Saturday, January 30, 2016

Legislation to stop DOB from penalizing disaster victims

From Sheepshead Bites:

City Councilman Mark Treyger has introduced a bill to block the Department of Buildings from penalizing homeowners and tenants who are trying to recover from natural disasters.

“Nobody should be left worse off by the recovery process than if they never participated in it at all, and the onus should be on the city and contractors to comply with rules and regulations related to Sandy Recovery work, not residents,” Treyger said in a press release. ” It undermines the public’s trust, faith and willingness to participate in recovery programs.”

Treyger cited several examples of Sandy victims being penalized by the DOB while awaiting long-overdue assistance from storm recovery programs. He highlighted the story of a Brooklyn resident received a $500 penalty for failing to repair his Sandy-damaged property. The man testified at a hearing that Build it Back had investigated the damage and he was “was waiting for promised financial relief and advised not to make any repairs until he received it.”


Res Ipsa said...

The City is penalizing disaster victims for building issues. Meanwhile, all kinds of crap is being constructed all over Queens and they don't investigate it, much less issue fines. WTF.

JQ LLC said...

Bizarro City foments bizarro justice, Res

It's almost conspiratorial that these measures are meant to drive people out of the towns and poach the properties for saturation development.

After the recent purging of I recall hundreds of corrupt officals, this cheap, sadistic and arbitrary type of enforcement still goes on.

The divide continues

Anonymous said...

This is a copycat strong arm tactic HUD uses to make folks sell, especially in areas where the neighborhood is "to white" or "to white and old" !!
---when high taxes dont work just find more ways crush into submission.
Progressive Satans like Obama and the DiBlasio dont like small private 1 family homes taking up space and want to blockbust streets to create change. or as some say "Legacys to themselves"

Anonymous said...

Seems we are living in some sub-Saharan corrupt African country and not in NYC.
Federal investigation NOW into all the shady shit.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking the other day that the only remaining green-space in NYC was the grass in between housing project towers...

Not anymore.


Ned said...

You will never witness a federal investigation or many federal laws enforced with the Obama admistration attempting to annihilate America, its Construction, white middle class and 2 party systems beyond repair. Be ready for some of the nastiest executive action, mass border openings and riots this country has ever seen months before Obama is slated to leave office.
--and that’s if this Hitler doesn’t construct some occurrence to abuse the many statutes in the "Patriot act" to "stay in office, declare marshall law, suspend elections and constutional rights during an emergency" (allegedly to keep goverment continuity and protect us) This is all fact look up and dont say this cant happen !!

A "sub-Saharan corrupt African country" is an understatement!
We are going to be royally f_cked over every way possible in the coming year !!


Anonymous said...

>--and that’s if this Hitler doesn’t construct some occurrence to abuse the many statutes in the "Patriot act" to "stay in office, declare marshall law, suspend elections and constutional rights during an emergency" (allegedly to keep goverment continuity and protect us) This is all fact look up and dont say this cant happen !!

People on the internet have been saying this will happen when Clinton left office, when Dubya left office, and now with Obama. I bet before my time, before the internet, people were saying the exact same thing about every President before them.

Yet it's never happened, not even in the middle of World Wars. And it won't happen this time either. The people, the opposition party, our institutions would not allow it.

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