with local governments.

Anonymous said...

"Great grandstanding"
Tell that to families who lost love ones to reckless murdering drivers !

Anonymous said...

The families who lost loved ones should be incensed that the city is using their deaths to make money. This makes nothing safer. Assholes gonna drive like assholes.

Anonymous said...

Nothing safer ? Guess we should be like Mad Max according to some of the opinions posted here. Traffic laws need to be strictly enforced and changed as needed to ensure public safety.

Res Ipsa said...

The key is enforcement. Sending a ticket weeks after the fact is better than nothing, but it doesn't really change the behavior. I have heard people openly talking about how they drive with no license and have gotten these tickets. Someone driving with no license isn't going to suddenly change because they got a ticket 4 weeks after an infraction. This is "feel good", legislation that ultimately does nothing.

The real change will come when cops and traffic agents enforce the laws in real time. Don't be fooled into settling for less because of this revenue grab by the City.

Anonymous said...

>Tell that to families who lost love ones to reckless murdering drivers !

Going 35mph on a road designed for 50mph when the speed limit is artificially lowered to 25pmh isn't being reckless.

Your use of FUD to support a law designed to suck money out of what middle class still remains in Queens is reckless, and worse.

Anonymous said...

Tell that to families who lost love ones to reckless murdering drivers !

No that was meant for the stupid poster.

To the families I would say, we need to stop the killing via automobiles with REAL TIME enforcement.

Ticketing via cameras is a revenue generating scam that does nothing to prevent future deaths on the roads.

Geoff said...

If they want the cameras I want the school zones clearly marked and my 30mph speed limit back. At the very least retime the lights so that I don't hit everyone going to work doing the stupid 25mph

Anonymous said...

Geoff you work? WHY? JUST VOTE DEMOCRATIC and stay home and collect a check like us loyalist

Anonymous said...

When are they going to issue tickets to the people crossing the street against the light? Springfield Blvd, Winchester Blvd are crazy, the kids crossing against the light actually dart in front of moving cars which is very dangerous. So unless they just get around to banning cars in NY altogether cameras will solve nothing.

Anonymous said...

Don't speed / Don't get a ticket pretty simple !

Anonymous said...

The liberals' wars on cars and indeed America continue.

Anonymous said...

The liberals' wars on pretty much everything continues!

Anonymous said...

Nassau Cnty has abolished the school speed cameras.the speed limit is still 20mph.the pupils areyellow school bused to the school lot & bused back to their homes,everyday.

Queens public elementary schools Like P.S.130Q @FLB/42Ave,bus in 350 pupils from Dist.25(Flushing main st.)& return them by yellow bus ea. day .Why is there a speed camera and tax payer crossing guard ?

Anonymous said...

since I forced a hearing w. a Nassau Cnty. "REDLITECAMERA "JUDGE", they changed the "RIGHT TURN onRED" @E.Shore Rd./North.Blvd. to large NO RIGHT ON RED w.GREEN ARROW.INCONSISTANT SYSTEM &costly $80.

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