Saturday, May 7, 2016

Get your cars off the sidewalk!

From PIX11:

Barbara Legoff said cars have been taking over her streets for years.

With PIX11 News by her side, the Woodside native got a chance to confront one of the businesses she said is one of the worst offenders.

After an earlier PIX11 story this week, the owner of Paragon Honda Brian Benstock agreed to met with this feisty grandma.

Benstock said he is listening to her complaints and have moved many of their cars to New Jersey and off the sidewalks.

"I'm listening, and you are tough cookie," Benstock said.


Anonymous said...

This has been going on for years! Elected officials knew of these complaints but did nothing until the media got wind of it.

Joe Moretti said...

This issues goes on in many communities (which of course if ILLEGAL), but there is such a lack of proper enforcement, like with so many other issues, why is it always up to the tax payer's to do this city's work.

JQ LLC said...

That suit looks like a scumbag who was caught with his pants down and with his 2 inch nub exposed.

Not to diminish the efforts of that woman, which was great and shows that persistence prevails, this was only remedied because it was in jimmies district and it gives him more exposure for his mayoral ambitions. And the timing of mother's day helps too. I guess Jimbrowski is trying make his undeserved raise pay dividends, which he damn well should.

But this has been going on for decades citywide and still does, especially on Atlantic Avenue. And despite the rare tv news story, this dealership will revert back to their crude habit of obstructing sidewalks at the expense of the public's safety.

Anonymous said...

She's not a tough cookie. She's only right. You are breaking the law!

Crusseau said...

Puuullllleeeeaaassseeee! All the city has to do is send an enforcement agent down the street every day and issue summonses. Ca-Ching! Big bucks for the city coffers until these people learn to follow the laws. But we all know this won't happen because the politicians are in their pockets.
Drive down queens Blvd any day of the week and you see the same thing in front of all of the stereo and bull bar installation stores as well. The city would rather pick on the homeowners and renters who will pay the fines than the business owners who contribute to their campaign funds. Prove me wrong.

Joe Moretti said...

I have to say this was one of the worst WPIX I have seen on so many different levels. First off, notice that Honda was one of the sponsors of WPIX. The reporter should have gotten tough with this arrogant manager or whoever the hell he was. I mean what is this bullshit about "the problem is business is booming", no the problem is Honda is breaking the law and the reporter should have gone after him on that. And the problem is also Jimmy boy, who acts like it is the job of citizens and WPIX to do the damn job that he was hired for, hell he even admits he knew about this, yet choose to do nothing and let this elderly woman and WPIX to do his fucking job.

And the one comment about send enforcement agents every day is dead on but the city never does that with any issues be it illegal truck driving, illegal conversions, littering, etc. They don't even try.

I still do not see the purpose of having city council since they obviously serve no purpose, which is the only good thing about this shoddy piece of reporting.

I have never seen a big city so poorly run as this one.

Anonymous said...

I still do not see the purpose of having city council since they obviously serve no purpose

What do you mean? I can't wait to pay 5 cents for my plastic shopping bags in October. I guess the council gave new meaning to the term "money bags"!!!

Anonymous said...

What's going on in the front center of Jimmy's forehead ?

Anonymous said...

What about the stinking Queens Ford outfit on Queens Blvd., across from Lee Toyota? They use the sidewalk there as part of their showroom. They double park their cars all along that section of Queens Blvd. They even park their cars on the MEDIAN STRIP between the eastbound and westbound parts of Queens Blvd. I have called the police multiple times, and they NEVER show up. I guess the 107 pct is paid off by these crooks. It makes visiting the veterinarian's office next door a major challenge, as they take up all the parking and I NEVER EVER see any parking meter slips in any of their cars.

Anonymous said...

We live in Jimmy's district and there is no change to cars parking on the sidewalk. A play for the gullible. He is starting to feel the pressure from the community on over-development (to say nothing about "Team Van Bramer's" handling of the Elks fiasco)

Now Crappy needs to show up in 6 weeks, take pictures of cars back on the sidewalk (the lady in typical Queens fashion will be throwing her arms into the air) and take the pix to Jimmy (as the lady should have been doing all along).

A Deputy Mayor showed up for town hall meeting 6 weeks ago in Jimmy's district and was told about this problem of cars parking on sidewalks in Dutch Kills. Her reaction (after talking incessantly about bike lanes - more bike less accidents was one of her talking points) "THIS IS HAPPENING? I NEVER HEARD ABOUT THIS! WE NEED TO LOOK INTO THIS!"

Anonymous said...

How about getting rid of all the illegal street vendors throughout Queens. Our streets need to be clean again...

Anonymous said...

It makes visiting the veterinarian's office next door a major challenge, as they take up all the parking and I NEVER EVER see any parking meter slips in any of their cars.

I would stop using that vet and I'd call them and tell them that you can't go there anymore because you can't find parking because of the auto dealers. Then they can complain about the parking, too.

Anonymous said...

How about getting rid of all the illegal street vendors throughout Queens. Our streets need to be clean again...

The owner/manager of the car dealership is white. Its ok to go after him. The food vendors are almost all of a 'questionable origin' and therefore are a protected class in this city, and they don't have to worry about the law coming down on them.

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