Sunday, February 28, 2016

Will council allow illegal aliens to vote in city elections?

From the Queens Chronicle:

This bill, first reported by the New York Post on Monday, would grant illegal immigrants the right to vote in city elections. And that’s where a crystal clear line in the sand has to be drawn: absolutely not. No way. Never.

The bill has not been introduced yet; no record of it exists in the City Council’s online legislative database. According to the Post report, it is expected to be laid on the table in the spring. And it was recently discussed at a gathering of the Black and Latino Caucus.

Bertha Lewis, the former head of the leftist group ACORN, which was disbanded over its shady practices, is among those lobbying for the measure.

“We want to expand the right to vote for everybody, not suppress the vote,” the Post quoted Lewis as saying at the ethnic caucus event. “What a radical idea.”

Yes, it sure is a radical idea — when you want to expand the vote to people who either broke the law as soon as they arrived in the country, or did it when they violated the terms of their visas by not leaving when they agreed to leave.

That’s going to be a bridge too far for all but the most radical members of the Council, and seeing who supports the bill will be a good measure of determining who really is radical. According to the Post report, Lewis has discussed it with members including Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Councilman Jumaane Williams of Brooklyn and Dromm. Among those three, only Williams has said he supports it so far. Dromm’s office declined to comment on it when asked this week by the Chronicle.


Anonymous said...

This is also what the lesbian Clinton and mayor want.
God help millions of New Yorker's who didn't get out in time if shes elected, a tsunami of deep nasty deep shit is coming if she is next president !

Anonymous said...

well this talks about ILLEGAL Immigrants what about those with valid Green cards will they be aloud to vote? If so why not just abolish US Citizenship as it is unnecessary except to serve on jury duty

Anonymous said...

Bertha Lewis should be thrown in jail, where she richly belongs. She is a low life piece of gutter trash barely this side of legal on anything--and very likely not on the side of legal on a lot of things. Anyone on the city council who votes to undermine our citizenship and allow a bunch of common CRIMINALS have the same rights as citizens is not fit to hold any office, not even dog catcher. They will have denigrated the entire meaning and significance of citizenship in order to pander some measly votes from very low information voters whose contribution to our city is to suck heavily off its teats in welfare, education, medical, and other benefits to which they have not one single right.

Anonymous said...

This is not fair....I am a citizen for a reason. would they like it if I broke into their countries illegally and voted for their elected officials? I am sure that I would be thrown in jail and then deported. In mexico they give away id cards with fingerprints to show when you vote. come the usa don't have a fingerprint system verification system?

Anonymous said...

There is a breaking point. At one point reasonable people speak up and these nonsense bills get put away for another few years.

I remember, VERY FONDLY, how Tim Russert, in the 2008 Democrat Primary, asked HRC what she thought of Eliot Spitzer's plan to give illegal aliens drivers' licenses.

Her gibberish of an answer still makes me laugh, and was part of the ultimate decline that lost her the Primary to BHO.

His death a few months later was not related, I am sure.

These plans sound great to these losers while they are all sitting around patting themselves on the back. They will change their mind when the phone starts ringing with complaints. None of them has an actual backbone.

Anonymous said...

How does a resident renounce their NYC citizenship? There might be benefits to this action considering the idiocy of the NY City Council.

Jon Torodash said...

No need to worry just yet: passing a law like this is beyond the Council's authority. Rest assured, everyone - you cannot vote in NY State anywhere unless you are a US citizen 18 or older ( § 5–102 (page 94)) The members supporting this are a mix of political panderers and plain ignorant, who know this is little more than political theater that makes for good press releases to keep up their public visibility among the special interest groups who help them get elected.

(sarc) said...

President Barack Hussein Obama stated on Wednesday, the 19th of June 2013, in Berlin Germany, that he is a "Citizen" of the World...

Anonymous said...

if we don't get Trump we get AMNESTY

Anonymous said...

undocumented Democrats

Anonymous said...

US Citizenship as it is unnecessary except to serve on jury duty

Forgetting the taxes my friend. Even if you don't live here as a citizen you have to report your income to the IRS.

Anonymous said...

New low for the DemocRATS.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Said: "How does a resident renounce their NYC citizenship? There might be benefits to this action considering the idiocy of the NY City Council."


Anonymous said...

Stick a fork in NYC, we are done.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Of course they will,Deblasio's IDNYC makes them legal in everything else why not elections.

Why become a citizen when you get all the rights and benefits and don't have to pay taxes, serve on jury duty etc.

Anonymous said...

Re: "once again it is not barack..."

Actually, you have to get your facts straight. The administration makes it looks like they're deporting more than they are because they count what are called returns in the same way as removals, which are the real deportations.

Look up returns vs. removals, see where you've been Gruberized and tap the caps lock key once while you're at it.

Anonymous said...

If only it were as simple as that, Jon Torodash.

The state Election Law appears to resolve the ambiguity in the constitution. Section 5-102(1) of the law states: “No person shall be qualified to register for and vote at any election unless he is a citizen of the United States.” Although that provision sounds definitive, Section 1-102 of the same law issues a caveat: it says specific provisions of other laws shall override provisions of the Election Law, unless the Election Law explicitly states that no other law may take precedence. According to Jerry Vattamala, an attorney at the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, a City Council bill authorizing noncitizen voting would take precedence over the Election Law, because the Election Law could have – but did not – specify that the citizenship requirement would stand irrespective of other laws.


Anonymous said...

the dems.agenda is to flood the nation with illegal voters ,so the dems will never lose an election.It really does not matter in NYC.(6-1) dem majority, mostly Marxists.

Jon Torodash said...

Section 1-102 of the same law issues a caveat: it says specific provisions of other laws shall override provisions of the Election Law, unless the Election Law explicitly states that no other law may take precedence. According to Jerry Vattamala, an attorney at the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, a City Council bill authorizing noncitizen voting would take precedence over the Election Law, because the Election Law could have – but did not – specify that the citizenship requirement would stand irrespective of other laws.

An excellent and troubling find. We have quite a complex issue on our hands. Everyone who wants to be better informed should read that summary.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Torodash for good info and a respectful answer to more info.

Save the Republic.

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