Thursday, February 4, 2016

Introducing CleaNYC

From NY1:

The city has launched a new initiative centered around being cleaner and greener.

Part of a new campaign called CleaNYC, the $4.2 million project includes an increased effort in removing graffiti from public and private buildings spanning 40 million square feet of space each year.

The Sanitation Department is sending seven teams every Saturday to clean an extra 100 miles of road along highway shoulders and ramps.

The city is also expanding Sunday trash pickup by 40 percent to accommodate heavy traffic neighborhoods.


Anonymous said...

Good idea duhblazio, but can we start with the subway and the insane homeless who use the cars as their toilet? Those can use some cleaning too. Thanks.

Joe Moretti said...

YOU can fucking start with Jamaica!!

Fuck, this idea just came to the Mayor after decades of being probably the filthiest city in the USA.

Anonymous said...

Okay so what about cleaning the subway stations? Why not put some money in that DiblASSio?

Anonymous said...

Will these trucks remove all of the "Cash for Cars" signs?

Anonymous said...

About fucking time. The highways in Queens have been looking pretty Third World since de Blasio took office. Let's see if this makes any difference.

Anonymous said...

Like it or not, graffiti is part of our crusty New York character.
They will waste millions of dollars with this waste of time effort.
Don't get me wrong, I hate graffiti!
Maybe if these graffiti vandals would put up political messages criticizing our incompetent government, I'd even pay for the paint!
Can you visualize a huge sprayed message on the BQE saing, "Duh Blasio is clueless"?
I'd go for that!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right. More wasted taxpayer money.
How much did those snazzy trucks cost?
You cannot erase the graffiti problem with a nice PR logo on a truck.
This will fail along with those stupid City Bikes and bike lanes.
You and I pay for this foolishness.
The mayor and his pol squad surely don't!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the increase in graffiti a is partially due to the closure of "5 Pointz" the legal aerosol art center.

Lenin said...

In a way I admire graffiti practitioners.
With a few sweeps of a spray can, the underprivileged can piss all over the wealthy.
That's real Democracy.

Trotsky said...

Graff is a thumb in the eye of the aristocracy.
Up the proletariat!

Anonymous said...

You might be able to erase graffiti, but you will never be able to erase the desire to do it.
Napoleon Bonaparte's soldiers left their graffiti all over the monuments of Egypt during his Egyptian campaign.
The Temple of Dendur, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art sports some graffiti.
"Kilroy was here" and shall remain!
This is just another Duh Blasio move to make it look like he's doing something.

Anonymous said...

Graffiti keeps real estate values down. Yuppies are afraid to gentrify such areas displaying it.
In a way, isn't that maintaining an "affordable housing" stock?

Anonymous said...

What nonsense is this?

Is DuhBlasio channeling the Taliban? He is going to go around destroying 'art'?

What will the ghetto crowd do now?

Just paint over it so they have a new canvas.

Anonymous said...

How about we cut a hand off each "artist" when they're caught and tattoo a scarlet "G" on their foreheads! That might eliminate the need for this.

Anonymous said...

Clean the fucking subways you moron !!

(sarc) said...

Why not invest some money in the NYPD Grafitti Task Force?

Lock up these vandals!!!

JQ LLC said...

So now all the plans are in place for rapid mestasization luxury and aggregate median income development, graffiti has outlived it's usefulness amongst the huer city planners and REBNY progrom cabal of property pimpin' vampires.

A lot of the appeal and the hipness quotient of tagging and it's influence on scofflaw art ("street" art) over the last decade was what brought Generation Gentrification here in the first place. It's a main part of the Brooklyn brand. Pollution and blight also, furniture, appliances and massive garbage bags are everywhere in the "hot" towns as you see in the current slums of Jamaica and East New York. The hipshits pay stupid money to pseudo-slum and live vicariously. It's worth it to eat artisanal fare and get drunk and yell in the streets afterward,

And I am certain that people have seen how much garbage these luxury tumors amass during collection. Why do you think the rats are so unusually large. They look like they are in the second evolutionary stage.

And yes better believe that the whole city has become a canvas since those idiots knocked down 5 pointz.

And there's something about the Big Slow that seems a bit off. I think the real DeBlasio is still campaigning for Hillary and is in New Hampshire right now. And this Frankenstein in the dumb looking jacket made for pr and the media is an imposter. I recall Saddam Hussein did the same thing to avoid assassinations, and I think Big Bad Bill just doesn't want to face anyone local or impending charges.

Anonymous said...


They are busy waking up sleeping commuters now.

Hey that's one way to fight crime.
Instead of catching the criminals with all the modern technology we have today.
Feel sorry for the police officers. That's not what they signed up for.

Anonymous said...

How about fixing the streets? Most of the major thoroughfares in Queens are a collection of potholes, sinkholes, crumbled asphalt shingles, burnt out street lights just where it's most dangerous not to be able to see, faded street lane markings and uncollected trash. But they have money for stupid projects like lobbying to get rid of the horses so the horses can go to slaughter and his development buddies can buy up the stable land for themselves, raises for incompetent utterly corrupt city council members, feeding and breeding illegals, etc.

Anonymous said...

Cut off a hand? Very extreme.
You sound very much like an ISIS whacko.
Your brain has obviously had a good portion of the blood supply cut off to it.

Anonymous said...

The best way to clean up New York is at the polling place.
A good douche starts with flushing out your crooked local council member.
Gad! There are so many of them!
NYC needs a good political enema, not another redundant anti graffiti campaign.
The old one hasn't worked yet.
WTF is the NYPD "rubber gun" vandal squad doing these days?

(sarc) said...

How do you vote out the old useless local council members.

There is quite the uphill battle when the old useless local council members start out with more than 50% of the vote from the leeches sucking on the government teet...

Anonymous said...

Seen graffiti on LIRR in Sunnyside yard

Anonymous said...

wasnt there an announcement last year that each council member was bein allotted a significant budget for clean ups? is this on top? why dont they cut the political crap and just pick up the garbage dumped on all our residential streets? oh, i forgot, that would be the right thing to do...

Anonymous said...

Just as hiring 137 additional traffic agents won't make the city streets safer,this won't keep graffiti at bay. Instead of traffic agents,expand the Highway Patrol. And instead of cleaning graffiti,hire more cops to staff the Citywide Anti-Graffiti Task Force.

Oh,i forgot,he hates the Police......

Anonymous said...

This sounds like the Scout program.....

Anonymous said...

Which pol's son or daughter got the contract to design the log for this fiasco?
How much did they get paid with taxpayer dollars?

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