Monday, May 9, 2016

DeBlasio says state probe is biased

From CBS 2:

It’s the wrath of Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Under pressure from numerous corruption investigations, the mayor sought out a friendly audience, the Reverend Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, to blame his troubles on his politics enemies, CBS2’s Marcia Kramer reports.

“Now, brothers and sisters, guess what… when you do something different, opposition emerges. The voices of the status quo find many, many ways to undermine progress to stand in the way of progress,” he said.

The mayor apparently thinks Governor Andrew Cuomo is one of those standing in the way of progress. He had his lawyer, Laurence Laufer, send a scathing letter to the state’s Joint Commission on Public Ethics saying team de Blasio will no longer cooperate with its probe into the mayor’s non-profit and fundraising arm, the campaign for One New York. Laufer implies Cuomo is somehow pulling the strings.

He's under investigation by the Manhattan D.A. and U.S. Attorney, but the state investigation is a witch hunt. Okay...


Anonymous said...

When the only place you can run to with your tail between your legs is Sharptons "Action Network", you know something's up. The mayor is a liar and needs to resign!

JQ LLC said...

B-o-o h-o-o.

Cue Mr. Pink's smallest violin.

This clip is nauseating, he addresses the audience as brothers and sisters, something he learned quite well when he was recently at a church in the dirty southeast of Queens. The guy thinks he's black now. Well, how did black work for Malcolm Smith, Shirley Huntley, John Sampson, Will Boyland, etc. etc. All witch hunt victims trying to make a change to better the lives of blacks and the poor of all races right.

He's really making a lot of CPT these days. The campaign for one new york under Mayor Big Slow still pathetically trudges on.

He's going down, and he knows it. It's going to be so funny when the next time he leaves park row he will be escorted by 4 feds with cuffs behind his back.

Better get used to Mayor Letitia James.

(sarc) said...

He who lies down with dogs, rises with fleas. (old Yiddish proverb)...

Anonymous said...

What the hell was Scott Stringer doing there? If Stringer wants to step in when DeBlasio is out of the picture he better watch the company he keeps.

Anonymous said...

If Cuomo is behind the investigation of deBlas, good for him. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Anonymous said...

Now that I know Rev. Al still supports de Blasio I feel much better.

Anonymous said...

"Better get used to Mayor Letitia James."

The boy mayor will lose in the mayoral primary to our borough Prez Melinda Katz but make it to the mayoral finish line. He'll then go nowhere ala Anthony Weiner. Both are toxic and terminal.

Anonymous said...

“Now, brothers and sisters, guess what… when you do something different, opposition emerges. The voices of the status quo find many, many ways to undermine progress to stand in the way of progress,” he said.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed the silence coming from the Cuomo camp. Not a peep ! He hasn't been seen in the city in quite a while. Last year he was here on a weekly basis to boast about himself and bash DiBlasio. Now that Preet has turned his attention to one of his aides, he's on his best behavior. Your time is coming Cuomo!!

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

The new criminal lineup for City Hall and Albany, for US Attorney Preet Bharara to hone his focus, like a bullet in flight: Wilhelm Dumb Blasio (corrupt), Scott Stringer (incompetent and derelict), and the Queen Monarch of Queens, Melinda Katz (a total fraud of profligate waste and mismanagement--that makes her two predecessors (the uneducated and reductive, Helen Marshall and political fossil, Claire Schulman) look like fiscal wizards of great integrity and portent!

It's critical to note that I contacted the New York City Department of Investigations, on November 6, 2015 to file an official complaint about Melinda Katz that the DOI has refused to investigate, to the chagrin of my fellow, Queens County residents who feel nothing but a deep sense of betrayal, lawlessness and continued, taxation without representation.

Czarina Katz just spent $720,000 of taxpayer-funded money (and amazingly approved by criminal sociopath, Scott Stringer, that was not publicly authorized, much less vetted before Community Board 9, or any and all due process actions of a purported democracy), ostensibly to beautify Kew Gardens Plaza---after THEY THEMSELVES blighted it, by removing a monumental statue (and working fountain), entitled 'Triumph Of Civic Virtue' in 2012, that ironically would have only cost less than $50,000 to clean and conserve the statue ON SITE (and, its allegorical work of beauty that symbolizes, through a male statuary, how civic virtue triumphs over corruption and vice.

But, in the case of THIS totally corrupt and entrenched administration, corruption and vice are more voracious at Queens Borough Hall than ever before, as the statue that represents civic virtue has now been banished (on temporary loan), to Green-Wood Cemetery, keeping vigil over the dead---and, the living taxpayer be damned.

And, to appreciate the full scope of depravity and evil at work, here is what fellow Civic Virtue Task Force member, Robert LoScalzo had to say, on May 5, 2016:

As far as what's happening with the Triumph of Civic Virtue statue is concerned, you could never invent a story like this because it just would not be believable. City first denied any secret plan to move the colossal statue off of Queens Blvd. City then implemented its secret plan, and moved statue to a Brooklyn cemetery on the pretext that cemetery would bear certain costs of restoring the statue. Instead, public funds paid to restore the statue – on the premises of the cemetery, where the statue remains now. Meanwhile, City is implementing separate plan to renovate the statue's fountain base at Queens Blvd., at a cost 10 times greater than the cost of restoring the statue, and WITHOUT ever returning the statue to its base once everything is restored. Would you restore the frame of the Mona Lisa, then put just the frame on display while sending the actual painting somewhere else, and expect the public to believe that's terrific? That's what is happening. The only beneficiary here is Brooklyn's private Green-Wood cemetery, which received a valuable colossal public art statue – still public property – for the cemetery to display as it pleases. That's why this issue is not over, yet. And it's a perfect example of why Queens is the laughingstock of art, among all of the City's boroughs.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw the clip of the Turd-in-Chief at Sharptons's tax-exempt money-maker NAN. Pathetic and scary.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you love to see an itemization for the spending of $720,000 for this garden ... plants, benches, and some cement work??! Ridiculous!!

Anonymous said...

The azz clown Sharpton would hold a fund raising for Satan if it keeps the IRS from collecting what he owes in back taxs.

Anonymous said...

A tax cheat defending a corrupt politician News at 11.

Anonymous said...

"If Cuomo is behind the investigation of deBlas, good for him. Even a broken clock is right twice a day."

Fuck that, this is a political hit by someone who would leave NYC in the gutter given half a chance. DeBlas may not know how to play NYS politics and may be an idiot but if we're going to give up the helm to a Cuomo crony then we have not yet begun to see the scale of how truly fucked we are.

Anonymous said...

Speak up! Two opportunities this week in Astoria:

Monday, May 9, 6-8pm
Brooklyn-Queens Connector (BQX)
Community Meeting
sponsored by NYC EDC / DOT
Variety Boys & Girls Club, 
21-12 30 Road (21-23 Sts)

Thursday, May 12, 6:30-9:30pm
Town Hall Meeting to address "Community Concerns"
sponsored by NY State Assembly Member Aravella Simotas & United Community Civic Assn (UCCA)
Museum of the Moving Image,
36-01 35 Ave.
"The Panel will consist of agency commissioners and elected officials who will answer questions and address issues of concern"



Anonymous said...

"...we have not yet begun to see the scale of how truly fucked we are. "


The boy mayor, Mark-Viverito, Leticia James, Scott Stringer, Crowley (Both of them), Vallone (All of them), Van Bramer, Katz, Dromm, Meng et al?

How much more fucked could we be with Cuomo's boys?

Anonymous said...

If anyone in state government is listening, please write Richard his severance check already.

Anonymous said...

"if we're going to give up the helm to a Cuomo crony then we have not yet begun to see the scale of how truly fucked we are."... My enemies enemy is my friend, at least for now.

Anonymous said...

"My enemies enemy is my friend, at least for now."

If your main enemy isn't the state then I think you need to reevaluate your position. Blas is the "enemy of the enemy." That's what I'm getting at anyways.

Anonymous said...

When will he call the investigation Racist? You know,because he has a lesbian wife,what did you think I was going to say,I know what your thinking and that's Why you are a Racist.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Why? Because it's getting to close to Der crooked Wilhelm's door?
Prosecute, covict, and jail all of these DAMNED crooks!
Preet, keep up the heat? Bravo! Nobody could ever say that you are not earning your pay.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Scope Paul Vallone.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Vallone is a mobster!

Anonymous said...

Cuomo and DeBlasio both should be in jail. That being said, if I had to pick one to go first it would be deBlas. All politics are local and deBlas causes more immediate grief. Cuomo is slicker but will get his turn.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Re: "If anyone in state government is listening, please write Richard his severance check already."

Anonymous, when you stalk someone online (and worse, under the protective cover of cowardly anonymity, like all worthless cowards like you have obsessively proven), while making references to matters that you know nothing about, that actually DEVALUE all honesty itself---it's time for you to find a dignified hobby for yourself that stops reinforcing what a useless, arrogant, cowardly asshole that you are---and, always have been.

This is not the forum for your obsession, and it never was---but, it IS a testament to how mental illness (combined with your clear tendencies toward depraved sociopathy), manifests itself in many tragic, simple life forms like yourself---a misfit loner who was forgotten by relevance and society, so very long ago.

Give it up, already, coward---your only audience is yourself---and, now it's just pathetic that you've got nothing to offer to this thread (much less anyone else!!), except to show everyone what a total coward and anonymous, online, empowered idiot-bully you are, and a waste of skin---depleting the earth of precious oxygen!

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Exactly right, Jerry Rotondi---US Attorney Preet Bharara is only getting started with the endless trail of systemic, entrenched Albany corruption, greed, graft and wasteful, exalted incompetence.

Frankly, it's impossible to tell anymore, who represents the actual motivations of purity on this thread, when certain, Anonymous replies attack the messenger, versus the actually aggrieved citizens for whom they are at the constant, chronic, never ending mercy of a political system employed by New York State government that has SO completely and willfuly betrayed public trust and integrity---that the entirely rigged system now DEVALUES all honesty itself---to pathologically treasonous, traitorous and ruinous effect!

Hence, reform is way too late (and a method that should have been credibly executed in the 20th century, not the 21st!), where the entirely corrupt, cancerous City Council needs to be abolished, as well as every single one of Andrew Cuomo's gestapo, handpicked henchmen, all of whom demand to be banished from a lifetime of totally betrayed public service, as well as the governor himself---the biggest and most flagrant offender of public trust in the history of all monstrously failed, New York State government itself!

Return thee to Albany, Preet---the capital's 'openly practiced,' 'Friends & Family' crime ring is STILL operating better than ever before---and, without all pretense of disruption and deterrent (ironically, after two disgraced crime bosses, Silver and Skelos, were toppled and ordered to jail), much less profound and irreversible consequence!

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