Sunday, January 31, 2016

Civics find Vallone covenant bill's requirements cumbersome

Vallone Ltr Re DOF Covenant Form

DOF Restrictive Covenant Form-final


chico0100 said...

Another Stinky special. He claims to be on the side of the homeowners and those who wish to keep their neighborhoods beautiful, but he creates barriers to make it more difficult/expensive/complicated to do so.

He's like a Democratic Ted Cruz....extremely unlikable while. at the same time, pulling the wool over his constituents.

"Bought and paid for he is" Yoda

Anonymous said...

What did you expect? Queens has been CityHall's and developer's playground for years.

Jerry Rotondi, BFHA member said...

Let's keep it really simple.

Vallone's bill is a bogus bill.
Vallone is a developers' lobbyist.
Vallone deliberately introduced this phony bill to placate voters of the area, and fool residents into thinking he is on their side.
Vallone gave it no teeth in order to please his developer-speculator clients. This is most important.
Vallone , and his fee paying developer clients , do not want to put any real roadblocks...
which might block any opportunities for them both, to make money off of your neighborhoods.
Vallone is just another one of your run of the mill rapacious politicians looking out only for themselves...
another wolf in sheep's clothing.

Anonymous said...

So after you jump through all those hoops and go through all that trouble, what happens?
Nothing. You may as well be registering your deeds at the McGoldrick Public Libaray.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he can get the DOT and the DOS to register deeds too.

Anonymous said...

If chrome dome is sweating, it ain't the pepper he puts on his pasta.
He's reading Queens Crap. The Don has been unmasked.
Vote this shady pol out, unless you want another few years of getting porked!
He's make a great dominatrix for all of you S&M fans...a strong bald man with whip in hand.

Anonymous said...

Keep on calling him "Stinky". It's you dumb voters who really stink for electing this chitrool!

Anonymous said...

Nobody really gives a shit what all of these anemic civics say. Does Queens Civic Congress think they have any balls?
NYC big politics rides right over them with ease. Civic flapjacks...that's what they are. Just pour the maple syrup over these flattened blowhards.

Anonymous said...

Look at the nerds that compose a lot of these civic organizations.
They are afraid of their own shadow to ever really turn up the heat on a crooked pol like Vallone
Write a "stern" letter in lieu of a good kick in the ass.
The Vallone family dynasty has had their hands in the political pie since Charlie "the judge" Vallone in the early 1950s.
Look at how La Famiglia has ruined Astoria. And you elected this low performing bum to represent you?
He represents developers! This two faced thug has been screwing you while sporting his signature pasted on smile.
How does it feel? Oooh, it hurts, doesn't it?
Maybe, finally, everybody is beginning to get his number.

Anonymous said...

We took the community’s long standing battle to City Hall and delivered exactly what we said we would,” said Council Member Paul Vallone

That's a quote from stinky's press release. I don't recall Stinky saying he would deliver a registry at the Dept. of Finance. Is that what Westmoreland and BFHA asked for?

Anonymous said...

St. Andrews is having registration soon maybe stinky can get them registered there too.

Anonymous said...

Since this first started being discussed, I've been warning the civic and homeowner associations that have deed restrictions/covenants that this bill is total nonsense.

The bill that we needed was simple: put a flag for each property at the Department of Buildings AND have them enforce the deed restrictions so that permits would not be given out until the requirements were satisfied.

This was replaced by Vallone's truly bullshit bill, which had NO enforcement or flag of any kind. Instead, it was supposed to allow people to register their deed restrictions with the Department of Buildings so that they would "keep a public list" of them, which was pretty useless to begin with.

Now with it having been shifted to the Department of Finance - and this ridiculous paperwork to boot - we can see what complete garbage all of this has been.

Back to the top of this post: some of those civic leaders listened to me and have made it clear to Vallone that this entire process has been a joke; others stuck their heads in the sand and made noises that its better to get something than nothing at all. To them I say this: YOU GOT NOTHING AT ALL, and Vallone is going to pretend that he delivered the world to you.


Paul Graziano

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Jerry Rotondi, BFHA member said...
Let's keep it really simple.

Vallone's bill is a bogus bill.
Vallone is a developers' lobbyist.
Vallone deliberately introduced this phony bill to placate voters of the area, and fool residents into thinking he is on their side.
Vallone gave it no teeth in order to please his developer-speculator clients. This is most important.
Vallone , and his fee paying developer clients , do not want to put any real roadblocks...
which might block any opportunities for them both, to make money off of your neighborhoods.
Vallone is just another one of your run of the mill rapacious politicians looking out only for themselves...
another wolf in sheep's clothing.


Did you actually go to the hearing? If not, please stop posting old man. IF you did actually go to the hearing, you would know the DoB is a worthless agency who didn't consent to anything. They claimed their job isn't to enforce covenants, but to ensure plans are in line with zoning laws and that job sites are safe.

Get it through your mind, the DOB does not care about your neighborhood, whatsoever. Vallone actually tried here, but covenants are a lost cause outside of the civil world.

Jerry Rotondi, BFHA member said...

At least this savvy "old man" has enough balls left to post his name, unlike the butt kissing coward who posts anonymously. And with age comes a little wisdom, I hope. Going to the hearing is a waste of time when you've got a city council member who is really on the side of developers. Vallone has deliberately submitted a watered down bill to please his REBNY clients. The truth hurts, doesn't it Mr. Councilman?
A Tiger with no teeth is useless. Likewise Vallone's bill, with no teeth, is a just piece of paper. Paper Tigers and toilet paper bills.
You have been taken to the cleaners by a narcisistic opportunist. ,

The F said...

It looks like one of the Vallone stooges have taken offense with Mr. Rotondi's
simple but accurate analysis....which has , obviously, struck a deep nerve here!
If everybody had some spine and spoke up,
shady pol's like Vallone wouldn't be using them for a doormat.
Vallone is playing both sides (deveoper's and constituents) for HIS gain. There's an old Yiddish saying. "You cannot dance at two weddings with one tookas".
Now, Vallone is quite an ass. Granted. But playing both sides with one ass guarantees that he will be bitten on his, soon.
Wait until primary day. There are an awful lot of unsatisfied voters who he's screwed!

Anonymous said...

Even BFHA's prez (a staunch Republican?) dare not cross Vallone. Maybe he desires a judgeship someday.
In the Democratic dictatorship of Queens, to be appointed or elected to a position , requires some nasty French kissing of Dem big wigs.
So, let's keep it all civil like BFHA has been doing for years, which gets them NOWHERE in these modern times.
An antique org with white Olde Tyme people. Learn to become more like Israeli commandos who take no crap!
There is no longer godfather Padavan to pull your bacon from the flames with just a simple phone call.
Kiss your fine nabe good bye. Your armchair warrior status has been cancelled. It is as weak as some of the octogenarian thinking going on here.

Anonymous said...

I love the "old man" reference. So we have some age discrimination here too.
Anti Asian bigotry...gets a partner.

Jerry Rofondi, BFHA member said...

I have been well aware that the DOB is a worthless ageny for at least 30 years.
A worthwhile council member finds ways around a crooked, prone to sludgery and bribery, agency.
Council member Harrison did in downtown Flushing. At least she tried.
She was not on the payroll of REBNY.

Steve, from Douglaston Hills said...

Cumbersome requirements are just one way to emasculate us residents.
Dump Vallone before he dumps our quality of life!
Historically, the Vallones dumped in their own backyard, and when filled up with fecis, they moved.
Look at Astoria. I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Vallone did not support the Douglaston Hill historic district extension. There is even his letter RE that on file.
He 1/4 heartedly went through some shifty motions to let Broadway Flushing think he was supporting their bid for landmarking.
He is REBNY's butt boy. That's his primary job. Being a city council member provides his side income.

fellow BFHA member said...

Where do you conclude that Jerry Rotondi is an "anonymous BFHA member"?
He posted his name, didn't he? That is not exactly "anonymous". He is also a BFHA member...also a fact.

Anonymous said...

Hanophy should be fired , if bylaws permit, as BFHA president.
He is never visible at these rallies representing BFHA...WHICH IS HIS JOB!
But the pussy footing members do not have the strength of character to pursue this.
They are happy to have any warm body assume the onerous position of the presidency of their organization.
Thus, they have Hanophy.

Anonymous said...

At least "old man" Rotondi's words have been backed with action for decades.
What are your ramblings backed with attending one f-----g meeting?
LOL! Vallone has his obviously got his squad of posters working , trying to malign a real community leader.
I think that some real truth has been spoken and some liars cannot stomach it. Phony Valloney! There ya go!

Jerry Rotondi, BFHA member said...

Thanks for your defense of me.
I'm quite happy that I got somebody to the point of getting so riled up, that he or she had to dismiss me as being just an "old man".
Bingo! I won the round.

Anonymous said...

Isn't prez Hanophy assistant DA?
He won't rock the boat.
He has publicly said that personally he does not believe in a historic district for Broadway.
Yet, Broadway residents have twice already overwhelmingly voted in favor of one.
So, why is Hanophy still president? I'd call him lax or an out and out traitor to the org.
Dump Hanophy. Dump Vallone!

Anonymous said...

BFHA...the old gray mare, she ain't what she used to be.....too white and polite for today's action world.
And soon posh Broadway will see its treasury frittered away. Defending Rickert Finlay is costly.
When the cookie jar is eventually empty, there go the precious covenants.

Anonymous said...

These ridiculous provisions are poison pills. This is Vallone's way of being able to say he achieved something for our neighbourhoods while, in fact, knowing it would be impossible to adhere to it and get any advantage. What a con artist.

Anonymous said...

I find Vallone a cumbersome smiling bore!

Anonymous said...

A poll lives through photo ops...and that little meeting Vallone had with you, was photographed...
so all of you gullible voters will think he is with you when his next flyer is mailed.
Actions speak more truthfully than pictures of a smiling crooked pol with a few of his ass kissing constituents.
What is wrong with America is that it is being run by career politicians. The Vallone family are career politicians!
If you want to vote for change, then change your old pol for a new one that is with you at the next primary.
Vallone must go if Broadway is to see a change for the better.

Anonymous said...

Vallone a mere con artist?
He hails from a family of consumate crooks.
And he is the dumbest of the Vallone brothers.
You should see his daddy working the ropes.
Now that con artist is really skillful.
Paul is like dumb Fredo of the Corleone family.
He is given a living but not to be trusted with much more.
I wouldn't even trust him with writing a will.

Anonymous said...

You wait. Somebody's going to trounce him in the primary.
He has disappointed most of his constituency!

Anonymous said...

Vallone has his obviously got his squad of posters working , trying to malign a real community leader.

Don't blame the guy.
Once the Asians have their own candidate running against him, he'll be done.
Talk about poetic justice!
Well deserved I might add.

PS. Where is the newspaper guy calling everybody a racist who points out some uncomfortable facts? He is also a paid shill, political hack, democrat operative.
And you guys wonder why we are in such a mess?

Anonymous said...

Are you off your meds?
You are barely lucid. WTF is the point that you are trying to make?
"Don't blame the guy"....."newspaper guy" , et al.
Man, speak clearly. I will!
It's a bitter pill that the voters have swallowed .
Vallone is a shady self serving crooked schmuck (prick)!

Anonymous said...

How will an Asian become the next councilman?
There aren't enough Asian votes in the district for a landslide victory.
An Asian Assemblyman winning? Yes.
Check the census stats. Asians comprise approximately 12%.
of the council district. Yes, there might be some gerrymandering in the future.

Anonymous said...

If you mean Vallone when you say, "Don't blame the guy".....ah, but we do!
An awful lot of the voters regret having pulled for Vallone ,
and are sick of his phony unfulfilled promises to improve their quality of life in their neighborhoods.
Vallone has been busy pulling the schlongs of his developer friends and getting paid well for jerking us off too.

Also, Vallone ran on the xenophobic ticket. He positioned himself as the "great White hope" (otherwise you'd get an Asian). A few have heard him brag this all around St. Andrews....surreptitiously, of course. A man who is capable of using his God for personal gain, is capable of anything.

Anonymous said...

Political hacks. Now that describes Don Paulo very well.

Anonymous said...

So what is BFHA's write one of these letters too?
Who will sign it...president Robert Hanophy? LOL!
You've got a soft boiled egg chairing your organization.
He will have to pass a draft of such a letter before the "church ladies garden judging committee"
for their approval.

Jerry Rotondi, BFHA member said...

This would all be so funny if the situation weren't so serious.
Being a member, it's probably wrong for me to be saying this but
maybe BFHA does need a good shot of B12 to zap things up a bit.
I apologize now, if my frank speaking should insult anyone.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Donald Trump would be willing to buy Broadway for its votes.
A "HUGE" donation to the BFHA Rickert Finlay legal defense fund could do a lot.

Anonymous said...

Ever hear the old phrase, the "patience of an Oriental"?
Soon Broadway will be patiently bought up...built according to zoning...and will become the fine homes of many an "oriental potentate" with money.
Just like the wealthy Bukharians settled in the Cord Meyer section of Forest Hills and the rich Italians have built their palazzos in Malba,
Broadway will become the area of choice for wealthy Chinese American businessmen.

Queens is in the midst of forming its ethnic neigborhoods that once flourished in Manhattan.
This is the real American way, and to be admired.

Anonymous said...

So somebody defeats Vallone.
Could they be skillful enough in the "art of the deal" to get what's Broadway needs?
The city council is full of REBNY vipers.
He'd better be a good snake charmer to get some laws passed that would benefit us.
Remember how hard Avella tried to work the city council?
They tried to screw him at every turn because he wasn't tied to their REBNY contributors.
But you gotta have faith. Tony did his best for us and got a few wins.
I never believe in any of that best of two evils crap.

Anonymous said...

Are you off your meds?

Yeah man enjoying red wine now.

What is the problem? You don't understand sarcasm?
I'll be the last person standing up for any politician.
Don't blame the guy goes for the poster(s) on Paulie's behalf, because when he'll be done the paid shills will be out of a job!

"How will an Asian become the next councilman?
There aren't enough Asian votes in the district for a landslide victory."

You need a list? Even City Comptroller came from Flushing! Now how is that?
Can you name the others that won? Meng rings a bell?

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