Monday, April 18, 2016

The crap on 56th Road

Hi Crappy,
"Rode my bike to Flushing Meadows today and on the way there I saw the "Crap" is spreading all along 56th Road.

I can't imagine what it could feel like living in between new homes like this and have my view and light almost entirely blocked out! When I got home and looked up the home on Google Maps that section of the block is blacked out on the street browse option.

Wonder why google would do this ? 146-19 56th Rd is surrounded by Queens Crap !" - Anonymous

Google Maps gives homeowners the option to block out their homes for privacy. - QC


Anonymous said...

Yep....queens crap is all over!

Anonymous said...

Some people have no sense of proportion.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's that tree doing there?

Anonymous said...

How do builders get away with this ?

Roger said...

It must have been super fun living there while each of those pieces of crap was being built.

A six-unit POC went up on the street behind me, and they put a tall white fence around the back yard. My neighbors and I all have cyclone fencing between our yards, and we can see each other in our yards, but the new tenants in the POC are totally oblivious to our existence. The upshot is they are way louder when they use their yard than we would be because we're aware that other people can see/hear us.

Anonymous said...

Please. How does one remove one's home from Google maps? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

It looks like there's a speed hump right in front of this address, so it's possible the images didn't come out clear enough to use.

There is also a known glitch in Google's software that causes gaps.

When Google is preventing something from being displayed on purpose, it's generally just blurred out, so it's doubtful this is some conspiracy going on.

Anonymous said...

While those houses aren't ugly in and of themselves, the way they're right up against the small house is absurd. How did they get away with that? I don't know any zoning that allows that.

Queens Crapper said...

The small house looks like it had attached rowhouses on either side of it. Unfortunately, this is the trend lately.

Also, you can build up to the lot line as per zoning code for most areas.

Anonymous said...

City Planning and DOB are responsible for this mess and should held accountable! Perhaps they didn't have the vision to predict this could happen but they are doing nothing about it. Most people invest their life savings into their homes and the fact that this could happen to the homeowner in the middle is criminal. Carl Weisbrod and Rick Chandler are failing miserably.
This sham of an administration is destroying our city.

Anonymous said...

Front yards, back yards, grass, off-street parking, porches, walkways, all so damned over-rated!

Anonymous said...

Shady contractors. You cant trust a contractor like this. If they would cut corners with their business, how do you think they will handle your project???

Anonymous said...

City Planning and DOB are responsible for this mess and should held accountable! Perhaps they didn't have the vision to predict this could happen but they are doing nothing about it. Most people invest their life savings into their homes and the fact that this could happen to the homeowner in the middle is criminal. Carl Weisbrod and Rick Chandler are failing miserably.
This sham of an administration is destroying our city.
your electeds can stop this buy they refuse. quick wasting time battering a faceless agency in city hall when the real culprit has an office in your community. go after them.

Anonymous said...

If this can happen on 56th Rd what makes you think it can't happen anywhere else ?

Anonymous said...

This is what the little house's neighbors looked like Can you believe that the new buildings on either side did no damage?

Anonymous said...

How is a person supposed to access the exterior of their house for repairs, when the adjacent building touches it? What does the building code say (or not) about this?

Anonymous said...

How is a person supposed to access the exterior of their house for repairs, when the adjacent building touches it? What does the building code say (or not) about this?

It's an attached house!

Anonymous said...

It was a nice long block of small one family row houses. Now a huge home replaces the small quaint one and overloads the infrastructure and over populates the neighbourhood.

Anonymous said...

How is a person supposed to access the exterior of their house for repairs, when the adjacent building touches it? What does the building code say (or not) about this?

Have you never seen row houses before?

Anonymous said...

To the last Anonymous writer RE exterior of houses:

How did the builders work on the large homes' exteriors without standing on the roof of the small original row home? Think about that...

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