Thursday, January 14, 2016

First subway shit stink of the new year

"It is just a few days into 2016 and yesterday, Jan., 11th. marks the first shit case. Passengers were standing on a packed platform; while others occupied two nearby benches, at Roosevelt Avenue station in Queens.

Suddenly, a shitty scent filled the atmosphere. A man full of shit was approaching. Passengers had to move away as fast as possible; in search of clean air. The shitty individual calmly walked and made a brief stop at the garbage bin in search of food. Passengers made a quick get-away as the E train pulled into the station.
This is happening in Queens; the world's borough according to Katz, the borough president. This is what passengers have to endure; time and time again.

Madam Katz, can you please send a letter to MTA boss, Tom Prendergast on this filthy matter. This condition is a health hazard and it is depressing.

In addition madam Katz, can you contact Mayor de Blasio. The homeless man needs to be taken to one of De Blasio's "drop in center." He is in dire need of a bath, food etc.

Velazquez, you are the counsel for Katz, Boranian, you are the liaison. Please make certain that your boss gets this message. Councilman Miller you are equally responsible for assisting in a resolution."

P. Hazel: Social Media Journalist for Justice.


georgetheatheist said...

Queens - The World's Bummo.

I hear the guy in these pix was invited by Katz to sit front and center at her State of the Borough next week. She'll be introducing him to the audience to take a bow a la the Ed Sullivan Show.


JQ LLC said...

This guy would have soiled himself anyway even if he had a home. Shitting in your britches is just mental. What these nuts need are "depends"

Or it could be a defense to keep from being detained by cops.

Anonymous said...

Lol....I was going to work one day a couple of years ago and I was in grand central station and all of a sudden I smelled shit. I then seen this guy with a big brown stain on the back of his pants. I walked all the way to the end of the platform just to get away from him. This sort of stuff is nothing new here. But the homeless population is getting worst and worst in nyc. Where is dumblasio when he's needed?

Anonymous said...

I see this guy at Roosevelt all the time. You can always smell him coming. Sometimes he's at Forest Hills too.

Jerry Rotondi said...

At least this is an honest stink.
The stench of political corruption seems ever present in Queens.

Anonymous said...

LOL! How true.
If the voters were aware of the stinking politicians they stupidly put into office,
we would have a cleaner borough.
Look at "Stinky", Paul Vallone. He does not need to carry a shit bag in his pocket to be identified.
At least here , his constituents have wised up to his having crapped all over them.

Anonymous said...

The ACLU will claim that the man is exercising his freedom of speech by crapping in his pants - he's commenting about the de Blasio administration.

Anonymous said...

I am glad someone caught an image of this. We are being overrun by people who aren't mentally fit everywhere throughout this city. Queens is a great borough despite what people say. The problem is that politicians (mayor's included) turned a blind eye to the city's decrepit shelters. So now they don't want to stay there and now have no other choice but to roam the streets and ride for free on our magnificent (sarcasm) subway system. DIBLASIO & CUOMO COULD CARE LESS !!

Anonymous said...

Im not surprised Boro Prez Katz has been keeping quiet about this problem. She didnt say a peep publicly when the issue of homeless in Laguardia Airport was in the news.

Anonymous said...

Friday night I went to use the computers in Flushing library and there was a brown splotch on the assigned seat.

Anonymous said...

A large part of problem is with the law and mayor himself. It has something to do about as long as they know their name and can answer a few basic questions the cops can touch them.
The mayor also doesn't want them migrating to Manhattan so its LAY OFF

Anonymous said...

This what you get with a socilaist mayor who hates cops and a citizenry who don't remember the late 1980's.

Anonymous said...

When you gotta go, you gotta go.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Alas, when the fixed powers that be simply continue to willfully ignore all social injustice, social contract and 'Civic Virtue,' then it's a betrayal of all leadership (that leads by example), and a willful devaluation of all honesty itself!

And, what's left after all honesty is devalued, is public decay and erosion, societal collapse and anarchy, in final stage (currently in mid-level progress).

Hence, we have long ago and far surpassed all 'lesser' evil categories of politically failed leadership that is now careening towards beggary, obscurity and quiet desperation---to ruinous, citywide effect!

That's why Civic Virtue matters---and always will---especially when the public representatives whose job it is to impart order, fairness and reason are intentionally devoid of it, as well as their civic obligations, whom they likewise ignore, with contempt and impunity that is unprecedented!

Anonymous said...

Who can actually attend the "State of the Borough" address--it is at 10 in the morning on a weekday!

Anonymous said...

Good way to get a seat on a crowded train.

Anonymous said...

Colorful, vibrant, diverse, STINKY....
Like Flushing on a hot August day!
At least the pants are not down to the knees like some dumb "bros".
The shit is contained from spilling out.
PHEW, anyway!

Anonymous said...

This young Asian woman, on the #7 train the other day, was eating some damn awful smelling stuff
I swear it actually smelled like a dump. A few passengers left the car. Smelled like rotten cabbage, whatever.

Anonymous said...

This young Asian woman, on the #7 train the other day, was eating some damn awful smelling stuff

Maybe it was stinky tofu - but it's pretty inconsiderate to eat "fragrant" and "pungent" food on the subway, where there's no ventilation.

Anonymous said...

"This young Asian woman, on the #7 train the other day, was eating some damn awful smelling stuff"

Just one of the many pleasures that come with riding the cesspool that is the 7 train. maybe she should find the car that the old man was clipping his toe nails in the other day and join him.

Anonymous said...

Blame the HRA employee's who should have already issued him his benefits many years ago AND called Adult Protective Services for him.

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